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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

G’mornin’, GN!

It seems that the leaked DNC emails might throw some sand in the convention gears this week; sure hope so. 👿

I thought this was a pretty good article: Why Are Voters So Angry?

It’s a bit long but covers a lot of ground succinctly. As such, I’ve forwarded it to some folks who have a hard time understanding my “radical” stances.


Just Sven
8 years ago

Good morning,

Whatever disrupts the Dems is fine with me. Another interesting coincidence with Trump saying the system is rigged and Sanders got screwed on Thursday, and then an email dump the next day confirming it. I’m buying some more popcorn for tomorrow.

Hi Fatwa!

Just Sven
8 years ago

It’s ironic that the Left is calling Trump’s vision of America unrealistic and “dystopian” when all we’ve been hearing for the last 8 years is that we are killing the planet.

Paddy O'Furnijur
8 years ago

A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!

Yesterday afternoon, a cool breeze came in from the ocean and this morning is noticeably cooler. It should only reach the 90 or so, today. I hope they get the fire in Sand Canyon under control -- it’s currently burned 22,000 acres and is only 10% contained.

I hope the attendees at the convention “Feel the Bern”.

Just Sven
8 years ago

Hey Paddy.

Mrs Sven had me watch a documentary last night which was quite interesting: Poverty, Inc. It explored the failures of foreign aid, the NGO industry, and the unintended consequences of doing good.

Worthwhile. It has on PBS or some such thing.

Just Sven
8 years ago

Sad to hear that Debbie Downer appears to have been booted from the convention lineup. Poor thing.

Paddy O'Furnijur
8 years ago

Sven -- Mrs. Paddy showed Poverty, Inc. at her church as part of her Faith and Film summer series. I haven’t watched it yet, but we’ve got the DVD and it’s on Netflix.

Paddy O'Furnijur
8 years ago

Thanks for the link, Fatwa. Good article, and one that needs to be read by everyone, no matter their political persuasion.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hai, Sven and Paddy!

I understand the DNC is making some minor organizational changes on the eve of their convention: