Fatwa, you are one sick puppy. Of course, the first thing I thought of when I read your comment in my email was that very image, which I have in my photobucket. I guess I am a sick puppy as well.
Seeing as how I haven’t had a haircut since our wedding almost six years ago, mine’s not very mullet-like; more like “party in the front and the rear”.
But Sven’s is still way longer, unless he’s had it cut since the last time I saw him.
The Greenville County Sheriff’s Office and Greenville Police Department will be addressing the recent clown sightings at a joint press conference at 4:15 p.m. Thursday.
I think they need to form a Joint Task Force on Clowns and Mimes.
Howdy, Wheelizens!
As soon as I saw Mac’s thread GIF, my inner-eight-year-old thought, “Stool-making robot…hee!!”
Google Images did not disappoint.
Something to make you feel good this morning:
Good morning, GN, and hi Fatwa!
Fatwa, you are one sick puppy. Of course, the first thing I thought of when I read your comment in my email was that very image, which I have in my photobucket. I guess I am a sick puppy as well.
Good morning, Sven. That area sounds like a political convention.
Hey Mac!
Off to work. Poof
Sure Happy It’s Thursday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, Sven, and Mac!
Robot stools and clowns in the woods -- I clearly need more coffee.
Heya, Sven, Mac and Paddy!
I wonder how long before we hear of the panic-induced Greenville Clown Trials?
“He’s a clown…burn him!!1!”
“It’s no use; he’ll just put the flames out with his boutonniere; aieeeeeee!”
Mac --
Heh. After ten years of hanging out here, maybe we’re starting to take on some of one anothers’ characteristics.
Of course, you’re probably right. Oh the humanity.
If I start wearing a mullet, I’ll blame you.
Heh. Probably the only time I ever pulled the wool over your eyes!
A MacMullet, eh?
Seeing as how I haven’t had a haircut since our wedding almost six years ago, mine’s not very mullet-like; more like “party in the front and the rear”.
But Sven’s is still way longer, unless he’s had it cut since the last time I saw him.
Why would Mac wear a mullet?

I’m confused!
Maybe in case someone asks him to dance?
Follow-up to Sven’s earlier link and Headline of the Day:
Sheriff’s Office, police to address clown sightings.
I think they need to form a Joint Task Force on Clowns and Mimes.
Will they all be arriving in one, small car?
Didn’t think of that; heh.
The cops? Probably not…between the steroids and teh donuts, you could get maybe three, maximum, into a clown car.