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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Teh yay for Friday!

Just read that the Cleveland Browns are off to another typical season, which might warrant a new logo.

8 years ago

Da Bears could use the same logo.
And Colin Kaepernick can KMA.

Good Morning EveryGerbillyBody from the it-almost-feels-like-Fall Central SE Texas prairie!

I hope everyone is well.

Work is work; the Accidental Texan continues to commit at least one FU a week, and my co-worker continues to be completely overwhelmed learning my former duties.
It’s only taken six weeks for him to begin screaming that the job is impossible for one person and he’s demanding Teh Mangler let us split the job.
And I did it alone for five years.

Other than that, we’re beginning the run-up to the annual VFD fundraiser, and I’ve decided the items I’m personally submitting to the auction are going under pseudonyms.
Stolen from the Car Talk staff credits.
I’m going to have a hard time not giggling at Vera Bruptly and Viola Fuss. Depending how many ‘tings I get done, Barbara Seville, Shara Zhad and Saul Omay may make appearances also.

Gotta get your giggles in where you can. 🙂

Just Sven
8 years ago

The Browns are always having tough seasons, Fatwa. But as long as we focus on Colin Kaepernick, no one will notice.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

Hiya, Sven!

There’s some truth to what you said. Sad!

Paddy O'Furnijur
8 years ago

Happy Friday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!

My next door neighbor came over last night with a bit of a problem. We have a common space between our homes and it seems the roofers wrapped her air conditioner in plastic to protect it from falling debris. They neglected to tell her and neglected to remove all of the plastic. As a result, her compressor overheated. Time to contact the roofer.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hi, Tex!!1! and Paddy!

TeX --

If you run out of “Car Talk” pseudonyms, you can always search YouTube for prank calls made to a place called The Tube Bar. (They’re legendary -- and real -- prank calls made in the early ’70s; they were the inspiration for the running gag of Bart Simpson calling Moe’s bar. WARNING: They’re crude, but some of them are funny as hell.)

More info here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tube_Bar_prank_calls

Paddy --

Criminy…pretty ginormous screw-up by your roofers; hope they do the right thing for you and your neighbor. (I cringe when I hear about stuff like that for obvious reasons.)

Paddy O'Furnijur
8 years ago

About that -- the roofer called me back, couldn’t believe that the tear-off crew would do such a thing, cast aspersions on HVAC repairmen, asked how old the AC unit was while saying he wasn’t going to fork out a couple of grand for a 20-year old system, and said he didn’t want to be an ass, but he doesn’t have deep pockets.

Yeah, this is going well.

Just Sven
8 years ago

Sheesh, that kind of sucks for your neighbor, Paddy. When we had our AC unit installed in July, I asked the guy about covering it in winter. He said don’t bother, it was made to be outside, and what he sees all the time is people forgetting to take the cover off and then firing it up.

Just Sven
8 years ago

Hi, Tex!

That Hillary! what a scamp!

Just Sven
8 years ago

Huh, In 1948, the Browns went 14-0. Pretty good. 1986-1988 were pretty good too, but the last 20 years, not so much.