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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Happy Caturday, GN!

schrodinger's cat wanted poster photo scrrodingers cat wanted poster_zps4szv3hya.jpg

I guess you expected more of him than I did.

I expected so very little but thought that perhaps MAGA might actually include a teensy bit more liberty. (Being that liberty is one of the things which actually made this country great.) I strongly suspected that was a foolish hope and that has now been confirmed by Trump offering the AG’s job to yet another scumbag who, like Holder and Lynch, ignores the parts of the Constitution he finds inconvenient.

Whether it comes from the left or right, I do not like it when someone wants to shove their “Vision for America” down my throat.

Paddy O'Furnijur
8 years ago

I’ll see your Schroedinger’s Cat and raise you a set of Schroedinger’s plates.

Just Sven
8 years ago

Huh. A dog doing a Parsi Hilton trick.

Happy Saturday and good morning, GN! Hi Fatwa!

Just Sven
8 years ago

Politicians are always going to disappoint us, but stuff like this never gets old:

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hai, Sven!

Cheers for that video. Info Wars now often provides more accurate reportage than the (alleged) mainstream media. Sad!

Paddy O'Furnijur
8 years ago

Happy Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!

I love me some ‘splody Liberal heads in the morning.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hai, Paddy!

Heh. I uploaded that Schrödinger’s plates image to Photobucket last night myself.

Need MOAR ‘splodey liberal heads…but I’d hate to have to hose down the State Capitol in Sac’to and large population center afterwards. OTOH, there’d be a carp-tonne of vacant housing in San Francisco.

I really miss how beautiful / charming much of that city is; be kind of cool if it got filled-up with libertarian types instead. Might be tempted to move back there. 🙂

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Went to Waddlemart late this morning for sundries and groceries and to my great displeasure, it was extremely busy for that time on a Saturday. Herds of waddlebutts with their hapless waddlespawn were gumming up the works.

One thing which amused me was the shelves were bare of all but tiniest jars of both Hellman’s and Duke’s regular mayonnaise. Plenty of “lite”, “canola oil” and other variations, ‘tho. It’s like the media reported a critical shortage of mayonnaise and people panic-bought for Thanksgiving.

I dunno…mebbe some mayo pipeline in Alabama exploded or there are organized mayo-jacking rings in this region…the southron version of Canuckistan’s ongoing maple syrup shrinkage problem:


Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Mac

Normally I’d have gone Thursday or Friday but I had rather a lot of roofing-related paperwork which I wanted to deliver by Friday (especially with next week being short). Spent about 12 hours on it both days.

My $20.00 Black & Decker coffee maker which I’ve had for about 3.5 years bit the big one this afternoon, so I went to the other nearby Waddlemart at dinner time, thinking it might not be so crowded.


But I got a price rollback $20.00 Mr. Coffee, used the self-checkout and for once didn’t get the resser-fresser “unexpected item in bagging area” warning (a rarity for me). 😉