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Paddy O'Furnijur
6 years ago

A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!

Whatever the heck are those things in the thread gif? Teh Younger is still asleep, so I can’t ask him.

Mrs. Paddy arrived home safely, has two days at home, then flies to KC on Tuesday morning.

Teh Older, Teh Younger, and I brewed a batch of beer recently for a homebrew competition. We delivered the finished product yesterday. It didn’t have as much time in the bottle as I would like, but there you have it. We aren’t hoping to win, just to get some feedback. The competition was just an incentive to get a batch brewed.

Just Sven
6 years ago

Good morning, and happy Sunday!

I see that the Oppressed Nation has some new members as NFL players join the ranks of the perpetually outraged and disadvantaged.

Not unexpected as the POTUS stupidly and inartfully weighed in on the issue last Friday. Too bad, cuz he could have made his point in a much better fashion and might actually have won the argument, but he always chooses the sledge hammer over the scalpel.

On the other hand, if the NFL really wants to get involved in social justice, well, here it is, boys. Let’s see how sales go from here on out.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Good morning, Paddy and Sven!

Been reading about the (alleged) “take a knee” protests by NFL players today.

My wish:

Do it. DOOOOOO IIIIIIIIIIT, you assclowns who get paid preposterous amounts of money to play a freakin’ game.

Because the more people who tune out and/or quit watching you morons, the less you’ll get paid. Good!

And I do have a dog in this fight: I’d love it if I never had to pay another penny -- at the point of a gun -- to subsidize your skanky asses and your billionaire bosses.

It has never once occurred to me that I should extort my neighbors to pay for, say, a jazz club where I could enjoy a form of entertainment which I enjoy.

It would not bother me in the least if every taxpayer-subsidized professional sports facility in this country got “Reichstagged”; I’m tired of paying extra sales taxes for this fucking bullshit.

One of the biggest reasons we dropped satellite / cable service was the number of damned sports channels we were paying for and never, ever watched; paying for programming we were so uninterested in was a very poor value for us.

Just Sven
6 years ago

I was watching the pre-game shows today, and to a “man” everyone was onboard with the “against Trump” position and crowing about how the league, the owners, the coaches, the players and even the referees were all united. Not one of them though thought to ask about how the fans are feeling.

34% Are Less Likely to Follow NFL Because of Protests

I’ve been a Raider fan forever, but haven’t watched them this season either pre or regular. And I won’t, well, maybe just a little tonight. And it’s it’s because of Marshawn Lynch, but beyond Lynch, it’s the Raiders organization’s refusal to address the issue that really pisses me off.

Just Sven
6 years ago

The NFL is a business. How “united” will they be as sales continue to slide?

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

If sales slide to a certain point, they’ll likely get bailed-out by the taxpayers.

The NFL is a filthy, greedy crony-capitalist enterprise; hope it crashes and burns. Ditto all professional sports “organizations” in this country; I’m beyond tired of subsidizing them via agents of the state with guns and dogs.

(Sorry…that’s how I feel.)

Just Sven
6 years ago

The problem, Fatwa, is that there isn’t a single organization, religion, government entity, or profession that is worthy of total respect or admiration. All of them are flawed because people are flawed.

The NFL saw this coming as attendance and viewership have been dropping since last season. They thought it would just go away and it might have had Trump not turned it up to eleven last week.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

I don’t expect perfection from organizations for the reason you stated.

But I resent like hell being forced to subsidize rich motherfuckers; all the moreso when they’re, shall we say, not very gracious about it.

As far as sports go: You want an MLB / NHL / NFL franchise in your town, fine. Just quit pointing a gun at my goddamned head and forcing me to subsidize your entertainment.

Feel the same way about GA’s liberal “tax credits” for film and TV production…so that our local politicos can rub elbows with the stars.