Teh Squeaky Wheel
Tuesday salutations, GN!
I got nuthin’ else; BBL.
Happy Tuesday, GN!
Winds are calm, but the Thomas fire continues to burn.
Good morning, Gerbil Nation! Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!
Since Hanukkah starts in the evening, does that make this Hanukkah morning?
Hai, Sven and Paddy!
Once again, hope that firefighters can make some real progress re the Thomas fire today.
Just noticed Mr. Wadministrator redecorated for Chanukah / Hanukkah; that’s very thoughtful.
Paddy --
I guess this technically isn’t Chanukah / Hanukkah eve; dunno what to call it. 😉
Since there are zero good tunes for this holiday, this’ll have to do:
Joos kilt teh thread.
I don’t think it was Teh Jooooos, per se, but rather their music.
Tuesday salutations, GN!
I got nuthin’ else; BBL.
Happy Tuesday, GN!
Winds are calm, but the Thomas fire continues to burn.
Good morning, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!
Since Hanukkah starts in the evening, does that make this Hanukkah morning?
Hai, Sven and Paddy!
Once again, hope that firefighters can make some real progress re the Thomas fire today.
Just noticed Mr. Wadministrator redecorated for Chanukah / Hanukkah; that’s very thoughtful.
Paddy --
I guess this technically isn’t Chanukah / Hanukkah eve; dunno what to call it. 😉
Since there are zero good tunes for this holiday, this’ll have to do:
Joos kilt teh thread.
I don’t think it was Teh Jooooos, per se, but rather their music.