Not nearly as lucrative as using the Weather Control Machine for -- in the words of Trayon White, Sr., the Genius of the Washington, D.C Shitty Council -- “controlling the climate to create natural disasters they can pay for to own the cities, man.”
On the heels of NPR using the Islamic description of Easter (Jesus didn’t die, he just ascended into heaven) and issuing a hasty retraction, we have this from the Wall Street Journal:
Happy Caturday, GN!
I see teh Svens got a new couch.
I got nothin’ else; BBL.
No room in the back for a pitchback, so we had to make due inside.
G’morning, Sven; my regards to teh missus (aka the Wracoon Wrangler™) if you’d be so kind.
Happy Saturday, GN!
You know what’s really evil? Rice Krsipee Treats.
Hi, Fatwa
It sounds like there’s a story there.
Of course they’re evil; there’s no chocolate in them.
Hai, Paddy!
CatRaccoonturday, Gerbil Nation!Good morning, Sven, and Fatwa!
Between the sofa inside and the water slide outside, The Svens have made a raccoon’s playground!
Too bad they can’t monetize it.
Do the Joooos control the Raccoon playground market, as well?
Nah; market segment’s too small.
Not nearly as lucrative as using the Weather Control Machine for -- in the words of Trayon White, Sr., the Genius of the Washington, D.C Shitty Council -- “controlling the climate to create natural disasters they can pay for to own the cities, man.”
It’s hard to argue with logic like that. I wouldn’t even try.
Apparently, “citrus fruits is citrus fruits”:
On the heels of NPR using the Islamic description of Easter (Jesus didn’t die, he just ascended into heaven) and issuing a hasty retraction, we have this from the Wall Street Journal:
It’s especially galling that money is extorted from us to pay for NPR.