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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Poor thread turtle…

Sunday greetin’s, GN!

Rather than another boring, angry rant, I will simply repeat: #BTFSTTG. đź‘ż


Paddy O'Furnijur
5 years ago

A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa!

That’s it. I got nuthin’, ‘cept stuff that needs to get done and not enough (or the right) time to do it.

Just Sven
5 years ago

Happy Sunday, GN -- I’ve not got much to offer up either.

Just Sven
5 years ago

I see that the Ford Train is still stuck at the station. My new prediction is that she won’t travel to DC to testify, but rather she’ll do a lengthy interview with 60 Minutes or some such other media outlet.

Just Sven
5 years ago

Reasonable advice in this day and age: “One of the most influential books in my life, 48 Laws of Power, has some advice the Republicans in the Senate, and especially on the Senate Judiciary Committee, must follow. Law 15 says, “Crush Your Enemies Totally.” If you don’t, they can rally and come back and destroy you. I have seen the truth of that over and over in politics, and it is especially crucial now.”


Just Sven
5 years ago

Good tune for a day off from work:

Just Sven
5 years ago

You got to love Leslie West…

Just Sven
5 years ago

“This is not a court of law, and this is not a debate about what constitutes due process for Brett Kavanaugh. Senators need to make a moral judgment over whether a man who has been credibly accused of sexually assaulting a 15 year-old girl deserves a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court.”

Credible. They keep using that word, but I’m not sure they know what it means.

Just Sven
5 years ago

Black flag. Torches. Tar. Pitchforks.