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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Happy “That’s Gonna Leave A Mark” Wednesday, Wheelizens!

This Kavanaugh confirmation process has shown me that I don’t have sufficient scorn for our Congress or our media. By at least an order of magnitude…probably moar.

Not to mention a large chunk of our fellow citizens of all persuasions.

Our Founders were not wrong in severely curtailing the size and scope of the FedGov; too bad we’ve become so debased. We really seem to have become a latter-day Roman Empire.


Paddy O'Furnijur
5 years ago

Happy Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa!

Can we go back and delve deeply into the past of the Leftist members of the SCOTUS and see if any of them threw ice at somebody? Given Ruth Bader-Meinhoff’s contemporaneous public utterances, I would think impeachment would be a slam dunk.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hey, Paddy!

Impeachment is primarily reserved for non-lefties; Clinton’s was an aberration.

Once again, I must mightily curse Gerald Ford for pardoning Milhouse. I believe that some iconic Time-Life B&W photos of that five-o’clock-shadowed scumbag glaring from behind prison bars might well have saved us a lot of mischief over the last four-plus decades.

“Rule of Law” is immoral when the rulers are exempt, but we tolerate it like a bunch of slaves.

Don’t think you’re a slave? Our FedGov enforces what you what you may or may not put into your own body. AFAIC, anyone who does not own their own body is a slave.

Just Sven
5 years ago

Thomas Friedman -- what a dick. Speaking of our “civil war”: “This also feels worse than the divisions over Vietnam and civil rights because there were three huge forces holding us together back then that are missing today: a growing middle class, the Cold War and a sane Republican Party.”

These assholes all thought everything was fine until the other side started fighting back.
