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Paddy O'Furnijur
5 years ago

A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!
Another stellar thread-gif, Mac!

Well, I got part way through with my taxes, yesterday. The online platform I was using was extremely slow, but at least I’ve got things started. Right now things are looking pretty grim, but I’ve still got to input charitable deductions and business expenses, so it should get much better.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Good morning, GN!

Hi, Paddy! Hope your tax situation improves significantly after you plug-in deductions and expenses.

“The income tax created more criminals than any other single act of government.” -- Barry Goldwater

No shit.

Fatwa — when you laugh in Hebrew, do you have to do it from right to left?

Heh. Actually, not so simple; backwards laughing makes me a bit colicky….and the gutturals make my throat hurt.