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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Happy “Slow Dancin’ Swayin’ To The Music” Wednesday, Wheelizens!

Got a call yesterday about a JimCo project which was “unawarded” to one of the contractors we bid against. There’s a fair chance I’ll be back in L.A. sooner rather than laterz; hope to know more by next week.

In the meantime, there are numbers to crunch towards that end; BBL.


I recall how ubiquitous this song was in ’77:

4 years ago

good luck with teh contract stuff. I remember Johnny Rivers, but for some reason that song has been edited out of my memory. I can’t remember hearing it.

I must have been a junior or senior in high school.

Star Wars was playin’ at the Cine Capri (and was there for a bit over a year)

As I remember, around that time, I wasn’t listening to the radio at all. That would probably explain it.

4 years ago
Reply to  dv8

That was probably my Gentle Giant / Prog Rock and Chick Corea / Prog Jazz period.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago

Happy Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning , Fatwa!

Sven -- I hope you got some good news from the ophthalmologist.

Fatwa -- good luck on the JimCo re-bid! And yes, I remember hearing that song all the time.

4 years ago

I’ve been up for a long time tonight/today. Time to get some sleep. See ya, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist


Hi, Paddy and dv8!

Thanks for the well-wishes, lads.

Hope dv8 gets some rest.

Sven — I hope you got some good news from the ophthalmologist.

Same here from both of us.


When “Star Wars” came out, I was managing a record store in a “working class” neighborhood in Chicago. Sold a carp-tonne of Kiss, Nugent, Black Sabbath, etc. in addition to stuff that was high on the charts.

Those same kids were buying the “Star Wars” double-album soundtrack at a furious rate. When I listened to it the first time, I was pretty shocked they were purchasing an orchestral soundtrack; that was my “indicator” the film was a bona fide cultural phenom.


I’ll just leave this riiiiiiight here:

debate life alert.jpg
4 years ago

Well I referred Sven to “this” post. which I somehow wiped out. If I can recreate it I think it was this:

Fatwa: How did we get from Johnny Rivers to Star Wars? Probably My fault.

Sven: Regarding what Fatwa wrote about the Star Wars Soundtrack:
That cultural phenomenon is what I was referring to regarding “context” in music appreciation. I’m not sure where my post went, Maybe I forgot to post it, actually. or is it in teh spam filter? I can check.

4 years ago
Reply to  dv8

I Guess I forgot to post it….

Just Sven
4 years ago

Thanks, guys. It isn’t great news, but that story will have to wait. Got another appointment tomorrow to check something else that I’ve been told by another doctor MUST BE CHECKED RIGHT NOW. I’m really at the “bite me” location.

Panic in the streets and in corporate boardrooms everywhere including teh bestest place ever. Can’t wait to see what plan they come up, which ought to be by Friday.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

I’m sorry it wasn’t great news, Sven. I’ll keep you in my prayers. Fortunately, Medicare-for-all isn’t a reality, yet, so “RIGHT NOW” doesn’t have to wait until “NEXT YEAR”.

4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

You’re in our prayers, Sven. We are all getting older. Also see above re: classical music and how Star Wars comes into play.

4 years ago

Re my missing post, I guess I forgot to submit it. The duplicate is not as good, but it gets the point across.

I miss Lazarus. That was an addon that auto saved what you typed in text fields in case of a crash or human error. But browsers don’t support it anymore. Security reasons, I understand, but still it was very useful and Harper loved it.