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Just Sven
3 years ago

Good morning, GN -- hoping that Mac and others dealing with winter made it through the night OK and that Dv8’s plumbing problems are resolved. I heard from my friend in Houston last night -- no power but they are keeping warm.

Last week, in response to CW star Morgan Wallen being hammered and cancelled, I bought his CD even though I’d never heard of this guy before. Then a couple days later, he came out with the usual sniveling apology promising to do better and begging for forgiveness. I cancelled my order.

Apologies are fine and expected when you do something wrong and in Wallen’s case a simple “sorry about that” would have been sufficient, although I would argue that no apology was even necessary for a verbal transgression that offended no one directly involved in the “incident.” You’ve lost me though when you fall on your knees and whimper to a crowd that is just pretending to be outraged.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Happy Michigan J. Frog Tuesday, Wheelizens!

Hey, Sven and Mac!

It’s currently 27ºF in Happy Larryville with a light dusting of snow (and some ice on the roads, as we had thunderstorms yesterday). Gonna have some more rainy days followed by sub-freezing temps for the next few nights; glad SackO’SugarK’s still working remotely.

I second Sven’s hopes for no “Climate Chaos!!1!” problems for the SW contingent.

Glad to read Mac seems to have had no problems; rest well, sir.

I really wish that folks would stop caving to the SJW mobs; AFAIC, they ought to be clubbed like baby Harp seals.


Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Once again, .gif won’t animate until I click on it.


Just Sven
3 years ago

Good to see you, Fatwa. Get some rest, Mac, and yes, it’s water today. Filling up the tub now, but I am looking forward to just peeing off the balcony -- that always feels like…FWEEDOM!

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Happy territory-marking, Sven!



<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Wait for it. <a href="https://t.co/Mza0dwOH8Y">pic.twitter.com/Mza0dwOH8Y</a></p>&mdash; The Red-Headed Libertarian™ (@TRHLofficial) <a href="https://twitter.com/TRHLofficial/status/1361652802104274947?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 16, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Huh…wonder why that embed didn’t work?

Here’s a direct link:


Just Sven
3 years ago

Funny, but too short -- I’d like to see happened afterwards.

Paddy O'Furnijur
3 years ago

Happy Frozen Southeast Tuesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven, Mac, and Fatwa!

Sven -- good luck today.

Mac -- good job keeping the pipes thawed. I wonder how your neighbors are faring?

Fatwa -- glad BrendaK gets to work remotely. Driving on ice is no picnic, especially with a bunch of nimrods surrounding you.

Just Sven
3 years ago

Got back in touch with my friend in Houston briefly -- no power and none expected until Thursday. Cold out there, which is something I never experienced in the 18 months that I worked there. Sounds like a real mess. Anyone heard from Tex?

Just Sven
3 years ago

Our water is back on -- bleeding the air out of the lines. There’s not many times that I wish I was Asian, but crawling under sinks is definitely one of those times. I’m too damn big and fat.

Just Sven
3 years ago

I remember in school a long long time ago, being taught that you shouldn’t help birds hatch. That you had to let them struggle to get out of their shells as that released certain hormones or some such thing that would strengthen the bird.That if you took away that struggle, that the bird would be weak and sickly. True? Kind of?

I thought of that while watching some fawning coverage of Joe and Kamala -- about how wonderful they were -- teh bestest ever -- and I thought no one in our history was ever elected that ran such a weak and lazy campaign. They had no campaign. They were never tested on the trail, never had to answer really tough questions or had to explain, in detail, what they planned to do, what their agenda was.

Not that political campaigns in our country are anything to brag about, but these two must be most well-rested pair to ever hold office. They were never challenged, never had to struggle, and that can’t mean anything good for us going forward.

Paddy O'Furnijur
3 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Very true, Sven. I read over at AoSHQ that our sockpuppet President has been skipping calls with Heads of State and that Knee-Pads Harris has been handling that task. Further, said Heads of State have been fine with it, rather than assigning a lower-level flunky to talk with our lower-level flunky.