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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Caturday salutations from Happy Larryville, Wheelizens!

I see Mac has put up another pun-filled thread pic. 😉

(And once again, thank you for diligently keeping this place spinning, sir.)

Is SCOTUS corrupt like every other aspect of the federal government or is there an explanation?

William of Ockham says “yes”.

Alternatively, perhaps a majority of Justices are somehow compromised, which effectively amounts to the same thing.

I’ve completely lost faith in government to do anything save for engaging in theft and (to-date) soft tyranny. Beatings, dunce caps, forced “confessions” and worse to follow. AFAIC, we’re well past the Claire Wolf line.


rachel potato head.jpg
Just Sven
3 years ago

Good morning, Fatwa -- happy day, GN.

Because govt tries to do everything, it can’t do anything really well. I recently read that the California legislature has over 2000 bills submitted and to consider this year, and that’s like a normal amount.

I understand that writing bills is what legislators do, but does society change that much every single year that 2000 new laws are needed every single year? No.

As Ed Abbey said, “Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.” Govt growth will eventually kill us all.

3 years ago

Happy Trash Panda Grabity … um … Paturday??

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hi, Sven and dv8!

I wish our Founders had established a third federal legislative body whose sole purpose was to repeal shitty / unconstitutional legislation with only a 1/3 -- or 1/4 -- minority.

Find it hard to disagree with the Abbey quote; perhaps, um, “radiation therapy” is called for. 👿

Paddy O'Furnijur
3 years ago

Happy Trash Panda Caturday -- Now with Moar Grabity!! -- Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, Sven, and dv8 (and Harper)!

I don’t know if the SCOTUS Justices are compromised, or if they just don’t want to lose the invitations to all those swell cocktail parties, but something has to change. And the way things are going, that change is not going to come in a gentlemanly way.

Just Sven
3 years ago

It would be nice for some frank discussion out of SCOTUS and if they would allow themselves to be put in an adversarial position where they could provide answers. Every other govt/public agency or organization has leakers, yet SCOTUS seems not to. Interesting.

Paddy O'Furnijur
3 years ago

I had an interesting meeting at work, yesterday. It was a zoom meeting with my boss (the head of special education), the principal, and the assistant principal. Currently the SPED department is not under the principal, so my boss and the principal are at the same organizational level, with the head of the school over both. My boss and the principal don’t get along -- my boss has had to take the principal to HR because of the principal’s comments. The assistant principal and principal are friends and the AP used to run the SPED department -- very poorly, I might add. Under my boss we’re serving more students, with more services, achieving better results, for less money.

The meeting was our monthly meeting to discuss how to improve the performance of SPED students on the state English Language Arts test. The principal commented that SPED teachers only teach 8 hours per week, so they could easily double their teaching time to help students. When my boss mentioned that all of their other duties already fill their days, she dismissed those other tasks as mere “paper pushing”. I should add that in our independent study model, teachers don’t actually teach, except for a few who work with their lower-performing students. Everything the general education teachers do would fall into what the principal dismisses as “paper pushing”. Anyway, this was the second time this week the principal has stated that SPED teachers hardly work. I told her that her comments were uncalled for and that I found them, frankly, offensive. She sputtered, and I moved ahead with the data she had asked to gather and asked why half of all SPED students weren’t receiving supplemental English supports from her teachers. She floundered a bit, said that she joining the meeting even though she was taking the day off and that she had some personal issues going on, then left. The three of us then had a good, frank discussion and started on plans for better collaboration between departments.

Later in the day I sent the head of school an email laying out what happened and stressing that we need better collaboration between the GE and SPED sides and that I’m committed to doing all I can for the success of the school and our students.

It’ll be interesting to see what happens on Monday.

Just Sven
3 years ago

Interesting that she “sputtered” as if she had no idea someone might object to her characterization and then ran off. Discuss, debate, argue, or change your position based on new information, etc. all seem to be things of the past.

In this day and age, Paddy, yeah Monday probably will be interesting.

Paddy O'Furnijur
3 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

She’s very protective of her teachers, yet she refuses to admit that the general education teachers are her responsibility, and if there is an issue with any, she doesn’t want to be involved. I’ve been careful not to appear to be attacking any of her teachers in the past when pointing out issues that need to be addressed, but that’s got to be a two-way street. Professionalism demands it, even if education is the least professional organization I’ve ever been involved with.

3 years ago

Wow. I’m glad I don’t work in big corp. Or big Ed. Of course, I also have no money or career… so there’s that…….