Household chores today -- doing some that I want to and looking the other way at the ones that need to be done, but that I just don’t want to do right now. Not the best strategy, but don’t you go judging me!
Glancing through the news headlines, much media sympathy with the Palestinians as the teh underdogs. Why is that? I thought the Joooooos controlled the media?
Honestly…It’s the commies who control the media, there just happen to be some mostly non-religious Jooooooooos that are also communists. Those are the same people who probably voted for Hitler and gun control.
gOoD luck on teh chores--doing the ones you want and ignoring the ones you don’t want to do.
Happy Embarrassed Kitteh Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!
Sven -- good luck with the chores. That’s what I’ve got on my plate today, as well.
Fatwa -- Biden won’t send Israel missiles to defend themselves, but he will send dollars to Gaza so they can buy moar Iranian rockets. All the while asking both sides to exercise restraint. I’ve noticed that the calls for restraint only start after Israel starts defending herself.
I’ve noticed that, restraint in defending women and children from murder but not in murdering women and children. I am so sick to see these attacks after the progress Trump made. Expected, but still sickening.
I expect there will be much more pressure to defund Israel than to stop support for the Palestinian terrorists. The next four years are going to be so bad.
AP’s Gaza bureau got blowed-up real good (as they were sharing an office building with Hamas), and they’re terribly upset; buwahahahahaha! (They got a phone call giving them an hour to evacuate.)
I’m sure they had insurance. It was just property; they can rebuild. 👿
I was so impressed with Pres. Trump’s progress in the Mid East. I feel like it’s all being undone. Israel is the only civilized modern country in the region AFAIK.
My only complaint about them is that since they rely on us for several billion in aid, I would expect a bit less socialism from them--a bit more free market, a bit less government. Just as if I were paying my kids bills, I would expect good grades and more Top Ramen--less sushi and partying on my dime.
I had a friend at PSU who was an Israeli Citizen, and I was amazed at the Nordic levels of largess he described. Although, much like the Nords, they are huge capitalist’s, as I understand it.
I guess we’re getting to the Nordic levels here at home also, so perhaps it would be hypocrisy to expect otherwise.
Harper has been working on helping me get rid of stuff that I don’t need. Our little house is still too crowded from our move in 2014. She really is doing a great job at it. I’m so impressed. I get so overwhelmed, that I can’t even understand what to do about a given mess.
Seriously though, it’s always been very frustrating to me why Jews vote for jew-hating dem… um… communists. I’ve had it explained to me several times by some very smart mostly Jewish people, but it creates so much cognitive dissonance in my brain that I can never retain the explanation.
Perhaps I should take notes on it next time, using my old friend’s awesome note-taking technique.
Chagrined Kitteh Caturday greetin’s, GN!
I see our pudding-brained POTUS is dithering about selling Israel (presumably needed) Iron Dome supplies.
Pffft…2000+ rockets in five days isn’t much worse than a typical Chicago weekend.
Besides…fuck them filthy Joooz; amirite?
Why do they insist on not being completely exterminated, the selfish bastards?
AFAIC, it’s past time to “glass” an uninhabited part of Iran.
Glassistan, as I used to say.
Good morning, Fatwa -- happy Saturday, GN.
Household chores today -- doing some that I want to and looking the other way at the ones that need to be done, but that I just don’t want to do right now. Not the best strategy, but don’t you go judging me!
Glancing through the news headlines, much media sympathy with the Palestinians as the teh underdogs. Why is that? I thought the Joooooos controlled the media?
Honestly…It’s the commies who control the media, there just happen to be some mostly non-religious Jooooooooos that are also communists. Those are the same people who probably voted for Hitler and gun control.
gOoD luck on teh chores--doing the ones you want and ignoring the ones you don’t want to do.
Happy Embarrassed Kitteh Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!
Sven -- good luck with the chores. That’s what I’ve got on my plate today, as well.
Fatwa -- Biden won’t send Israel missiles to defend themselves, but he will send dollars to Gaza so they can buy moar Iranian rockets. All the while asking both sides to exercise restraint. I’ve noticed that the calls for restraint only start after Israel starts defending herself.
I’ve noticed that, restraint in defending women and children from murder but not in murdering women and children. I am so sick to see these attacks after the progress Trump made. Expected, but still sickening.
I expect there will be much more pressure to defund Israel than to stop support for the Palestinian terrorists. The next four years are going to be so bad.
Good morning, Mac!
I fear you’re right about the next four years.
Hey, Sven, Mac and Paddy!
AP’s Gaza bureau got blowed-up real good (as they were sharing an office building with Hamas), and they’re terribly upset; buwahahahahaha! (They got a phone call giving them an hour to evacuate.)
I’m sure they had insurance. It was just property; they can rebuild. 👿
And it was a mostly-peaceful airstrike. 👿
Hell…I’d bet actual money Mac’s right.
And that, ladies and Gerbils, is the textbook definition of schadenfreude.
AP headline (probably) later today:
I think you spelled ‘shill’ wrong.
Having the Missionaries over for dinner.
I was so impressed with Pres. Trump’s progress in the Mid East. I feel like it’s all being undone. Israel is the only civilized modern country in the region AFAIK.
My only complaint about them is that since they rely on us for several billion in aid, I would expect a bit less socialism from them--a bit more free market, a bit less government. Just as if I were paying my kids bills, I would expect good grades and more Top Ramen--less sushi and partying on my dime.
I had a friend at PSU who was an Israeli Citizen, and I was amazed at the Nordic levels of largess he described. Although, much like the Nords, they are huge capitalist’s, as I understand it.
I guess we’re getting to the Nordic levels here at home also, so perhaps it would be hypocrisy to expect otherwise.
Harper has been working on helping me get rid of stuff that I don’t need. Our little house is still too crowded from our move in 2014. She really is doing a great job at it. I’m so impressed. I get so overwhelmed, that I can’t even understand what to do about a given mess.
Seriously though, it’s always been very frustrating to me why Jews vote for jew-hating dem… um… communists. I’ve had it explained to me several times by some very smart mostly Jewish people, but it creates so much cognitive dissonance in my brain that I can never retain the explanation.
Perhaps I should take notes on it next time, using my old friend’s awesome note-taking technique.
Huh. Let me see if I have any f**ks left to give about what the AP thinks. Nope.