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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist


G’day, GN!

I see that roving caravans of paleostinians are hunting down Jews on the streets of LA.

Perhaps they’re filming a new movie: “Running Mensch“. (Except if they were really mensches, they’d be beating the ever-loving carp out of these attackers.)

Wish my peeps in America would fight back forcefully; it’s not like we don’t know where this sort of shit leads. Stupid, cowardly, self-gassing bastards.

Read yesterday that demented Uncle Choo-Choo had a conversation with Netanyahu and was insistent -- per a White House press release -- that the Israelis “de-escalate”. It also seems that POTUS is playing games re resupplying them with Iron Dome “ammo”.

AFAIC, the Israelis ought to bulldoze the fucking entirety of Gaza into the sea. (If I was aware of any significant anti-Hamas sentiment there, I might feel differently.)

Funny how much more peaceful the Middle East was under Bad Orange Man…but, hey, at least the current POTUS doesn’t send mean Tweets, so we’ve got that going for us.


Last edited 3 years ago by Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Just Sven
3 years ago

I know you get asked this every time there’s a new round of fighting, but why are American Jews so leftist/Dem leaning and seemingly anti-Israel? Or is that my misconception?

I should add that I’m as confused by seemingly self-hating white people groveling at the feet of BLM and and others of that ilk.

Last edited 3 years ago by Just Sven
3 years ago

Wheel is up again for me, peeps!

I have had that explained to me so many times by some very smart people, most of them Jewish, Sven, Fatwa, but I can’t keep it in my head because it makes no sense to me.

Just Sven
3 years ago

Good morning, Fatwa -- glad to see teh wheel once again let you board.

Happy Thursday, GN!

I’m on call for jury duty next week -- normally I’d go out there and spend my mandatory one day waiting around, but this time I’ll just call in every night and see if I need to drive on out. The last thing I want to do is sit around the courthouse all day wearing a mask. With my luck tho, I’ll probably get called to sit on a jury for the first time ever.

Paddy O'Furnijur
3 years ago

Sure Happy It’s Thursday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!

Fatwa -- I read somewhere (probably AoSHQ) that some senior official in Gaza was saying that Hamas needed to be defeated -- that halting action against them and allowing them to re-arm would be bad for both Israel and the people of Gaza.

Sven -- good luck with jury duty.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist


Hi, Sven and Paddy!

Can’t speak to when I was a kid, but I think the reason so many U.S. Jooos vote for Democrats nowadays is that they’re fookin’ socialists. (Israel tried the whole kibbutz thing decades ago and mostly gave it up due to too many Bernie Sanders types who refused to do any actual work.)

Plus, they have a knee-jerk impulse to take the side of the perceived “underdog” and very many think the Paleostinians are victims of those dastardly Israelis. How dare they shoot back!

The whole stupid business puts lie to the stereotype that us Jooos are a smart people; in America, we seem to have a lot of “short bus Hebes”. (Some of whom are members of my rather small family.)


Sven --

Hope they don’t need you for jury duty (although I think you’d be a very fine juror).

Paddy --

Hamas treats its citizens like garbage…except for rewarding the families of “martyrs” with a (relatively) nice living. I’d like to think there are more who are anti-Hamas than I believe there to be, but I have no “feel” for that one way or the other.

Given the doings in NYC, L.A. and other American cities, I’m glad to live in a “shall issue” state; hope we’ll end up with “constitutional carry”, as I think any impediment to the 2A is an infringement.