We’re doin’ okay here in Happy Larryville; will scroll through the last few days of comments to get “caught up” when I have a chance.
Sven --
Hope your BiL continues to heal…and that teh rest of you lot are doing well.
So…it seems the ‘Vid probably did originate at the lab in Wuhan, eh? Color me shocked, shocked to find out the CCP likely inflicted it on the entire damned planet. (Which does not excuse our “leadership” for all they’ve done to us.)
I’m sure our pudding-brained feeb of a fakey-pretend POTUS will deal harshly with Beijing…right up until they grease Hunter’s pockets with a little something-something for “The Big Guy” and his cronies.
Criminy…we’re in an awful mess.
BBL…assuming teh intertubez godz allow it.
I see I’m not the only person old enough to remember “Witch Doctor”:
Last edited 3 years ago by Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Could this be our Joe Schmoe? “The article — titled “Fields of Watermelons Found On Mars, Police Say” — was taken down from the NYT website and replaced with a note saying it had been “published in error.” The article had been written by “Joe Schmoe” and was published at 2:19 p.m., according to an archived copy.”
Happy Guilty Pets Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, dv8 (and Harper!), Fatwa, and Sven!
Fatwa -- welcome back! I read an article yesterday suggesting that the media and administration (BIRM) would do their best to bury the lab leak story in order to avoid upsetting China and derailing the gravy train so many are riding.
dv8 -- the fact that Harper likes “guys doing guy things” means you’ve got a good one. But of course you already knew that.
I was telling Elena about Animal Farm. I have two versions, the animated one from the fifties and a computer version from 1999 I think. I was trying to decide which was best or find one with Spanish subtitles or dubbing. It seemed both ended differently and neither seemed right so I dug out my book to check. I was disappointed and irritated to find both had changed the end, adding happy type endings. This was not a children’s book and it should not be made into a fairy tale. Pffffttt!
Harper wanted to post this yesterday, but couldn’t do it from her phone for some reason.
Me driving a forklift
Not sure why it’s such a big deal, but she says: (and I quote)
“Guys doing guy things.”
That’s a good reason.
I’m back, biatches!
Hi, dv8 (and Harper!!1!)!
We’re doin’ okay here in Happy Larryville; will scroll through the last few days of comments to get “caught up” when I have a chance.
Sven --
Hope your BiL continues to heal…and that teh rest of you lot are doing well.
So…it seems the ‘Vid probably did originate at the lab in Wuhan, eh? Color me shocked, shocked to find out the CCP likely inflicted it on the entire damned planet. (Which does not excuse our “leadership” for all they’ve done to us.)
I’m sure our pudding-brained feeb of a fakey-pretend POTUS will deal harshly with Beijing…right up until they grease Hunter’s pockets with a little something-something for “The Big Guy” and his cronies.
Criminy…we’re in an awful mess.
BBL…assuming teh intertubez godz allow it.
I see I’m not the only person old enough to remember “Witch Doctor”:
Good morning Dv8, and Fatwa -- welcome back Mr. Arbuckle!
Could this be our Joe Schmoe? “The article — titled “Fields of Watermelons Found On Mars, Police Say” — was taken down from the NYT website and replaced with a note saying it had been “published in error.” The article had been written by “Joe Schmoe” and was published at 2:19 p.m., according to an archived copy.”
Happy Guilty Pets Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, dv8 (and Harper!), Fatwa, and Sven!
Fatwa -- welcome back! I read an article yesterday suggesting that the media and administration (BIRM) would do their best to bury the lab leak story in order to avoid upsetting China and derailing the gravy train so many are riding.
dv8 -- the fact that Harper likes “guys doing guy things” means you’ve got a good one. But of course you already knew that.
Paddy gets it.
So good to see you all here on guilty pet day! All we need is Gentle Mac and Jerry! to make the thread complete.
Hi, Sven and Paddy
Lovely to “see” you, as always. (Well, that’s true for the lot o’ ye.)
Never doubt the Plague Fairy’s powers (even if her wand is bent). She can even summon Jerry!!
Not only can Harper conjure up Mac, she can also bring in the Highwayman, who scared the poo out of the poor stagecoach driver!
I was telling Elena about Animal Farm. I have two versions, the animated one from the fifties and a computer version from 1999 I think. I was trying to decide which was best or find one with Spanish subtitles or dubbing. It seemed both ended differently and neither seemed right so I dug out my book to check. I was disappointed and irritated to find both had changed the end, adding happy type endings. This was not a children’s book and it should not be made into a fairy tale. Pffffttt!
Wow -- the gang has all been here!