I haven’t read any details on govt or business laws/rules/mandates for having to show vaccination cards, but I wonder if that’s all you have to show? There’s no photo ID on the cards I’ve seen, so are they going to request a photo ID and the vaccination passport to avoid a bunch of people just using the same card? And if they don’t, is the entity then responsible for anyone that comes down w/covid at their facility because they didn’t do due diligence?
I read an interesting take on mandatory COVID vaccinations the other day. As the vaccine has not yet been approved, it falls under the category of human experimentation. Forcing someone to take the vaccine violates the Nuremburg Codes in a number of different ways.
Thanks. Interesting. Slow Joe is talking about covid and going after his usual suspects: Florida and Texas.
Biden seems to be saying that we can’t stop covid here until we stop it in the whole world. And we can do that by sending vaccines to everybody for free. Much like stopping illegal immigration by creating heaven on Earth in Mexico and South America. Maybe Biden should put Harris in charge of this effort too.
I had to take Mrs. Paddy’s car into the dealership this morning. Over the weekend she lost power steering just after leaving the house and a whole plethora of warning lights went off. I checked it later that day and it was fine, but all the warnings about systems failures were still there. It turns out rats were chewing on the electronic power steering harness and it was barely hanging together. I guess I’ve got to finish clearing out enough space in the garage for her car. That does cause me to worry about mine, as well.
I guess I’ll have to set out a trap and see if I catch anything.
put real rat poison in the garage. I have done that. I also have a bait trap under my second car outside, and I keep that trap filled with farm grade bait, until the Democrats ban it, I guess. It has kept pack rats from destroying my caddy. although… I don’t drive it much anymore.
I got Mrs. Paddy’s car in the garage. Still have to find a better home for some items. We don’t have rats in the garage -- took care of that problem years and years ago. We can’t use real rat poison in CA, unless we sneak it in from out-of-state. I may try spraying peppermint oil on the wiring in my vehicle, just to keep the buggers away.
We got lucky with killing some of them -- like Dv8 I put traps under the vehicles outside. So far, we’ve had good luck with scent packs that mostly smell like mint. Soem people swear by the electronic devices, but I don’t know about those.
Tuesday greetin’s, Wheelizens!
Anyone here sad about the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team?
I’m waiting for that lavender-haired harridan to blame it on “sexism”. 👿
Being old and a non-gamer, I had to google “secret boss.”
Me too.
Hi, Fatwa -- good morning, GN!
The thread pic is a believable representation, but the surrounding hills would be on fire and the lawn would be dead.
Hai, Sven!
Sad “heh!”. There’d also be a tent city along the side of the road. And people using drugs.
Happy Tuesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!
I think the car in the thread pic should be towing a small wind turbine in a sad attempt at perpetual motion.
Hey, Paddy!
Also: hahahahahaha! Too right.
I haven’t read any details on govt or business laws/rules/mandates for having to show vaccination cards, but I wonder if that’s all you have to show? There’s no photo ID on the cards I’ve seen, so are they going to request a photo ID and the vaccination passport to avoid a bunch of people just using the same card? And if they don’t, is the entity then responsible for anyone that comes down w/covid at their facility because they didn’t do due diligence?
I read an interesting take on mandatory COVID vaccinations the other day. As the vaccine has not yet been approved, it falls under the category of human experimentation. Forcing someone to take the vaccine violates the Nuremburg Codes in a number of different ways.
Thanks. Interesting. Slow Joe is talking about covid and going after his usual suspects: Florida and Texas.
Biden seems to be saying that we can’t stop covid here until we stop it in the whole world. And we can do that by sending vaccines to everybody for free. Much like stopping illegal immigration by creating heaven on Earth in Mexico and South America. Maybe Biden should put Harris in charge of this effort too.
I had to take Mrs. Paddy’s car into the dealership this morning. Over the weekend she lost power steering just after leaving the house and a whole plethora of warning lights went off. I checked it later that day and it was fine, but all the warnings about systems failures were still there. It turns out rats were chewing on the electronic power steering harness and it was barely hanging together. I guess I’ve got to finish clearing out enough space in the garage for her car. That does cause me to worry about mine, as well.
I guess I’ll have to set out a trap and see if I catch anything.
put real rat poison in the garage. I have done that. I also have a bait trap under my second car outside, and I keep that trap filled with farm grade bait, until the Democrats ban it, I guess. It has kept pack rats from destroying my caddy. although… I don’t drive it much anymore.
I got Mrs. Paddy’s car in the garage. Still have to find a better home for some items. We don’t have rats in the garage -- took care of that problem years and years ago. We can’t use real rat poison in CA, unless we sneak it in from out-of-state. I may try spraying peppermint oil on the wiring in my vehicle, just to keep the buggers away.
We got lucky with killing some of them -- like Dv8 I put traps under the vehicles outside. So far, we’ve had good luck with scent packs that mostly smell like mint. Soem people swear by the electronic devices, but I don’t know about those.