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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Happy Subverted Puppeh Wednesday, GN!

Still no response from the mediation company re why they’re refusing our case; Jim said he’d ask lawbaw to contact them. (If they think our case is too small for them to bother with, I wish they’d just say so, instead of giving us nonsensical, half-assed excuses like “we have the vapors”.)


Since I don’t follow sports, I have no clue as to what MLB might decide re the location of any Braves’ games. I can say that the SJW stupidity re the All-Star Game pissed-off a lot of “minority-owned” Atlanta businesses.


Color me unsurprised that L.A. can’t turn a profit -- or simply break even -- on a monopoly like issuing traffic and parking tickets.


scottish air force.jpeg
Just Sven
2 years ago

Hi Fatwa -- good morning, GN!

That dog looks like he’s being held hostage.

Speaking of coons, there’s this little orphan coon that I’ve been looking out for. He and his mother used to come around months ago and the way the mother was acting I thought this was her first litter -- especially since she only had one baby left. Anyhow, the mother disappeared a month ago and Little (named by Mrs Sven) showed up on his own a few weeks ago looking not too good.

There’s another coon, an adult bad-tempered one, that picks on Little whenever they show up together. The other night I heard Little getting the snot knocked out him so I yelled at Bad Tempered and chased him down the hill -- right into a skunk that sprayed him. That’ll teach him, although the spray was so heavy that even in our closed up house it smelled rather bad.

Paddy O'Furnijur
2 years ago

Happy Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!

Is the dog bad at its job, or is the ‘coon just that persuasive?

Fatwa -- hopefully your lawyer can get you some answers that make sense and you can move on.

Sven -- you’re a Good Gerbil.

Paddy O'Furnijur
2 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Thanks for sharing, Sven!

2 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven


Just Sven
2 years ago

Lunchtime. Made stew that came out pretty good. Turned on the teevee and there’s Brandon going on about his childhood in Scranton for like 15 minutes. Two things struck me. 1) The number of words of wisdom his parents told him -- in this speech, so far, he must have had five wise sayings from his folks.2) He must have said “not a joke” or “you think I’m kidding, I’m not” eight times.

He might still be droning on, but I’m back to work. Not a joke.

Just Sven
Paddy O'Furnijur
2 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

“They took my stiiiiiiick!!!”

2 years ago

Good morning/evening.

I had a very long night last night.

One Carrier in the Hospital, More on that later.

There is no one to do her 450 paper route. It would take a newbie 12 hours to do that route--she does it in 4 hours.

2 years ago

To Sven: We saw a whole gaze of racoons. Maybe 6 or more just staring out at us.

Yes Harper went with me on the Big Route last night.

2 years ago
Reply to  dv8

we usually see some skunks or javelina also and occasionally some deer.

sometimes coyotes.

Never seen any wolves, although we do have them.

Some times we see mice and rats run across the road.

I have never seen a mountain lion or other big cats,
Nor have I seen a snake, deadly or otherwise. We have these also, but I’ve never seen one.

Once, I saw Anne Elk, who had a new theory about the brontosaurus, as I recall.

Also there is some kind of ring tailed cat. Nobody I’ve talked to knows what it is called but others have seen them. Small, it looks like a large kitten, but not as large as a full grown domestic cat. I don’t know what it is.

Last edited 2 years ago by dv8
Paddy O'Furnijur
2 years ago
Reply to  dv8

Hi dv8!
Teh Older thinks the ring tailed cat you’ve seen is a ringtail. No, serious. That’s what it’s called. It’s a member of the raccoon family.

2 years ago

interesting. thank you.

2 years ago

I feel like I’m telling this story in strange, out of order, bits.

Our hospitalized carrier has been getting weaker and weaker once she got the covid shots. She now has MRNA RELATED myocarditis.

I don’t know what hospital she was taken to, but the prognosis is not good for that condition. Most naturally occurring cases: people don’t survive 5 years, even when young. She is 79.

That officially makes more people I personally know who have died of the shot--not even including people who had reactions to the shot, but seem to have recovered--vs people who have gotten Covid and recovered.

I don’t know anyone who died of the virus. That includes church members and coworkers two of which are old, fat, and sick, and still recovered.

I realize this is just a personal anecdote, but, well, I have heard so many similar; and now, I’m one of the people with such a story..

Last edited 2 years ago by dv8
2 years ago

So there was the emotional strain of not knowing what has happened with someone I’ve been working with and for almost 3 years.

Plus I had to put her route into the mail, Fortunately, the front office was able to get those labels into the sequence, and as it turned out, that made my VOC mail delivery much larger, but the regular mail was unchanged.

So, the big cart that went to Sedona was the same, but instead of three small bundles that went to VOC (Village of Oak Creek) I had four stacks of 4 or 5 bundles.

If she’s passed on, or disabled, they’ll never be able to replace her. It does pay fairly well, once you get the hang of it, as I understand it. Ultimately, it’s probably cheaper to put in the mail, as far as the company’s expensing goes.

2 years ago

Also the papers were 2 hours late.

I figured it would also start raining unexpectedly, but fortunately that didn’t happen.

2 years ago

yep. it was a long shift last night, plus, that was the night I decided to go in early, so I could buy some GOJO hand cleaner for the shop.

This is because, it was on sale, and we are out of the other stuff we used to get, and the Boss tells me we are not ordering from that vendor anymore.

So a big thing of GOJO was on sale from $9.99, and I got it. I removed the old dispenser, after fiddling with it to see if I could mount the new pump jug on it, and then realized that the jug would fit perfectly into the old towel dispenser that we also don’t use anymore, because we just have a paper towel roll thing above the utility sink. I just opened it and set the jug into the recessed area. It fit perfectly.

2 years ago

I really hope our carrier lady is OK, but I fear the worst.


No one told me about this at first. I just got to work, and when I started making up the route paperwork, I noticed that hers weren’t there. Then I looked on the route list, and saw that her three routes were put on mail. And I knew right away, that something was very wrong. I’ve been very worried about her after she got the shots and then got successively weaker over a couple of weeks. The last two times she did the route, she had to sit down to fold her papers.

I just kept praying that it was just a mild reaction to the shots and she would get better. She didn’t even have a good reason to get the shots after a year and a half. People around us had the virus, we all almost certainly have had it already, most of us with no symptoms.

Even if these reactions are rare, they are according to vaers, (which is being underreported) at least 2 orders of magnitude higher than the expected reaction levels.

2 orders of magnitude means anywhere between 100 and 1000 times higher for those who do not have a science background. Kind of like how “6 figures” means anywhere between $100K and a million.

Last edited 2 years ago by dv8
2 years ago
Reply to  Mac

I’m worried about you too, Mac. But at least you didn’t appear to have any reaction, like so many have not. So I’m hoping you dodged the bullet there.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mac

gosh. Prayers, Mac. It feels like everything is out of control. I can’t make myself do much else than work, sleep, cook, clean.

I have projects, I can’t coax myself to work on them. It feels like the whole world is up in the air.

I know it’s the wrong attitude, but I can’t shake it at all lately.

Except for a bit of study and Monero mining, I’ve accomplished very little lately.

The emergency A/C is still sitting on the living room floor, still haven’t installed it. Can’t bring myself to call a friend to help me with it, even though I know it would be better for both of us to work on some stuff.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mac

My friends also in their late 70s, both got the AZ shot. Because they both fly quite a lot. It’s the only one that isn’t MRNA and is a standard conventional vaccine. It has blood clot side effects, again 2 or 3 orders higher than normal, but for those who didn’t have that effect, they also seem to be fine.

Fingers and toes crossed for everyone.

Last edited 2 years ago by dv8