While I’m appreciative that JimCo presently has a fair amount of “opportunity” due to leaking roofs, leak repairs are also a grind and generally not very profitable for me or Jim…but they do help provide money for overhead and keep the crew busy.
Ah, well…it’s better than nothing.
Who the hell does things like this to their toilets? (“Decorating” them with any type of fabric seems like such a sanitizing nightmare…especially with any males in the household who aren’t sitzpinklers.)
Last edited 3 years ago by Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Good night everyone.
Show me teh treats!!1!
Sunday greetin’s, Wheelizens.
Hi, dv8 (and Harper!!1!)!
While I’m appreciative that JimCo presently has a fair amount of “opportunity” due to leaking roofs, leak repairs are also a grind and generally not very profitable for me or Jim…but they do help provide money for overhead and keep the crew busy.
Ah, well…it’s better than nothing.
Who the hell does things like this to their toilets? (“Decorating” them with any type of fabric seems like such a sanitizing nightmare…especially with any males in the household who aren’t sitzpinklers.)
With men in that house, that white skirt would quickly turn yellow. I bet they have a doll’s head tissue dispenser too -- hate those things. Creepy.
One of my evil Twitter pals just sent this to me. (The gag is that I-285 is the “ring” freeway around Atlanta.)
Funny. Mean, but funny.
Good morning, Fatwa -- good night, Dv8. Happy Sunday, GN!
A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!
Good night dv8 (and Harper!), good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!
Fatwa -- keeping the lights on and the crew employed is a good thing. Let’s hope repairs lead to more lucrative opportunities.
Good morning and good night everyone.