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2 years ago

gnite for now.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Caturday salutations, Wheelizens!

Hi, dv8 (and Harper)!!1!

Goodness…missed a lot of stuff yesterday.

Jerry --

Happy belated birfday and congratters on teh reduction in poundage!

(This week’s been so stressful JimCo-wise, I’ve sort of done involuntary intermittent fasting; seriously considering continuing that for the rest of the month -- a bit more “voluntarily” -- as I could certainly lose a few pounds myself.)

Based on some stuff I read about SCOTUS and the jab mandate, I’m of the opinion that Sotomayor’s not quite as “wise” as she was hyped to be.

I don’t think I have much faith in any our our “American institutions” anymore, which is middlin’ terrifying to me. (Even if the GOP “sweeps” the midterms, we’d just be trading bullshit for horseshit and I don’t see any real gain in terms of slowing or reducing -- much less halting or reversing -- our descent into tyranny.)

I think we’re way past the “Claire Wolfe Line”.

As re Kraftwerk: despite being a synth geek, I never got into their stuff. I know they’re considered a seminal influence on Electronic Dance Music, a genre which doesn’t do much for me, as I largely find it musically boring. I think there are some folks who have used synths in a far more interesting -- and musical -- manner…but then I may just have carpy tastes in music.

However, that cartoon yesterday did tickle me.


Do. Not. Want.

ron jeremy
Last edited 2 years ago by Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Paddy O'Furnijur
2 years ago

I threw up a little in my mouth.

2 years ago

Well…. isn’t that special.

I knew he was a porn guy from like the 70s, but I didn’t know anything about him being in the Harvey Weinstein zone. Somehow I never read about that.

Paddy O'Furnijur
2 years ago
Reply to  dv8

Somehow? I think not reading about that would be, in some ways, a goodness.

2 years ago

yeah, probably….

Paddy O'Furnijur
2 years ago
Reply to  dv8

And then you don’t have to talk to your Bishop about how many Hail Mary’s you have to throw.

Just Sven
2 years ago

HI, Dv8 -- good morning, Fatwa. Happy weekend, GN!

My, you guys were chatty yesterday -- happy belated bday, Jerry, and glad to read that all is well with you.

It will be interesting to see how SCOTUS rules on Brandon’s mandate and how soon they do it.

Fatwa: It is hard to have any faith in our institutions when, like yesterday at SCOTUS, the Justices know less about the issue than most Americans and spout bullshit without a hint of embarrassment. It’s not just hard, it’s a reasonable response and when you see it happen in an instance where you know they are wrong, it would be unreasonable to not question their motives and accuracy in everything else that they say or do.

Paddy O'Furnijur
2 years ago

Happy Caturday, Gerbil Nation! Now with more ‘coons!
Good morning/night dv8 (and Harper!), Fatwa, and Sven!

It appears the move is on to mandate “higher quality” masks. LAUSD, UCLA, USC, and Chapman University will require people to wear “medical grade” (whatever that means) or higher masks. It seems they’ve discovered that cloth masks are just so much theater. How long until they realize that “medical grade” masks are not much better when it comes to filtering out aerosolized virus particles?

2 years ago

Back on TOR again. Going to get water. Maybe some other things. Who knows.

Yesterday I went to the pharmacy and they were closed already. So I bought a roast chicken and came home and made chicken salad and broth with the left over carcass. Bought some mini croissants also, and made sandwiches.

The broth came out well, but I don’t know what I’m going to use it for.

Paddy O'Furnijur
2 years ago
Reply to  dv8

There’s always something that can use a good chicken broth.

2 years ago

I made ramen out of some of it.

It was good.

2 years ago

it’s chilled enough now I’m going to see how solid it is.