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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Happy “Which Came First?” Thursday, GN!

Mac --

Hope you and Elena are comfy and safe despite teh carpy weather down your way.

Paddy --

Safe travels.

dv8 --

Glad you (and Harper!!1!) beat the snow while doing The Big Route.


It seems the world is not a better place with a weak -- and demented -- America.

Sure wish I knew what to do about our “fakey-pretend two-party” oligarchy. Even if the Congress gets flipped in November, we’re still stuck with the same pond scum running our country. (Especially the entrenched, faceless, unelected bureaucrats.)

The end of democracy and the defeat of the American Revolution will occur when government falls into the hands of lending institutions and moneyed incorporations. — Thomas Jefferson


before smartphones.jpeg
2 years ago

I was on smartphone phase one long before that time. I had Palm Pilots connected to my kyocera phone starting in the late 90s. In the very early 2000s, I had a “WinCE” device, an HP iPaq with cellular internet built in. Just sayin’ I tend to be an early adopter of tech.

Last edited 2 years ago by dv8
Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Fake but sadly accurate:

biden on phone.jpeg
2 years ago


Just Sven
2 years ago

Hi, Fatwa -- nice thread pic, Mac.

Brandon will be speaking today on the Russia-Ukraine war. I wonder if he’ll work Corn Pop into his speech?

2 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Corn Pop, was a bad dude, I hear.

(RIP Corn Pop)

Just Sven
2 years ago

Teh bestest place ever just removed their corporate onsite mask mandate -- not sure how that affects stores.

Just Sven
2 years ago

I wonder what the carbon footprint is of the Russia-Ukraine war? I hope some agency is keeping an eye on that.

Just Sven
2 years ago
Reply to  Mac

Since the covid panic is becoming less effective, war and climate change are needed to fill the gap.

If Kerry still has pull with James Taylor, maybe he could send him over to Ukraine to sing You Got a Friend.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mac

Did he make that announcement from his private jet?

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist


Hi, Sven and Mac!

If James Taylor isn’t available, perhaps Lurch could have Gordon Lightfoot serenade Demented Uncle Choo-Choo:

Sundowner, you better take care
If I catch you sniffing my daughter’s hair
Sundowner, you better take care
Or your veep will shove you down a flight of stairs

(I think those were the chorus lyrics…)

Just Sven
2 years ago

I expect to hear that one on the next Fatwa and the Georgia Jooooooo Boys album!

2 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

I second the request for a FULL version of that one!

2 years ago


Just Sven
2 years ago

I was thinking that if we are headed into WWIII, I hope that our military is suitably diverse because diversity is our strength.

2 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

I don’t think you have to worry there. At least one 5 star General is very concerned with understanding his white privilege.

2 years ago

Hey everyone. Had to break out TOR again yesterday for the wheel.

There’s still some snow on the trees and bushes. Not much left on the ground. It’s going to be pretty cold tonight though. So Tonight’s Big Route will be a cold one. I’ll bring all my extra clothes and thermals to work with me, so I can change before I go out.

If I felt like going out early, I’d go flip one of the heaters on in the warehouse. But, It’ll probably be fine anyway. I’ll go in at about 6:30 and turn two of them on.

I wish I could reach the third one. But there is a lot of furniture being stored there in front of the thermostat. I used to turn that one on too for a while when it got into the 20 degree zone to help heat up the whole place faster. But it’s been more or less ok without it, this winter.

I’m planning to NOT dilly dally at all, even for a few minutes here and there, so I can get done as quickly as possible, as we have to go to Flagstaff for MS treatments tomorrow.

I went to sleep rather early last night and stayed asleep for way to long. I was up around noon, But the good part of all that time wasted sleeping is that I feel incredibly well rested and ready for the Big Route this evening.