Shall I send her some hard ginger candies that already taste like old shellfish and metal? You know, to settle her stomach and keep the mouth moist. It’s the most popular flavour after the slightly vomitish with a hint of hot bicycle tyre in the back of your nose flavour.
I much prefer the ginger.
Harper!!1! --
In addition to causing further peals of mirth, Brenda allowed that those flavor profiles might, in the coming days, seem very appealing.
Here in Larryville, we find the “New Plaguie…Now With Extra Wrongness!” most delightful.
And due to the fact that your “voice” in my head is a very proper upper crust, extended-pinky (but not pretentiously so) accent, it made last night’s posts exponentially funnier.
Will prolly check-in later; wishing all o’ y’all a good day.
This Friday, teh bestest place ever, is recognizing the National Day of Silence in support of the alphabet people. “This vow of silence is meant to represent how LGTBQ+ students are silenced.” I guess that means no meetings that day, although I’m not sure if that applies to text messages and emails as well.
I am sorely tempted to ask, but TBPE is not known for its sense of humor.
Happy Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, Sven, and dv8 (and Harper!)!
Fatwa -- please pass on my love and care for your lovely bride. She is a treasure.
When I look at that map of Europe, I realize there are a whole lot of places I have no desire to visit.
Sven -- I remember some of my students participating in the Look at Me, I’m Silent, day many years ago. It felt like one of those things that kids would organize and you’d pat them on the head and say, “You found a cause! How nice”, then wonder what tomorrow’s cause du jur would be. It never felt serious, or like something actual adults would get involved in. I did ask one young lady who was participating how LGBT+ students were silenced in my classroom and she gave me an exasperated look.
Hi, Paddy -- yeah, it’s all juvenile virtue signaling at its finest. Sound (or in this case, silence) and fury signifying nothing. That corporations have bought into this nonsense is laughable.
It’s now like that container that you keep pushing to the back of the fridge. You’ve tried to ignore it, but that’s only made it worse. Now you’re afraid to even touch the d@mn thing for fear of getting covered with vile filth that is beyond imagination. Yet it must be thrown out!
You may want to start loading up the pantry, freezer, etc. with food stuffs for Fatwa for those times when you aren’t feeling like eating. May I suggest gefilte fish, lutefisk, and Greenland shark? They’ll all last forever and if you’re going to be nauseous, Fatwa may as well join you.
This has been a difficult couple of months for me. I wrote about Frank dying and seeing him every day -- his sister came out two weeks back and we went out to dinner with her and some of Frank’s friends and then scattered his ashes on his property. All good people, but one guy was a bit odd -- a story for later.
I also wrote about an old friend dying -- Eric, someone I knew since the 70’s. His death was hardly a surprise -- his health had been poor for the last 10 years -- but still. I was more worried about his brother, Jay, who I was closest to and how he would handle things.
So a few days after scattering Frank’s ashes, Jay called from a rehab facility. He had a stroke the week before. He sounded a bit off, but understandable, and his limbs were all functional, but he lost his vision in his good eye -- his other eye that still works is about 20% functional. We started making plans to fly up to Seattle to see him, but he told us not to come until things settle down. He has his kids in the area, and a half sister, so I knew he wouldn’t be alone. Talked to him last night -- they’ve confirmed that the vision in his good eye is gone for good, but he gets out of rehab Saturday and he’s going to stay with his half sister for the time being. There may be a stent in his future, but that will be a few weeks out if it happens.
He sounded better and we spent a good half hour just talking like a normal conversation -- he’s on antidepressants, which is probably a good thing. Not sure how things will work out, but we’ll be flying north in a couple of weeks.
Our circle of friends seems be getting smaller -- it’s part of life, but it still sucks.
AoS has been posting a lot of animal videos every evening -- it’s like my favorite thread. It makes me wonder about the human influence on the animal world -- absent humans, would a dog and rabbit ever be friends? Has domesticating animals pushed their evolution into becoming something more that absent humans, would never have happened?
“The Federal Aviation Administration’s apparent failure to notify Capitol Police of the pre-planned flyover Nationals Stadium is outrageous and inexcusable. The unnecessary panic caused by this apparent negligence was particularly harmful for Members, staff and institutional workers still grappling with the trauma of the attack on their workplace on January 6th,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in a statement.”
Apparently the Capitol Police couldn’t be assed to google what was happening locally. If they had, they wouldn’t have soiled their pantaloons over a friendly flyover.
Just checking in to make sure Brenda is in good spirits and leaving her manners in the same dryer she’ll dump that freaking cancer into. I’m glad to see the wrongness still runs strong. Keep us all updated. Or, at least, make Fatwa do it. Heh. And Teh!
Oh Frabjous Wednesday, GN; calloo, callay!
Harper!!1! --
In addition to causing further peals of mirth, Brenda allowed that those flavor profiles might, in the coming days, seem very appealing.
Here in Larryville, we find the “New Plaguie…Now With Extra Wrongness!” most delightful.
And due to the fact that your “voice” in my head is a very proper upper crust, extended-pinky (but not pretentiously so) accent, it made last night’s posts exponentially funnier.
Will prolly check-in later; wishing all o’ y’all a good day.
I said good day!
Isn’t that an accurate map of Europe?
When planning a European vacation, it would be a tough choice between pizza and weed & hookers.
Good morning, Fatwa, and Dv8.
This Friday, teh bestest place ever, is recognizing the National Day of Silence in support of the alphabet people. “This vow of silence is meant to represent how LGTBQ+ students are silenced.” I guess that means no meetings that day, although I’m not sure if that applies to text messages and emails as well.
I am sorely tempted to ask, but TBPE is not known for its sense of humor.
Happy Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, Sven, and dv8 (and Harper!)!
Fatwa -- please pass on my love and care for your lovely bride. She is a treasure.
When I look at that map of Europe, I realize there are a whole lot of places I have no desire to visit.
Sven -- I remember some of my students participating in the Look at Me, I’m Silent, day many years ago. It felt like one of those things that kids would organize and you’d pat them on the head and say, “You found a cause! How nice”, then wonder what tomorrow’s cause du jur would be. It never felt serious, or like something actual adults would get involved in. I did ask one young lady who was participating how LGBT+ students were silenced in my classroom and she gave me an exasperated look.
Hi, Paddy -- yeah, it’s all juvenile virtue signaling at its finest. Sound (or in this case, silence) and fury signifying nothing. That corporations have bought into this nonsense is laughable.
Hi, dv8, Sven and Paddy!
Paddy --
Consider it done.
Sven --
Just wear one of these shirts on Friday:
This fuckin’ woke crap…it’s well past its expiration date.
It’s now like that container that you keep pushing to the back of the fridge. You’ve tried to ignore it, but that’s only made it worse. Now you’re afraid to even touch the d@mn thing for fear of getting covered with vile filth that is beyond imagination. Yet it must be thrown out!
Thank you all so much for your support — and Miss Harper, I especially truly adore you.
I saw a BrendaK!!! I did! I did!
Good to see you, Brenda!
Mrs Sven sends her love.
You may want to start loading up the pantry, freezer, etc. with food stuffs for Fatwa for those times when you aren’t feeling like eating. May I suggest gefilte fish, lutefisk, and Greenland shark? They’ll all last forever and if you’re going to be nauseous, Fatwa may as well join you.
I saw you!!!
We think of you so often.
I remember the “Coexist” bumper sticker thing you invented lampooning the actual sticker. I wish I had a copy of that!!!
This has been a difficult couple of months for me. I wrote about Frank dying and seeing him every day -- his sister came out two weeks back and we went out to dinner with her and some of Frank’s friends and then scattered his ashes on his property. All good people, but one guy was a bit odd -- a story for later.
I also wrote about an old friend dying -- Eric, someone I knew since the 70’s. His death was hardly a surprise -- his health had been poor for the last 10 years -- but still. I was more worried about his brother, Jay, who I was closest to and how he would handle things.
So a few days after scattering Frank’s ashes, Jay called from a rehab facility. He had a stroke the week before. He sounded a bit off, but understandable, and his limbs were all functional, but he lost his vision in his good eye -- his other eye that still works is about 20% functional. We started making plans to fly up to Seattle to see him, but he told us not to come until things settle down. He has his kids in the area, and a half sister, so I knew he wouldn’t be alone. Talked to him last night -- they’ve confirmed that the vision in his good eye is gone for good, but he gets out of rehab Saturday and he’s going to stay with his half sister for the time being. There may be a stent in his future, but that will be a few weeks out if it happens.
He sounded better and we spent a good half hour just talking like a normal conversation -- he’s on antidepressants, which is probably a good thing. Not sure how things will work out, but we’ll be flying north in a couple of weeks.
Our circle of friends seems be getting smaller -- it’s part of life, but it still sucks.
it kind of does. But it’s nice that we have a web of connections in the world.
AoS has been posting a lot of animal videos every evening -- it’s like my favorite thread. It makes me wonder about the human influence on the animal world -- absent humans, would a dog and rabbit ever be friends? Has domesticating animals pushed their evolution into becoming something more that absent humans, would never have happened?
I leave cats out of that speculation.
Cats are the exception that proves the rule.
Get fucked.
“The Federal Aviation Administration’s apparent failure to notify Capitol Police of the pre-planned flyover Nationals Stadium is outrageous and inexcusable. The unnecessary panic caused by this apparent negligence was particularly harmful for Members, staff and institutional workers still grappling with the trauma of the attack on their workplace on January 6th,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in a statement.”
Apparently the Capitol Police couldn’t be assed to google what was happening locally. If they had, they wouldn’t have soiled their pantaloons over a friendly flyover.
Just checking in to make sure Brenda is in good spirits and leaving her manners in the same dryer she’ll dump that freaking cancer into. I’m glad to see the wrongness still runs strong. Keep us all updated. Or, at least, make Fatwa do it. Heh. And Teh!
It’s good to see you, Mr. Schmo! I hope you and your brothers are doing well.
Wow! Joe!