Hope dv8 and Harper’s!!1! “road trip” was uneventful and stuff that needed doing went smoothly.
Brenda’s first chemo seems to have gone pretty well yesterday. No nausea thus far, she got some sleep last night and is “doing okay, all things considered.”
We’ll take that and hope it maintains for the next six days. All of teh Gerbilly prayers, well-wishes, etc. continue to be deeply appreciated.
Anyone that calls it the “LA Uprising” can get fucked.
I remember when “Auntie Maxine” did that in the aftermath and was rightly criticized in some quarters for possibly giving insurance companies a way to weasel out of paying claims. (As the term “uprising” is commonly used to describe one of the coverage exceptions.)
Reginald Denny could not be reached for comment.
Got a bunch of JimCo stuff to do, including reviewing my rankings of the list of arbitrators we and HH-A HOA have to choose from. Jim and I though it would be wise to independently rank the candidates and then compare notes later today. (We have a conference call with our attorney Monday, as the arbitration company needs our choices by this coming Wednesday.)
If we cannot agree with the other party on an arbitrator, one will be selected for us by the company.
Love to Fatwa, Brenda, Mac, Sven, Paddy and everyone in between.
We just got back home. I was a bit more tired than usual on such a drive, so I didn’t go quite as fast as I normally would, but we still got back pretty fast.
We brought a can of soup with us on the trip, a favorite of Harper’s, and it has somehow disappeared.
.I’m not sure what happened. We also brought a can of peaches also, but that remained where it was.
This disappearing soup thing is vexing, but… whatcha gon’ do??
We were able to get to winco to buy some protein and other bulk stuff, so I should be somewhat replenished in my supply for a while.
I’m tired. Another long day after a long night sweating over the keyboard. I did learn one valuable lesson today: don’t delete shit when you are tired.
Good morning, GN.
Hope everything worked out OK yesterday on your drive to Phoenix, Dv8.
Fatwa -- hope that Brenda is doing OK today and that everything went as well as it could.
Back to work for me. I think, maybe, I can get it all done Saturday and take Sunday off.
We are doing fine here at Mom’s. We’re heading home today at some point.
Thanks for checking in. I think everyone is relieved.
It was a tough trip sleepwise, that’s why we decided to stay overnight.
We were able to have a nice visit with my Mom.
Wassup, Wheelizens?
Hi, Sven!
Hope dv8 and Harper’s!!1! “road trip” was uneventful and stuff that needed doing went smoothly.
Brenda’s first chemo seems to have gone pretty well yesterday. No nausea thus far, she got some sleep last night and is “doing okay, all things considered.”
We’ll take that and hope it maintains for the next six days. All of teh Gerbilly prayers, well-wishes, etc. continue to be deeply appreciated.
I remember when “Auntie Maxine” did that in the aftermath and was rightly criticized in some quarters for possibly giving insurance companies a way to weasel out of paying claims. (As the term “uprising” is commonly used to describe one of the coverage exceptions.)
Reginald Denny could not be reached for comment.
Got a bunch of JimCo stuff to do, including reviewing my rankings of the list of arbitrators we and HH-A HOA have to choose from. Jim and I though it would be wise to independently rank the candidates and then compare notes later today. (We have a conference call with our attorney Monday, as the arbitration company needs our choices by this coming Wednesday.)
If we cannot agree with the other party on an arbitrator, one will be selected for us by the company.
Marvin Heemeyer did nothing wrong.
How is this supposed to work?
Harper says that chemo is often easier on older people than younger. So fingers crossed, and many prayers.
Thanks for the status report. Fatwa. You’re a good Gerbil. I owe you a nice bean.
Brenda gets a nice bean just ‘cuz.
Nite-nite, friends.
Everything went fine for Harper. We stayed overnight at Mom’s and are having a nice visit.
Happy Nope-Rope Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven, Fatwa, dv8 (and Harper!), and Mac!
dv8 -- I’m glad your trip went well and that you decided not to drive back yesterday. Enjoy your drive home today.
Fatwa -- thanks for letting us know about Brenda. I’m glad things went as well as they could.
Love to Fatwa, Brenda, Mac, Sven, Paddy and everyone in between.
We just got back home. I was a bit more tired than usual on such a drive, so I didn’t go quite as fast as I normally would, but we still got back pretty fast.
We brought a can of soup with us on the trip, a favorite of Harper’s, and it has somehow disappeared.
.I’m not sure what happened. We also brought a can of peaches also, but that remained where it was.
This disappearing soup thing is vexing, but… whatcha gon’ do??
We were able to get to winco to buy some protein and other bulk stuff, so I should be somewhat replenished in my supply for a while.
Anyway we are back safe : )(
Were coons involved?
Good on you Dv8, for a safe journey.
not that I know of, but here’s this:
I’m tired. Another long day after a long night sweating over the keyboard. I did learn one valuable lesson today: don’t delete shit when you are tired.
I love Danusha Goska. If you have 10 minutes of quiet time, fix up a drink and read this latest offering.
Thank you, Sven.
Excellent! Thank you, Sven.
Plaguey says:
“Don’t forget, for the wheelies, plague fairy 3 -- GPS lady 0!! I win again!”