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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Re today’s thread pic: it me. (Except I’m a lot surlier-looking.)

dv8 --

Lurved your FLOTUS meme!

Sven --

So that wasn’t Jack Tatum in your yard? (Hey…I’ve only “met” him once and all cats look alike to me.). 😉

BK Update: Yesterday was an “okay” day; food is tasting slightly less weird. (Which has been typical for this point in Teh Cycle; we’ll see what happens when Brenda’s past a full three weeks since her final chemo…)

HH-A Update: Brief conference call with attorney yesterday to decide on JimCo’s next move. Mediation is definitely off the table; sounds like AAA has had a bellyful of HH-A’s BS. And -- thus far -- they’re refusing to pony-up their share of the pre-arbitration conference with the arbitrator (just like they did re the pre-mediation conference, which is why that’s no longer an option).


wurst case scenario.jpeg
1 year ago

Re the FLOTUS Meme. The phrase came to me at work one night. I thought for a while about how I could apply it.

It also took some effort to find the blue dress picture of Dr. Jill Biden, PhD. Try it with any large search engine. Even those that claim not to algorithmically demote results.

Paddy O'Furnijur
1 year ago
Reply to  dv8

Minor quibble -- Jill Biden has an EdD, not a PhD. The EdD does not require a reseach-based thesis that adds to the body of knowledge.

1 year ago

Thanks. I knew that. But I like how Matt Walsh always refers to her has “Dr. Jill Biden, PhD” which is funny AF.

Paddy O'Furnijur
1 year ago
Reply to  dv8

My dad had a run-in with someone who wanted everyone to know he held a doctorate. At a Boy Scout committee meeting, my dad mentioned “Mr. Davidson” and was told by said person, “It’s Doctor Davidson.” My dad, in his best Alabama accent and Marine manner said, “Yes, suh! Doctor PhD Lee D. Davidson!” Most of the rest of the committee also found it funny AF.

1 year ago


Just Sven
1 year ago

Hi, Fatwa -- luckily, Tatum has managed to avoid our visitor. “Final chemo” has a very nice ring to it.

Paddy O'Furnijur
1 year ago

Happy Too Early Tuesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!

Fatwa -- Teh Yay! for “okay” days! I hope BK’s taste continues to improve, although I doubt she’ll ever lose her taste for Capodimonte and cabbage rose.

If HH-A refuses to participate in arbitration, do you have any option other than court?

Sven -- I’m glad Jack Tatum has the good sense to stay away from your resident bobcat.

Today at work we switch over our phone system from Webex to Google Voice. We implemented Webex a little over a year ago and it never worked as well as it was advertised to. Now we’ll see how Google Voice does. My only concern is how it will work for those of us who already have a Google Voice account and phone number.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Heya, Sven and Paddy!

“Final chemo” has a very nice ring to it.

In this instance, yes if does ’cause it seems to have been so efficacious. We’re a little anxious about the scans on 10/31, but I think that’s to be expected.

If HH-A refuses to participate in arbitration, do you have any option other than court?

They agreed to binding arbitration under the terms of the AAA by signing our contract. If they continue playing money games -- which we fully expect -- Jim has the option of ponying-up their half of the arbitration fees. HH-A may or may not show up for the arbitration, but the arbitrator’s decision is legally enforceable via a court order, if need be. (Which is more legal fees, but could all be recouped as part of the award / damages.)

With a court order, we then go to their bank and say “gimme”. (Yeah, they could continue playing games, but judges can do stuff that arbitrators can’t. And judges typically get a little miffed when people defy their orders…)

HH-A’s already demonstrated multiple instances of bad faith wherein AAA’s concerned. While AAA is supposed to be neutral, I don’t think HH-A’s lawbaws’ shenanigans have made any fans over there.

Last edited 1 year ago by Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
1 year ago

Home made ramen
Three days of hard labor
10 minutes of bliss.

Paddy O'Furnijur
1 year ago
Reply to  dv8

That’s why I let others make things like that.

1 year ago

By the way.

Of the Old mainstream search engines, the oldest is Lycos.
It goes back to the very early 90s.

It produced the Blue Dress picture, and the article was even Gateway Pundit. That means Lycos is still a properly operational search engine… possibly….

Paddy O'Furnijur
1 year ago
Reply to  dv8

It was even the first entry! I never thought of trying Lycos.

1 year ago

yup. I feel I’m showing my nerd cred along with my age : )

Paddy O'Furnijur
1 year ago
Reply to  dv8

Embrace the cred!

1 year ago

Don’t try to buy anything in their swag shop tho. it doesn’t work properly, as far as I can tell.

I was going to order some lycos merch just to show some gratitude, but their shop service wouldn’t let me enter my address properly.