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Just Sven
2 years ago

Good morning, GN. Happy Veterans Day.

2 years ago

Good morning.

Nice to see BrendaK and hear some good news!!!

I sent a message to Harper so perhaps, after her appointment today, she will have enough energy to say hello, and maybe even read yesterday’s thread.

I answered somthings from yesterday over there.

2 years ago

On the pasta maker front. I found a Marcatto Atlas 150 roller only, because I still have the motor and the angel hair and fettuccini cutter. I was tempted to buy another cutter as well, but they only have single duty ones. If they had a dual linguine and spaghetti one, I’d be tempted, but I make the ramen noodles with the angel hair cutter anyway, so I really don’t need it. And of course, you can vary the thickness of the noodles by changing how thin you roll the dough.

I feel bad that I threw away one good lump of dough when it looked like the machine was completely dead. I should have just vacuum sealed it and stuck it in the freezer, but … well… I can be emotional when things go wrong.

Just Sven
2 years ago
Reply to  dv8

Have you ever just used a hand-crank pasta maker?

2 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

yup. My Marcatto has a crank also, Harper got me a motor for I think my birthday a couple of years ago.

Just Sven
2 years ago

I read and read about Trump’s statement on Desantis yesterday and this morning’s statement on Gov. Youngkin. The logic of Trump’s attacks escape me, but his actions don’t surprise me.

What really bothers me is the false choice that Trump and his supporters are pushing: you are either all in on Trump-MAGA or you are part of the corrupt establishment. It’s a purity test pushed by hardcore Trump allies including some that I respect and admire like Sundance at The Conservative Treehousee, and I think it’s wrong. Not just wrong, but dangerous.

Must think on this.

Paddy O'Furnijur
2 years ago

Happy Veteran’s Day, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven, and dv8 (and Harper!)!

dv8 -- give my best to your lovely bride. I hope her appointment goes well.
I understand about getting emotional when things don’t go right.

Sven -- you’ve articulated a reason that I really hope that Trump doesn’t run again. I don’t think he’s learned enough about how the system works to be effective.

2 years ago

Having been through it all once, he probably has learned a lot, but he does tend to say the quiet part out loud, as it were. Even so, the guy really cracks me up. He always says the kind of stuff I yell at my TV or computer screen. And there is something refreshing about a politician that tells the truth, even though the truth will not necessarily set one free--at least not in politics.

Of course if he gets the nomination, I’ll vote for him again.

Also, from a different point of view, if you’re a democrat, for example, if he had won in 2020, it would all be about half over for you. You could ride that final 2 years of the final Trump term knowing the “worst” was behind you. On the other hand, if he doesn’t win in 2024, he’ll never go away, never retire, he’ll probably keep running until he either Grover Clevelands that beeotch, or dies trying.

One thing I think we know about him is that he will NEVER give up.

Last edited 2 years ago by dv8
Just Sven
2 years ago
Reply to  dv8

You’re right -- he was a refreshing change from the usual crop of politicians, and being from outside of the political class, he brought in a new perspective that was needed and useful. I’d vote for him again without hesitation in the general; in the primary elections it would depend on who else was running.

Trump is all about Trump. America, the Constitution, the future of the country are all secondary to that. That wasn’t a bad thing back in 2016, but it might not fly in 2024.

2 years ago


6760 followers on twitter since the beginning of “Elongate.”

Only 3240 more to go until I get my first Marxist Handler ™ .

Last edited 2 years ago by dv8
Just Sven
2 years ago
Reply to  dv8

“Elongate” sounds like a male enhancement supplement.

Paddy O'Furnijur
2 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Yeah, but I’m not sure I want a “Marxist Handler” to go with my “Elongate”, IYKWIMAITYD.

Just Sven
2 years ago

It probably comes with no extra cost.

Speaking of male enhancement, I just saw a photo somewhere of some girl flipping somebody off. I feel that’s gender appropriation and I think woman should stop using that hand signal -- let them get their own suitable to their genitalia.