We just dropped Mrs. Paddy’s car off at the dealership for an oil change. She probably has one more left before the warranty expires, then we’ll take it to a local shop.
I’m going to call unbelievably reckless on this one. Watch the bullets hit the apartment across the way. This is one where the gun owner ought to be arrested. “I was hoping I got him.” You are firing through a closed door with no regard for what’s behind your target.
It’s penetrating a steel door of some sort and then making a nice round hole in the wall next to the door across the way. This isn’t any type of defensive round.
When I lived in duplexes or apartments with my first wife, I loaded 148 grain hollow base wadcutters backward with a good charge on Unique. They rolled back consistantly to a disk about 3/4″ in diameter. When fired into a one gallon plastic jug of water, they usually split the side open but mostly stayed in the jug. I think the velocity was 850 to 900 feet per second. I loaded these into a 4″ .357 Magnum revolver.
But, but, our President told women to shoot through the door if they were worried, or to step out and shoot a couple of blasts into the air. How could it be a crime to obey the President?
Got off from work a bit late this morning. Had to wait for the post office.to open as they once again left no carts out for me.
14 hours total.
2 extra hours spent waiting.
Paycheck should be big last period and this one maybe too, if it continues like this.
Got my car loaded up and headed for home, saw that my low tire from a few days ago was low again. Crap.
So I went over to Big O and had it fixed. Even that early, there was a 2 hour wait, but I walked right across the street and had breakfast at Nick’s, a place in West Sedona where the locals go. Cost about the same as McDonalds, except for the $10 tip I left.
Still on TOR, by the way, I had a blissful almost month where I didn’t need TOR to access the wheel (cable internet) But if I use verizon cell, it always works.
I bought a car. Elena’s nephew died a couple of months ago. He was commuting using a car his father bought new in 2014 and used to make a long commute, so it was almost all freeway miles. He put about 90,000 miles on it before he retired and gave it to his son. He only put about 5,000 miles on it before he passed. We have been keeping it at our place as they are in the process of moving. I decided to buy it if they wanted to sell it so I bought it Saturday. It is at my mechanic now having everything they could find done. It is a nice car and I am looking forward to driving it. It is a white 2014 Chevy Spark, a subcompact but a nice car. It is an automatic so Elena can drive it when needed or when I kick off. It is clearly an economy car but it has some features I never had until Elena’s car like power windows, doorlocks, remote locking, a variable speed transmission, etc. It even has a small video tackometer, unusual in a car with an automatic.
Now I put a “For Sale” sign in my truck. I just put a thousand dollars worth of tires on the truck because I thought I would be keeping it. Too bad. This little car better last me as long as I am driving, it should.
I was very disappointed in the headlights on Elena’s Nissan Versa, they were so yellow and dim they were almost worthless. I since learned halogen lights loss brightness with use, so I replaced them with LED conversion bulbs. SO MUCH BETTER!!
I already replaced the lights on the Spark as well. They were not as bad but still needed improvement. The lights I put in the Versa were 12,000 lumens. The ones I put in the Spark were 22,000 lumens. These are far from the brightest you can get but they are so good. Bright white, 6000K, and powerful.
The halogen bulbs were 55 to 65 watt. The LEDs in the Versa are 30 watt. The ones I put in the Spark are 100 watts but I think part of that is the fans that cool them. I used to replace my old headlamps with halogen lights and loved the results. These are like the same step up yet again, and they retain their brightness many times longer.
Happy Confused Cat Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!
We just dropped Mrs. Paddy’s car off at the dealership for an oil change. She probably has one more left before the warranty expires, then we’ll take it to a local shop.
Sad cat day. Hi, Paddy.
I’m going to call unbelievably reckless on this one. Watch the bullets hit the apartment across the way. This is one where the gun owner ought to be arrested. “I was hoping I got him.” You are firing through a closed door with no regard for what’s behind your target.
Wow. Just. Wow.
How far did those bullets penetrate into the neighboring apartment? Did he even care? My bet is that he didn’t even think that far.
Know your target -- and what’s behind it.
depends on the ammo. I always used ammo that was meant to penetrate people but not walls. Kinda pricey.
I do notice he generally aimed at the wall and not the door across the way, so maybe he was more aware than we give him credit for.
It’s penetrating a steel door of some sort and then making a nice round hole in the wall next to the door across the way. This isn’t any type of defensive round.
yup. probably : )
When I lived in duplexes or apartments with my first wife, I loaded 148 grain hollow base wadcutters backward with a good charge on Unique. They rolled back consistantly to a disk about 3/4″ in diameter. When fired into a one gallon plastic jug of water, they usually split the side open but mostly stayed in the jug. I think the velocity was 850 to 900 feet per second. I loaded these into a 4″ .357 Magnum revolver.
But, but, our President told women to shoot through the door if they were worried, or to step out and shoot a couple of blasts into the air. How could it be a crime to obey the President?
Got off from work a bit late this morning. Had to wait for the post office.to open as they once again left no carts out for me.
14 hours total.
2 extra hours spent waiting.
Paycheck should be big last period and this one maybe too, if it continues like this.
Got my car loaded up and headed for home, saw that my low tire from a few days ago was low again. Crap.
So I went over to Big O and had it fixed. Even that early, there was a 2 hour wait, but I walked right across the street and had breakfast at Nick’s, a place in West Sedona where the locals go. Cost about the same as McDonalds, except for the $10 tip I left.
Now I’m all wound up and and don’t wanna sleep.
Still on TOR, by the way, I had a blissful almost month where I didn’t need TOR to access the wheel (cable internet) But if I use verizon cell, it always works.
I bought a car. Elena’s nephew died a couple of months ago. He was commuting using a car his father bought new in 2014 and used to make a long commute, so it was almost all freeway miles. He put about 90,000 miles on it before he retired and gave it to his son. He only put about 5,000 miles on it before he passed. We have been keeping it at our place as they are in the process of moving. I decided to buy it if they wanted to sell it so I bought it Saturday. It is at my mechanic now having everything they could find done. It is a nice car and I am looking forward to driving it. It is a white 2014 Chevy Spark, a subcompact but a nice car. It is an automatic so Elena can drive it when needed or when I kick off. It is clearly an economy car but it has some features I never had until Elena’s car like power windows, doorlocks, remote locking, a variable speed transmission, etc. It even has a small video tackometer, unusual in a car with an automatic.
Now I put a “For Sale” sign in my truck. I just put a thousand dollars worth of tires on the truck because I thought I would be keeping it. Too bad. This little car better last me as long as I am driving, it should.
Looks like mine. Four doors with a hatchback.

I was very disappointed in the headlights on Elena’s Nissan Versa, they were so yellow and dim they were almost worthless. I since learned halogen lights loss brightness with use, so I replaced them with LED conversion bulbs. SO MUCH BETTER!!
I already replaced the lights on the Spark as well. They were not as bad but still needed improvement. The lights I put in the Versa were 12,000 lumens. The ones I put in the Spark were 22,000 lumens. These are far from the brightest you can get but they are so good. Bright white, 6000K, and powerful.
The halogen bulbs were 55 to 65 watt. The LEDs in the Versa are 30 watt. The ones I put in the Spark are 100 watts but I think part of that is the fans that cool them. I used to replace my old headlamps with halogen lights and loved the results. These are like the same step up yet again, and they retain their brightness many times longer.