Reviewing my ballot -- I’ll go with Garvey, wth. Used 2A recommendations for judges and others or just held my nose and went with the R. A real deckchairs on the Titanic primary, as usual.
Mrs Sven says our water bill is too high -- need to check the meter and look for leaks. If the sun comes out, some yard work to attend to. Spent several hours yesterday doing some work for teh bestest place ever. That makes up for some laziness on my part last week.
Rented a movie last night -- What Happens Later:
Two ex lovers, Bill (David Duchovny) and Willa (Meg Ryan) get snowed in at a regional airport overnight. Indefinitely delayed, Willa, a magical thinker, and Bill, a catastrophic one, find themselves just as attracted to and annoyed by one another as they did decades earlier. But as they unpack the riddle of their mutual past and compare their lives to the dreams they once shared, they begin to wonder if their reunion is mere coincidence, or something more enchanted.
It wasn’t terrible. Pretty much all dialogue with actors actually telling a story, which is a nice change of pace from the usual fare. Meg Ryan has aged very well.
A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven!
Sven -- sounds like you’ve got a productive day ahead of you. Good for you! Yesterday, Mrs. Paddy and I laid out some 2′ x 2′ pavers on the gravel area of our back yard. We still have to lay out the string lines and place them all properly, but the hardest part of the work is now done.
On the water leakage thing, based on the billing/usage numbers, yeah we got a problem. I spent some time getting familiar with the digital water meter and finding a manual to see how it works. I’ll play around with it more tomorrow, but if I had to guess there’s a leak in the pipe going from the meter, through the front yard, to the house main. I need to clear the area around the meter more for better access -- a tomorrow job -- and more than likely have to call someone out to look at it.
We did a little more work on the pavers today -- establishing gaps between the pavers, making sure sight lines line up, etc. We’ll get to actually setting the string lines later, but that will mean only minor adjustment of the pavers, so that’s good.
That’s a bummer about your water leak. Do you have a shutoff valve at the house so you can determine if the leak is between the meter and the house, or inside the house?
Happy Sunday!!!
Reviewing my ballot -- I’ll go with Garvey, wth. Used 2A recommendations for judges and others or just held my nose and went with the R. A real deckchairs on the Titanic primary, as usual.
Mrs Sven says our water bill is too high -- need to check the meter and look for leaks. If the sun comes out, some yard work to attend to. Spent several hours yesterday doing some work for teh bestest place ever. That makes up for some laziness on my part last week.
Rented a movie last night -- What Happens Later:
It wasn’t terrible. Pretty much all dialogue with actors actually telling a story, which is a nice change of pace from the usual fare. Meg Ryan has aged very well.
A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven!
Sven -- sounds like you’ve got a productive day ahead of you. Good for you! Yesterday, Mrs. Paddy and I laid out some 2′ x 2′ pavers on the gravel area of our back yard. We still have to lay out the string lines and place them all properly, but the hardest part of the work is now done.
Did you get anymore paver work done today, Paddy?
On the water leakage thing, based on the billing/usage numbers, yeah we got a problem. I spent some time getting familiar with the digital water meter and finding a manual to see how it works. I’ll play around with it more tomorrow, but if I had to guess there’s a leak in the pipe going from the meter, through the front yard, to the house main. I need to clear the area around the meter more for better access -- a tomorrow job -- and more than likely have to call someone out to look at it.
So it goes.
Hey, Sven!
We did a little more work on the pavers today -- establishing gaps between the pavers, making sure sight lines line up, etc. We’ll get to actually setting the string lines later, but that will mean only minor adjustment of the pavers, so that’s good.
That’s a bummer about your water leak. Do you have a shutoff valve at the house so you can determine if the leak is between the meter and the house, or inside the house?
For Mac.
Did the Vikings keep cats as pets? A recent study reveals that felines were much more part of Norse society than previously believed.
Thank you No surprise that cats would conquer Vikings and that the feared Northmen would worship cats.
I like The History Guy. So many great shows.