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Just Sven
3 months ago

Sunday. Happy day, GN.

Paddy O'Furnijur
3 months ago

A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven!

Just Sven
3 months ago

Good morning, Paddy.

I give up, Mac. I spent 15 minutes examining the thread pic and I can’t find a cat.

Just Sven
3 months ago
Reply to  Mac

Yeah, no. I would say that sounds like a threat, but I know better -- it’s more of a promise.

Just Sven
3 months ago

I watched Trump’s speech at the libertarian convention. I think it’s good for him to speak before a much less than adoring crowd and thought he pulled it off -- and it was a nice, short speech -- much shorter than his usual drone.

I also applaud his bluntness to the crowd. Telling them that if they vote for him, he’ll have a place on his cabinet for a libertarian. And if they choose not to, go ahead and get your 3% of the vote like you’ve gotten for years.

Nicely done.

Paddy O'Furnijur
3 months ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Let’s hope he’s learned a lot from his last two races and his time in office.

Just Sven
3 months ago

I hope so as well.