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Just Sven
1 month ago

Coons for a Tuesday -- that’s a bit of alright.

Good morning, GN.

1 month ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Good moreeening Sven. (my keyboard did that, and I left it)

Just Sven
1 month ago
Reply to  dv8

Backatcha, Dv8 -- wonderful to see you posting.

1 month ago

So… Here’s an update on the jobs:

With the remote job, I keep getting booted from whatever program I’m on, and then I contact someone or other that I have on my Slack DM list, and get put back on. So after a while, I got kinda tired of that and so it’s been a few weeks since I’ve done any of that kind of work. I’d like to find a similar company that doesn’t have such a fly by night kind of slipshod feel to it.

The Hotel job is fine though, I guess. The hours are okay. Durring the work week, my life feels pretty bleak, really, but the money is pretty good, I guess, But now, I have all that extra downtime at work, so instead of working the second job, I’m just doing random research. I can’t, as per usual, get myself to focus on a particular project. Which is too bad, because I have a number of pretty good ideas.

There are no solutions to this, by the way, it all comes down to defects in my temperament.

Last edited 1 month ago by dv8
1 month ago

Also, for no particular reason, I’ve been letting my hair come in gray. I don’t have a picture handy to upload, and I don’t feel like taking one just now, but the dreads are gray down to about my jawline, so you can picture that based on the current profile picture. I haven’t done a stream for a long time, so there is no reason to color my hair, which at the time, I did for contrast. But actually, I discovered that when my hair is dreaded, it’s dark enough looking on camera to provide contrast. My beard on the other hand is Colonel Sanders white, so I have been putting some stuff in it about once a week to make it more of a dark gray. Not too much trouble, really. And if I ever decide to stream again, I’ll leave it that way, probably. It’s probably enough contrast for webcam purposes.

But… Every time you go online, you flirt with fame or infamy. And the more I think about it the less I’d want that to happen. Once you start making your living as a public figure, your life will never be the same. So this is the reason why… although I’ve thought of some short videos I could make for X or other platforms, I can’t bring myself to do that.

Paddy O'Furnijur
1 month ago

Happy Tuesday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven, and dv8 (and Harper!)!

dv8 -- it’s good to see you again.

I’m attending a virtual conference on science teaching put on by Disney. It’s been rather interesting so far. There are about 18,000 people in attendance.

Paddy O'Furnijur
1 month ago

That would be the most rational thing he’s said in years.

Oh, hi Jerry!

Paddy O'Furnijur
1 month ago

Always lead with your strength.