Hi, Paddy -- we’ve run into some problems -- unexpected side effects from previous procedures -- need to push out a couple of things. Other than that, the power is on and everything else is as good as can be expected right now.
Sure Happy It’s Thursday just doesn’t seem right today.
From what I’ve seen and read, the mid-air collision between an AA regional jet and a H-60 helicopter was entirely avoidable. ATC asked the pilot of the Blackhawk if he saw the jet and received both an affirmative and a request for visual separation. ATC instructed the helicopter to turn behind the jet. Real-time data from ADSB Exchange shows the Blackhawk turning into the CRJ and hitting it broadside.
Prayers for all of those who have lost loved ones, and for the first-responders who are working diligently in what is now a recovery effort.
Service for Elena’s father was Sunday and burial was Monday afternoon, after an early medical appointment for her. Today I found out my car, a 2014 Chevy Spark, needs a new transmission, about $4,400.00. The news is nasty. The week isn’t even finished yet.
But things could be worse, so I really still feel optimistic.
I had read that the new CV transmissions were a common weak point in newer cars. I hoped mine was OK as it worked fine, but I got unlucky. At least the replacement is supposed to have been improved so it should last. It is more than the car is worth but I have too much into the car to walk away and it should last once done. I have more into it than I could sell it for but I don’t think I could count on getting anything as good for the money. I do like the car and everything else is good on it, so I will take the chance. I am lucky in having a mechanic that is very good and very honest. They are not cheap but the value is good and I can trust them. I would otherwise be reluctant.
This won’t seem like much, but it’s kind of a big deal for me. Since I was a child, books and reading have been an important part of my life. Once my vision started going wonky, I found that reading was difficult -- even with a whole slew of glasses -- and I switched primarily to audio books. Yesterday I finished my first book in what has to be at least two years. It was one that I had read many years before: The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara. I began bringing it with me while sitting in waiting rooms to pass the time and just got wrapped up in the whole story again.
Many years ago, a friend from Ireland told me he was interested in learning about the American civil war, but was having a hard time wading through all the historical accounts. I told him to read The Killer Angels for a fictional account of Gettysburg that was historically accurate. He loved it.
The pleasure of sitting in a quiet room in a comfortable chair reading for a couple of hours is something that I’ve missed quite a lot.
I understand. I always loved reading and one of the big attractions of retiring was catching up on my reading but as my vision faded it just became too hard. I have read a number of books on the computer but find it hard to sit in the chair for that. I miss relaxing with a good book.
What? Everyone is sleeping in?
Thread pic: Sad. Very sad.
Good morning, Sven.
I hope you and Mrs. Sven are doing okay, all things considered.
Hi, Paddy -- we’ve run into some problems -- unexpected side effects from previous procedures -- need to push out a couple of things. Other than that, the power is on and everything else is as good as can be expected right now.
Sure Happy It’s Thursday just doesn’t seem right today.
From what I’ve seen and read, the mid-air collision between an AA regional jet and a H-60 helicopter was entirely avoidable. ATC asked the pilot of the Blackhawk if he saw the jet and received both an affirmative and a request for visual separation. ATC instructed the helicopter to turn behind the jet. Real-time data from ADSB Exchange shows the Blackhawk turning into the CRJ and hitting it broadside.
Prayers for all of those who have lost loved ones, and for the first-responders who are working diligently in what is now a recovery effort.
Service for Elena’s father was Sunday and burial was Monday afternoon, after an early medical appointment for her. Today I found out my car, a 2014 Chevy Spark, needs a new transmission, about $4,400.00. The news is nasty. The week isn’t even finished yet.
But things could be worse, so I really still feel optimistic.
Sorry to whine.
That’s not whining, Mac. Sorry about the tranny issue -- no way to rebuild the old one?
Thoughts and prayers for both you and Mrs. Mac.
I had read that the new CV transmissions were a common weak point in newer cars. I hoped mine was OK as it worked fine, but I got unlucky. At least the replacement is supposed to have been improved so it should last. It is more than the car is worth but I have too much into the car to walk away and it should last once done. I have more into it than I could sell it for but I don’t think I could count on getting anything as good for the money. I do like the car and everything else is good on it, so I will take the chance. I am lucky in having a mechanic that is very good and very honest. They are not cheap but the value is good and I can trust them. I would otherwise be reluctant.
Cats. After almost 9 years, Jack Tatum had learned to keep his claws in while playing with me. Are all cats such slow learners? Likely.
This won’t seem like much, but it’s kind of a big deal for me. Since I was a child, books and reading have been an important part of my life. Once my vision started going wonky, I found that reading was difficult -- even with a whole slew of glasses -- and I switched primarily to audio books. Yesterday I finished my first book in what has to be at least two years. It was one that I had read many years before: The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara. I began bringing it with me while sitting in waiting rooms to pass the time and just got wrapped up in the whole story again.
Many years ago, a friend from Ireland told me he was interested in learning about the American civil war, but was having a hard time wading through all the historical accounts. I told him to read The Killer Angels for a fictional account of Gettysburg that was historically accurate. He loved it.
The pleasure of sitting in a quiet room in a comfortable chair reading for a couple of hours is something that I’ve missed quite a lot.
I understand. I always loved reading and one of the big attractions of retiring was catching up on my reading but as my vision faded it just became too hard. I have read a number of books on the computer but find it hard to sit in the chair for that. I miss relaxing with a good book.
It’s a big deal, Sven. I need to gift myself more time to read.
More winning.
5th Circuit Panel: 18-20 Year-Olds Among Those Whose ‘Right to Keep and Bear Arms Is Protected’
I’m amazed that it was a unanimous decision.
Dana White -- good for him -- still a free speech absolutist.
Well said. I hope it gives people who heard his statement something to think about regarding what it means to support free speech.