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Paddy O'Furnijur
1 year ago

Happy Confused Cat Wednesday, Gerbil Nation!

We just dropped Mrs. Paddy’s car off at the dealership for an oil change. She probably has one more left before the warranty expires, then we’ll take it to a local shop.

Just Sven
1 year ago

Sad cat day. Hi, Paddy.

Just Sven
1 year ago

I’m going to call unbelievably reckless on this one. Watch the bullets hit the apartment across the way. This is one where the gun owner ought to be arrested. “I was hoping I got him.” You are firing through a closed door with no regard for what’s behind your target.

Paddy O'Furnijur
1 year ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Wow. Just. Wow.
How far did those bullets penetrate into the neighboring apartment? Did he even care? My bet is that he didn’t even think that far.

Know your target -- and what’s behind it.

1 year ago

depends on the ammo. I always used ammo that was meant to penetrate people but not walls. Kinda pricey.

I do notice he generally aimed at the wall and not the door across the way, so maybe he was more aware than we give him credit for.

Last edited 1 year ago by dv8
Just Sven
1 year ago
Reply to  dv8

It’s penetrating a steel door of some sort and then making a nice round hole in the wall next to the door across the way. This isn’t any type of defensive round.

1 year ago
Reply to  Just Sven

yup. probably : )

1 year ago

Got off from work a bit late this morning. Had to wait for the post office.to open as they once again left no carts out for me.

14 hours total.

2 extra hours spent waiting.

Paycheck should be big last period and this one maybe too, if it continues like this.

Got my car loaded up and headed for home, saw that my low tire from a few days ago was low again. Crap.

So I went over to Big O and had it fixed. Even that early, there was a 2 hour wait, but I walked right across the street and had breakfast at Nick’s, a place in West Sedona where the locals go. Cost about the same as McDonalds, except for the $10 tip I left.

Now I’m all wound up and and don’t wanna sleep.

1 year ago

Still on TOR, by the way, I had a blissful almost month where I didn’t need TOR to access the wheel (cable internet) But if I use verizon cell, it always works.