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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

G’morning from autumnal, Happy Larryville, GN!

K8-E --

Hope teh hikers -- and their wives -- appreciate your work and have a lurvely time. (Don’t forget teh Kleenex.)

Bacon Balls O’ Glory…*aughghghghghghghgh*

“I can conclude from the graph is that the plant growth succeeds and increases almost perfect. The growth is somewhat accurate.”

Honors students??!??! Cri. Min. Eee.

That makes me want to drink at 9:45 in teh freakin’ morning.

Just Sven
11 years ago

What, no cats this morning?

Happy Sunday!

Good to see you yesterday, JtB. And Kate, too; will you be sharing the recipe for great bacon balls?

Went to the Reagan Library yesterday to see a Lincoln exhibit. Lots of original documents and accessories. For whatever reason, it’s just kinda cool to see an actual piece of paper with Lincoln’s actual writing on it.

Got a chuckle, Paddy, out of your student’s graph conclusions. Nothing to worry about there, just move along.

Housework today. And yard work. Raiders at 1:00, but all anyone is talking about is Manning vs. Manning. Blech.

Paddy O'Furnijur
11 years ago

A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!
I’ve come down with a great head cold and have felt absolutely miserable for the last two days. The fact that it is over 90°F out doesn’t help. Hopefully the worst of it will be over before Monday morning.

Sven -- I’ve got to agree with you. There’s just something about seeing the actual documents that puts some reality into history.

More grading today, with, I’m sure, more nonsensical conclusions.

Just Sven
11 years ago
Reply to  Mac

Kitties!!!!! I loves some kitties!

Just Sven
11 years ago

Listening to the Raider’s game. Looks like they will win, but not a great performance. I’m not happy.

Just Sven
11 years ago

Uhhhhh, I may have spoke too soon…

11 years ago

A long but lovely day. The wives trying to put up the tent for the sample campsite were a hoot. For each year’s section of the Trail, they had markers- homemade replicas of markers on the AT -- with pictures, mementos and icons. The guest book was a replica of the sign in sheets on the trail. One of the wives made unique rustic centerpieces for each table. The party favors included trail mix. One wife used the hikers’ boots as vases filled with mountain wildflowers. The video was fantastic -- glorious scenery, funny pics the men took, pics that showed the difficulty of the hike. It ended on the top of a mountain I cannot spell with the 4 men in tuxedos! They read letters from folks they had met on the way and told humorous stories about each other. ( The Kleenex did come in handy)
They loved the Bacon Balls of Glory! I’ll put pictures of my fruit mountain on my FB page. ( I haven’t figured out how to post phone pictures here yet.) The Hall got lots of love for the food, set up and service so manager me is happy, happy, happy.
and tired.

Paddy O'Furnijur
11 years ago
Reply to  Kate

Yay! K8-e!