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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

I hate it when Godzilla’s kitteh gets loose.

Yes…it is Caturday; na na na na na na na na…

Paddy --

Someone went to a fair amount of work to overdub that One Direction video; heeeeeeee!

Paddy O'Furnijur
10 years ago

Happy Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning Fatwa!
Mac gives us another reason not to live in Tokyo. I don’t wanna even think about cleaning out that litter box.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

And a foine g’mornin’ to you, Paddy.

I don’t wanna even think about cleaning out that litter box.

Paddy O'Furnijur
10 years ago

Is that a wee pussy in yer sporran, or ar ye havin’ gender identity issues?

Barrett Wellman(tm)
10 years ago

I have only seen one Pussy that large and that was Madonna. No, not the mother of Christ. That other one.

Or was it Obama, hard to tell. Really.

Barrett Wellman(tm)
10 years ago


Greetings from damp, dreary yet delightful Bountiful.

I sure do hope y’all are having a great day, ’cause you just know I am.

Barrett Wellman(tm)
10 years ago

I spent the week in Tampa on business. I like the warmer weather but I never stopped feeling clammy the entire time. The paper in the office was always limp and soft. Perhaps Viagra should come out with a line of paper products.

Paddy O'Furnijur
10 years ago

The mind boggles!

Hai, Jerrie! Good to see you! I guess you missed the cold snap in Tampa -- it actually got down to the mid-50’s.
Teh Younger returns home next week to dry out for a few weeks (humidity, not alcohol).

Just Sven
10 years ago

Happy Saturday, folks.

Mrs Sven is packing up--leaves for the midwest again tonight.

Not much new out here; enjoy the time with your boy, Paddy, and happy you made it home safely, Jerry. And good thoughts to everyone else.

We are supposed to get hit with a huge rain event later this week--fingers crossed for you, Fatwa!