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Just Sven
10 years ago

Good morning,

And the rain came down
Like an angel come down from above
And the rain came down
It’ll wash you away and there ain’t never enough

Drizzly and damp out, but we can use every drop. That is, the hills and the animals can; us Californians are apparently relying on the snow pack and getting usable water from elsewhere.

Does anyone keep in touch with Stash? I wonder what his take on the “torture” report is?

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Tuesday greetings, GN!

Hai, Sven!

Glad SoCal’s getting more rain and that it’s not coming down in buckets this time; hope it’s a wet winter.

Is white privilege what’s keeping that young woman in teh thread pic warm? (If so, want!)

Paddy O'Furnijur
10 years ago

Happy Tuesday, Gerbil Nation!
Greetings Sven and Fatwa!

I don’t have any contact info for Stash; sorry. It would be interesting to hear his take.

I remember back in my college days in the mid-west, they’d keep the dorms so blessed hot that I’d dress in t-shirt and shorts. A brief trip outside did not warrant changing clothes, so I’d go out in the snow dressed the same way. People thought I was crazy.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hai, Paddy!

241 years ago today was the Boston Tea Party.

Below is a public notice from the “Chairman of the Committee for Tarring and Feathering”, an institution which is long overdue for a revival:

It would be great fun to post these on the office doors of a large number of Members of Congress. Or perhaps a “print and mail” campaign could be encouraged.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

I’d like to see someone open a SE Asian restaurant called Vietnam Nom Nom.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Russian joke:

Keep your rubles; nobody will look for your money in a bag of rubles.

Just Sven
10 years ago

Happy Hanukkah!

I have many Joooooooish friends.

Just Sven
10 years ago

I see the Religion of Peace has been spreading good will and charity throughout the world again. A**holes.