Merry Christmas, Gerbil Nation!
Merry Christmas Fatwa, RaBbit!, BW, Sven, Mrs. Sven, Sven’s ‘coons, TeX, Mr. TeX, Dottie, Brody, Loti, BrendaK, ClanK (expanding!), Jerry, Teh Blue Glove of Administration, Mac, Little Mouse, Kate, PMK, JtB, and the rest of the Gerbil Nation!
Breakfast is being prepared and my MIL is on her way. Christmas carols are playing and for the moment all is right with the world.
10 years ago
Merry Christmas, GN! ( Happy Birthday #1Son!)
Christmas Eve ran a little late here (6:30am) so PMK’s famous Eggs Bennies will be lunch this year.
Just got back from Cartersville…and boy, is my azz tired!
Had a pleasant -- if wifeless -- time. (Although the children are taking good care of her thus far…which will continue, if they know what’s good fer ’em.) 😉
Niece and nephew seemed to like their gifts and I didn’t overeat.
Hope everyone’s having a delightful day.
Happy Birfday to K8-E Son numero uno!!1!
I don’t know how teh hell Paddy came up with that graphic; well done, señor.
Remember the Democrat that wanted a photo op with wounded soldiers and snubbed them when he found out he couldn’t take cameramen in with him?
You won’t see many pictures of this because he took no press with him, as is common when he visits wounded soldiers or others. Bush visited a children’s hospital in Dallas yesterday, dressed as Santa and passing out gifts. I think this is the only picture, obviously not staged. HE EVEN GOT THE SS AGENT TO DRESS AS AN ELF!! This man is a class act.
One of the early Christmas Eve or nights when he was President he and Laura went to visit a shelter for families of men in prison. The minister in charge was used to photo ops and they helped get badly needed donations so he was not surprised when the press packed up and left after a few minutes but he was shocked when the President and his wife settled down and spent over forty minutes visiting with the children and staff, speaking to some of the kids in Spanish. He could not recall any politician doing that, especially with the press shooed away. I always remembered that article when I saw examples of BDS in the years after. Hamlet could have been describing Bush and Obama or Clinton when he said”…like Hyperion to a satyr “.
Sorry to touch on politics on Christmas. I just find myself admiring this man as time passes, even if I didn’t care for his politics. Dixie Chicks can kiss my butt.
Dubya seems to be a pretty decent person; just wasn’t a very good POTUS. But decency -- by my own definition -- counts a fair amount in an elected official.
However, fealty to the Constitution is far more important to me. AFAIC, every public official who doesn’t take that part of their oath of office in deadly earnest is a traitorous scumbag who ought to face extremely severe consequences for that failure. (Which I believe is the primary cause of the situation we presently find ourselves in.)
Elena had tears in her eyes at breakfast, this morning. Those chiles rellenos came out HOT!!! She did enjoy them and has promised some to her physical therapist. He said he liked hot Mexican food. I hope he meant it.
For the record, I don’t touch that stuff. It sometimes makes my eyes water across the table. There is no way I will abuse my uncalloused gringo tongue to that lava.
Many years ago, I was having tandoori beef in an Indian restaurant in North Hollywood and a customer from Mumbai said he couldn’t handle that dish the way this particular establishment prepared it.
To be honest, it was at the upper limit of my tolerance…but it was also really tasty; not just preposterously spicy.
Hope it is as good as it sounds, Paddy. We just loaf and eat leftovers, meaning ham or Turkey sandwiches. In my opinion you can’t get much better than turkey sandwiches. Elena’s family likes the dark meat and I love the white so that works out great.
I’m with you on the white meat; glad one can purchase turkey breast roasts which not only cook faster than a whole bird but also have only the good stuff.
Fatwa, her family loves the hot stuff but this seemed to push the limit, though they were obviously enjoying it, those that could eat it. I gather there is always question as to how hot the peppers will turn out to be. This batch seems to have been “Nuke It From Orbit” style.
I’ve found that many varieties of hot peppers can vary a fair amount re heat. Easy to handle by tasting when they’re an ingredient, not so much when they’re the basis for the dish. 😉
Addendum(b): The way they’re cut can also cause variance in the heat.
Christmas is winding down; I hope you all had a delightful day.
Mac: I too admire George Bush. Not the greatest president ever, but a man of character and class. And after 9/11, standing in the rubble of New York city, who could have motivated the country better? Can you imagine if 9/11 had happened on Obama’s watch?
Merry Christmas to teh lot o’ ye…and those who are near and dear to all of you.
I haz to be at teh ClanK Ancestral Compound 2.0 for breakfast, so I got up way earlier than on a work day; feh. OTOH, free breakfast!!1! 😉
Hope you all have a lovely day; BBL.
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all my GN friends!
Good morning Fatwa and Rabbit and Merry Christmas everybody!
Merry Christmas everygerbillybody!
From Dottie and Brody too (Lati wouldn’t wear the antlers):

Merry Christmas, Gerbil Nation!
Merry Christmas Fatwa, RaBbit!, BW, Sven, Mrs. Sven, Sven’s ‘coons, TeX, Mr. TeX, Dottie, Brody, Loti, BrendaK, ClanK (expanding!), Jerry, Teh Blue Glove of Administration, Mac, Little Mouse, Kate, PMK, JtB, and the rest of the Gerbil Nation!
Breakfast is being prepared and my MIL is on her way. Christmas carols are playing and for the moment all is right with the world.
Merry Christmas, GN! ( Happy Birthday #1Son!)
Christmas Eve ran a little late here (6:30am) so PMK’s famous Eggs Bennies will be lunch this year.
Hiya, hiya, hiya, Gerbs!
Just got back from Cartersville…and boy, is my azz tired!
Had a pleasant -- if wifeless -- time. (Although the children are taking good care of her thus far…which will continue, if they know what’s good fer ’em.) 😉
Niece and nephew seemed to like their gifts and I didn’t overeat.
Hope everyone’s having a delightful day.
Happy Birfday to K8-E Son numero uno!!1!
I don’t know how teh hell Paddy came up with that graphic; well done, señor.
Remember the Democrat that wanted a photo op with wounded soldiers and snubbed them when he found out he couldn’t take cameramen in with him?
You won’t see many pictures of this because he took no press with him, as is common when he visits wounded soldiers or others. Bush visited a children’s hospital in Dallas yesterday, dressed as Santa and passing out gifts. I think this is the only picture, obviously not staged. HE EVEN GOT THE SS AGENT TO DRESS AS AN ELF!! This man is a class act.
One of the early Christmas Eve or nights when he was President he and Laura went to visit a shelter for families of men in prison. The minister in charge was used to photo ops and they helped get badly needed donations so he was not surprised when the press packed up and left after a few minutes but he was shocked when the President and his wife settled down and spent over forty minutes visiting with the children and staff, speaking to some of the kids in Spanish. He could not recall any politician doing that, especially with the press shooed away. I always remembered that article when I saw examples of BDS in the years after. Hamlet could have been describing Bush and Obama or Clinton when he said”…like Hyperion to a satyr “.
Sorry to touch on politics on Christmas. I just find myself admiring this man as time passes, even if I didn’t care for his politics. Dixie Chicks can kiss my butt.
OK, who spiked Mac’s eggnog?
Johnny Walker?
Merry Christmas, Mac and Elena!
Dubya seems to be a pretty decent person; just wasn’t a very good POTUS. But decency -- by my own definition -- counts a fair amount in an elected official.
However, fealty to the Constitution is far more important to me. AFAIC, every public official who doesn’t take that part of their oath of office in deadly earnest is a traitorous scumbag who ought to face extremely severe consequences for that failure. (Which I believe is the primary cause of the situation we presently find ourselves in.)
Christmas Cheer!!
Elena had tears in her eyes at breakfast, this morning. Those chiles rellenos came out HOT!!! She did enjoy them and has promised some to her physical therapist. He said he liked hot Mexican food. I hope he meant it.
NOM…those sound delicious; wonder what her PT will think?
For the record, I don’t touch that stuff. It sometimes makes my eyes water across the table. There is no way I will abuse my uncalloused gringo tongue to that lava.
Her BiL could not eat it last night. He is Mexican.
It might not be dead……….yet.
Heh…sneaky Mac; I just trashed my kilting comment after it posted and I saw yours from three hours ago.
Many years ago, I was having tandoori beef in an Indian restaurant in North Hollywood and a customer from Mumbai said he couldn’t handle that dish the way this particular establishment prepared it.
To be honest, it was at the upper limit of my tolerance…but it was also really tasty; not just preposterously spicy.
The rib roast is resting, the Yorkshire pudding is in the oven. Noms soon to follow.
Hai, Paddy!
Sounds delish.
Speaking of Yorkshire pudding, TerriblyDeprivedK has never had popovers; I shall have to make her some when she returns.
Hope it is as good as it sounds, Paddy. We just loaf and eat leftovers, meaning ham or Turkey sandwiches. In my opinion you can’t get much better than turkey sandwiches. Elena’s family likes the dark meat and I love the white so that works out great.
I’m with you on the white meat; glad one can purchase turkey breast roasts which not only cook faster than a whole bird but also have only the good stuff.
Fatwa, her family loves the hot stuff but this seemed to push the limit, though they were obviously enjoying it, those that could eat it. I gather there is always question as to how hot the peppers will turn out to be. This batch seems to have been “Nuke It From Orbit” style.
I’ve found that many varieties of hot peppers can vary a fair amount re heat. Easy to handle by tasting when they’re an ingredient, not so much when they’re the basis for the dish. 😉
Addendum(b): The way they’re cut can also cause variance in the heat.
Christmas is winding down; I hope you all had a delightful day.
Mac: I too admire George Bush. Not the greatest president ever, but a man of character and class. And after 9/11, standing in the rubble of New York city, who could have motivated the country better? Can you imagine if 9/11 had happened on Obama’s watch?