Good morning, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!
I finished my first week of my first class yesterday afternoon. It included a whole bunch of reading -- both from the textbook and online sources -- watching videos, listening to audio clips, writing a discussion board post, responding to three posts (over at least two days -- you can’t do all responses on the same day) and a group project. This week will be more of the same, but instead of a group project, there will be an analysis of some of the readings and videos, plus a 4-5 page mid-term reflection. Oh, and we meet online tonight for 1.5 hours. About the only good thing I can say is the class is now 25% completed.
Oooh…the start of a shiny new week that’s just sure to be a fun-filled delight!
Um, nobody’s gonna buy that coming from me, are they?
If teh thread ‘roo incident occurred in America, there’d probably be an “attractive nuisance” lawsuit.
Good morning Fatwa and happy Monday GN!
Good morning, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!
I finished my first week of my first class yesterday afternoon. It included a whole bunch of reading -- both from the textbook and online sources -- watching videos, listening to audio clips, writing a discussion board post, responding to three posts (over at least two days -- you can’t do all responses on the same day) and a group project. This week will be more of the same, but instead of a group project, there will be an analysis of some of the readings and videos, plus a 4-5 page mid-term reflection. Oh, and we meet online tonight for 1.5 hours. About the only good thing I can say is the class is now 25% completed.
Hai, Sven and Paddy!
Because I’m a Bad Gerbil, I think this is funny: Axl Rose sends notice to Google, demands ‘fat photos’ be removed.
(Examples of mean-spirited LOLAxls at teh link.)
Can’t blame the poor cats today.
As much as it pains me to write this, kangaroos are apparently as good at kilting threads as cats. Sigh.
I blame the trampoline.