That Hillary! is gamer, Paddy. Why, her struggles the last week or so, fighting for us, remind me of the time she flew to some Middle-east country, taking anti-aircraft fire the whole way, and then ground fire after she landed.
That’s a great video, Mac; it deserves a wider audience.
Some of the Hillary-related spin re Sunday is simply unreal. Such as that her campaigning with pneumonia shows just how tough, determined and plain bad-ass she is. (Some sycophantic tool actually referred to her as “pretty bad-ass”; I think he misspelled “fat”.)
That is great, Sven. I showed it to Elena and was telling her how the Democrats did that when Clinton was President. Rush had his TV show then and someone was giving him the list of focus group buzzwords they were putting out each day. He would reveal the word and they would show a video like this of all the Democrat legislators and shills using the same words in their public statements.
If there wasn’t a video, they would have gotten away easily with the whole “power through” theme.
I still think the amazing thing about the video is that no one in her detail is scrambling. This can’t be the first time they’ve seen this happen, but the media is less than curious about that.
Keep pushin, keep pushin, keep pushin, keep pushin on
Keep pushin, keep pushin, you know you have got to be so strong
Keep pushin, keep pushin, well even if you think your strength is gone
Keep pushin on
Top o’ teh mornin’, Wheelizens!
That poor, bereft thread cat deserves one of these fine scratching posts.
That’s a cool idea for scratching posts--I like.
Good morning, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa, and Sven!
I’m not sure what the cat is doing to Kim Jong Whichever, but I heartily approve.
What lies will the Hillary! campaign and the Mass Hysteria Media (BIRM) try to foist upon us today? Only time will tell.
Aaaaand it’s already started:
Christiane Amanpour: “Can’t a girl have a sick day or two?”
That Hillary! is gamer, Paddy. Why, her struggles the last week or so, fighting for us, remind me of the time she flew to some Middle-east country, taking anti-aircraft fire the whole way, and then ground fire after she landed.
We know it’s true, because Brian Williams was piloting the plane and providing suppressive fire.
Hai, Sven, Paddy and Mac!
That’s a great video, Mac; it deserves a wider audience.
Some of the Hillary-related spin re Sunday is simply unreal. Such as that her campaigning with pneumonia shows just how tough, determined and plain bad-ass she is. (Some sycophantic tool actually referred to her as “pretty bad-ass”; I think he misspelled “fat”.)
And how extra double-danged capable women are.
She’s an example for all of us.
That is great, Sven. I showed it to Elena and was telling her how the Democrats did that when Clinton was President. Rush had his TV show then and someone was giving him the list of focus group buzzwords they were putting out each day. He would reveal the word and they would show a video like this of all the Democrat legislators and shills using the same words in their public statements.
If there wasn’t a video, they would have gotten away easily with the whole “power through” theme.
I still think the amazing thing about the video is that no one in her detail is scrambling. This can’t be the first time they’ve seen this happen, but the media is less than curious about that.
The new Hillary! campaign theme song:
Keep pushin, keep pushin, keep pushin, keep pushin on
Keep pushin, keep pushin, you know you have got to be so strong
Keep pushin, keep pushin, well even if you think your strength is gone
Keep pushin on
If going with REO Speedwagon, I would have thought it would be Say you love me, or say goodbye -- permanently.