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Paddy O'Furnijur
11 years ago

Happy Friday, Gerbil Nation!

The 58th annual Junior Classical League convention starts today at Teh Younger’s school. Set-up went well last night, with parents leaving by 9 pm. The core team leaders (of which Teh Younger is one) stayed much later to work on last-minute details -- some of them spending the night. It should be a great convention -- hopefully one that sets the bar for future conventions.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Here’s to a successful convention!

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Glücklich Freitag aus Kälte aber glücklich Larryville, GN!

CorporateToolK is tooling from home today, which I quite like. And I shall be painting moar wood trim in-between roofing-related carp and a (likely) trip to Teh Evul Walmart.


Sadly, Weber’s turned into another Zig’s experience.

Bummer, Sven; hope that you two had a pleasant lunch at your secondary choice.

11 years ago

Greetings and welcome to BrendaK!

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Uh oh. 🙂

Barrett Wellman(tm)
11 years ago

Hopefully, we’ll get some great Caption Contests out of the ‘ol gal instead of that crappy one from the TSWadmin.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

…‘ol gal…

If you think geographical distance will keep you safe from a certain bit-wrangling ginger, I’ve got two words for you: “fool” and “paradise”.

*Adds popcorn to the Walmart list*

Barrett Wellman(tm)
11 years ago

Oh Fatwa. You are absolutely correct. It was very wrong of me to refer to younger-than-springtimeK as an ‘ol gal. I should have referred to her as ol’ gal. My apologies.

11 years ago

 photo popcorn.gif

11 years ago

Greetings and welcome to BlizzyBlizzBlizz.

Long time no see!

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Another long lost Wheelizen; yay!

Just Sven
11 years ago

Good morning!

The Huffington Post has this article up: Penis Stealing ‘On The Rise’ In African Countryside.

It contains journalistic gems such as “The economy is still in shambles, drones could be surveying your house any day now and to make matters worse, penis stealing is ‘on the rise’.” And this one: “Reports of penis larceny are older than Christ.” And an anecdote: “The last penis stealing incident to grab worldwide headlines also took place in China. In July, 2012, Fei Lin of Niqiao village was sleeping when thieves reportedly put a bag over his head and then cut off and took little Fei.”

So when the victims are male, apparently it’s OK to describe an assault that likely results in death, in a humorous fashion. Having your dick cut off isnt an assault-it’s a theft-larceny. Sorry about Big Fei losing his little buddy. Yuk Yuk hardy hardy har.

I wonder if they would report, in the same fashion, similar assaults on women and their genitals? Probably not.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

Trending: penis-stealing drones.


*More silence*

*Even more silence*


“Aieeee…penis abduction from the skies!!1!1!”


Every once in a while, there are clusters of stories about purloined penises -- usually from Africa or the Middle East. (Apparently, third-world wangs are more valuable than their western counterparts.) The alleged thefts are generally attributed to witches or strangers passing through villages who magically make them disappear.

“Nothing up my sleeve…presto!

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

ChipperkyK says that while she doesn’t have the energy to do so tonight, she swears that she’ll put together a caption contest for next Friday night.

She’s super serial.