Hope that yesterday’s festivities equaled (or exceeded) the successful opening night.
They certainly did! We rented space at the fairgrounds. In one large building, we had dinner for 1600, plus a stage and room for a Greek dance troupe. In another, a slide show of the convention, a magician performing close-up magic, and a casino. The third building (the hangar) had the DJ and dance floor -- including classical Greek columns and a Medusa painted in black light paint. The banquet ended at 11 pm and we had everything torn down and packed in the rental truck by 12:15.
Politico speculates that Anthony Weiner might be getting ready to run for Bloomie’s job:
The latest filing with the city’s Campaign Finance Board for Weiner’s close-to-dormant mayoral campaign account shows he spent $54,000 on polling by David Binder Research on March 5. He spent another $52,500 on the firm for consulting work a day earlier, the filings show.
Weiner declined comment, and it’s unclear precisely what the polling was for. The New York Post reported earlier this year on a polling survey being conducted tossing Weiner’s name into the mix for city comptroller and for mayor.
If he’s successful, would he be the Oscar Mayor Weiner?
Or even one of the “updated” Minimoogs they still make; monophonic (i.e., only one note at a time), all analog signal path and that sound.
If we ever come into a surprising amount of money, I still wouldn’t buy a brand new car…but I’d buy a brand new Moog in a heartbeat.
My über-awesome bride got me some Audio Technica ATH-M50 headphones to replace my rapidly-deteriorating, decades-old AKG 141s.
Holy. Flurking. Schnitt. They sound amazing, and will allegedly sound even better after a break-in period. Also very comfy, which is no small thing when wearing them for long stretches. (Which I will be doing in the course of creating something on the order of 30 original arrangements for a new 10-piece band.)
Salutations from one-year-older-(but-not-much-wiser), sunny and Happy Larryville, GN!
Paddy --
Hope that yesterday’s festivities equaled (or exceeded) the successful opening night.
There’s some guy wearing a hoodie and carrying a scythe at teh front door; I’d better go answer it…
They certainly did! We rented space at the fairgrounds. In one large building, we had dinner for 1600, plus a stage and room for a Greek dance troupe. In another, a slide show of the convention, a magician performing close-up magic, and a casino. The third building (the hangar) had the DJ and dance floor -- including classical Greek columns and a Medusa painted in black light paint. The banquet ended at 11 pm and we had everything torn down and packed in the rental truck by 12:15.
Politico speculates that Anthony Weiner might be getting ready to run for Bloomie’s job:
If he’s successful, would he be the Oscar Mayor Weiner?
Heh. More correctly, “a huh huh huh huh huh…his name is ‘Weiner’!”
Happy birthday, Fatwa!
A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!
Happy birthday, Fatwa. I went old school on the cake design.

Thanks, Paddy…always wanted a modular Moog. 😉
Or even one of the “updated” Minimoogs they still make; monophonic (i.e., only one note at a time), all analog signal path and that sound.
If we ever come into a surprising amount of money, I still wouldn’t buy a brand new car…but I’d buy a brand new Moog in a heartbeat.
My über-awesome bride got me some Audio Technica ATH-M50 headphones to replace my rapidly-deteriorating, decades-old AKG 141s.
Holy. Flurking. Schnitt. They sound amazing, and will allegedly sound even better after a break-in period. Also very comfy, which is no small thing when wearing them for long stretches. (Which I will be doing in the course of creating something on the order of 30 original arrangements for a new 10-piece band.)
Also, chocolate / chocolate / chocolate ganache cake.
Top o’ the afternoon McFatwa. May your birthday be snake-free and very, very happy.
Thanks, Jerry…although McFatwa sounds like it could be a fast-felafel joint.
Also serving McHumus and, for a limited time only, Tabouleh shakes!
I found that quite gag-worthy; well-played, sir.
And let’s not forget the McGefilte Combo, which includes a small order of gribenes and a strawberry shake…NOM!