1987 – The American Physical Society said that the “Star Wars” missile system was “highly questionable” and would take ten years to research.
1987 – The American Physical Society said that the “Star Wars” missile system was “highly questionable” and would take ten years to research.
Monday, again? Gaaaaaah!

Here’s a Monday cake for all the Gerbil’s celebrating birthdays:
Thanks for picking-up my Monday curmudgeon slack, Paddy.
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Did you collude with CheerfulChaosK in selecting this morning’s thread pic? (“Cheerful chaos” being how she once described her approach to home décor…likely while decrying my “light-sucking” black leather couch and chair.)
*Glances nervously over shoulder to see if there’s a chancla headed in my direction.*
I suppose I ought to thank my lucky stars we were able to agree on a color for floor staining which wasn’t this one (note the implied threat of flying footwear):
That floor design is ugly and the shoes are tacky.
Are you calling me tacky, Fatwa?! Oh, no you di’int (prepares to deploy Flip-flops of Mild Bludgeoning) …
Perish teh thought, MyDarlingK; I was simply acknowledging our rather strikingly divergent tastes wherein home decorating is concerned. And doing so in an obviously comical fashion, as I’m quite certain none of our fellow Wheelizens would believe for a nanosecond that you would ever seriously consider teh sort of fugly and, indeed, tacky flooring illustrated above. (Which is at least an order of magnitude worse than a cabbage rose couch…even one with a matching loveseat.)
You know, I kinda like that floor. Different.
Note to self. Cancel floor. Buy Chanclas.