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Paddy O'Furnijur
11 years ago

Sure Happy It’s Thursday, Gerbil Nation!
I’d love to follow the directives of the thread pic, but who would abuse educate teh children?

11 years ago

Your country thanks you for your sacrifice, and may the odds be ever in your favor.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Overcast Thursday greetings from Happy Larryville, GN!

BroTimmeh --

Glad to see you popped ’round last night; don’t be a stranger.

Paddy --

I’m sure if you tried really hard, you could find an abusive substitute teacher. (I presume you have a detailed lesson abuse plan you could provide, n’est Ƨe pas?) šŸ˜‰

K8-E --

Depending on how sarcastic you wish to be re your brother, you might enquire as to precisely how many liberals/progressives/specially protected minorities he thinks the Tea Party folks have rounded-up, enslaved, shaved the heads of, removed the fillings from, gassed, turned into soap and lampshades, performed medical experiments upon, cremated, etc. (Hmm…I wonder if Jooooooos would be considered a renewable energy source.)

Further, I will be happy to provide a notarized statement that no Tea Partiers have ever politely requested -- much less compelled -- me to wear a yellow armband and/or sew a Magen David onto a single article of clothing. (Yeah, anecdotal evidence; nonetheless…)


11 years ago

I wasn’t planning on going that far, but it could happen. It is interesting to me that while being called a Nazi is the ultimate insult, the insulters never seem to mean the really insulting aspects.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hope teh TX contingent is okay; just read about teh heavy weather there. (And am “geographically-challenged” re everyones’ location.)

11 years ago

I was just about to ask for Rabeet and Mac to check in, the heavy weather was in their part of this great state.

Other than that, with any luck Mr. X *might* be leaving the west side of L.A. tomorrow -- provided his sister’s “honey-do” list doesn’t expand, and my MiL continues to show signs of settling in to her new surroundings -- without assaulting any more people as she did Sunday night.

“Chaos” doesn’t begin to describe the environment in that household, and that’s without my MiL and her advanced Alzheimer’s.

He wants home, he wants normality. And I think he needs to process what’s gone on the last ten days.
Some retail therapy may be involved -- and there’s a nice S&W MP-15 on sale at the local gun store. šŸ™‚

11 years ago
Reply to  X_LA_Native

At least I hear it has been almost warm enough for Mr. X in LA recently and if not maybe he could make do with the wildfires?

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Sad to see that the British press is doing a better job of researching and reporting on the numerous components of “Scandalgate” than our own fourth estate fifth column.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

For my fellow “immature” Wheelizens:

11 years ago

Cloudy mornings greetings, y’all.
We were spared the worst of the weather last night. Just Harley being hysterical over the thunder until he finally settled down at midnight. Thanks for asking.

Two weeks ago, I went to the vet to have Harley’s yearly visit. That was when I found that Dr.T. was terminal & had gone home to be with her family. Tuesday I was there & they told me that she had gone into hospice on Thurs, died on the following Weds & was buried last Saturday. She was only 46. It was a shock because she never appeared sick, never lost her smile & we never knew about it. She had been battling breast cancer for the past 4 years.

The reason I was at the vet’s office was BW “rescued” a cat. A very tiny cat-maybe a year old. Said cat had been hanging around teh Crackhouse Mansion for about a month. All the neighbors were feeding it, including TM. Two weeks ago, TM tried pawning the cat off on me I I told her NO. So they called the pound & of course the cat wasn’t there when the pound came, but they left a box to put it in. BW went over there on Mother’s Day & came home with the cat. It looked pregnant to me, but it just had a fat stomach from all they free food. None of the Crackhouse idiots had picked it up to look at it. If they had, they might have noticed the shaved stomach & the stitches… BW couldn’t stand the thought of the pound killing it, so she brought it home.

We had a very unpleasant 3hours before I finally said “I surrender” and the cat stayed. That “chumped” feeling is one that doesn’t leave easily. On the brightside, the cat is clean & very sweet. The coloring is what got to BW. It is a gray/brown tabby & looks like a combo of Spunk & Brooklyn. Uncanny. I just really didn’t want to get another cat right now.

I couldn’t get a vet apt til Tues. and of course, the cat was chipped. If they had let it go to the pound, that would have been their problem. But no, I get stuck calling the chip place. So I was connected by phone with Patsy, the owner. First words out of her mouth, “I no longer own the cat.” Said she gave it to her cousin. I told her the cat was found on TM’s street & she said her cousin lived in some apts near there, & she was sure she wanted the cat back. She took my number & said she would call her so that I could give the cousin her cat back.
Ha! Did I mention that the cat has been hanging around the neighborhood about a month? BW got home from work about 3 hours later & of course, no phone call. BW thinks that there is no cousin. That didn’t occur to me. Double Chumped Feeling!

I named the cat “Grace”. By the Grace of God (or BW) it didn’t go to the pound.

So that is what I’ve been up to lately.


11 years ago

I named the cat ā€œGraceā€. By the Grace of God (or BW) it didnā€™t go to the pound.

Yer a Good Gerbilā„¢, Rabbit.

Um, Mac? I’m glad you’ve got a good dentist -- there’s nothing worse that tooth pain.

And I’m glad y’all are alright.

11 years ago

Heya, Mac & Very Generous Gerbil Rabbit!

Mac -- I’ve had a gum infection. Not only can it be deadly, but no way can that pain be ignored. I kept antibiotics in the house for years just in case it came back. *Shudder* Glad you went on in to see your torturer dentist!

11 years ago

TeX -- Some retail therapy may be involved — and thereā€™s a nice S&W MP-15 on sale at the local gun store.

That really is very good of you!

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist


Very glad to see RabBeet and Mac reporting-in that they’re okay.

I am on antibiotics and pain medsā€¦WEEEeeeeeEEEEEEEEeeeeeeEEEEEE!!!!!

Mac --

Sorry you had an “emergency” dental situation, but glad you’ve got a good D.D.S. and proper meds. (With luck, you’ll have a couple o’ good leftovers, IYKWIMAITTYD.) šŸ˜‰

RabBeet --

At risk of seeming inappropriate, congrats on teh new “surprise” kitty; you and BW are indeed Good Gerbils. And Grace is a lucky feline.

Bummer about Dr. T.; I recall you previously mentioning what a sweetheart she was to all of you.


Here’s a compilation of Eric Holder’s testimony yesterday:

Ooopsie -- wrong clip…but I hope I can be forgiven for mixing them up:

Just Sven
11 years ago

Hey guys-glad to read that all of the Texas contingent is OK.

Just Sven
11 years ago

Flipping through cable news, MSNBC is up in arms over the ‘crisis’ involving sexual assaults in the military. What I find interesting, looking at some of the original source materials (http://www.sapr.mil/media/pdf/reports/FINAL_APY_10-11_MSA_Report.pdf), is that prior to 2009, reported incidents were trending downward for all military branches. From 2009 to 2011, they more than doubled with dramatic looking upward trend lines.

Something must have happened in 2009-I can’t recall what it is right now, but it was like big news.

MSNBC is going to great pains to not make any connections outside of the military that could explain the increases. They are all about the evil, white, male-centric military and what can be done to stop the problem. My guess is that if McCain had won in 2009 and the sexual assaults increased as they have under Obama, it would be tied around McCain’s neck like the proverbial albatross.

11 years ago

I didn’t stay in bed, but I did come home from work at 9:30 this morning and left others to finish the 8th grade graduation breakfast, clean up and set up for Saturday. It’s good to be king.

Mac: I hope you and your gums are healing. Stop filing your own teeth. No dentist is that tortuous.

11 years ago

Rabbit: I am looking forward to Grace stories. another cat hat I hope!