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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Humpy Hap Day, GN!

Mac --

Today’s thread GIF made me chuckle. (Teh ant-snarfling lizard sort o’ resembles Jackson eating a dog treat…)

Yet another opulent IRS confab has come to light:

The two sources who spoke to The Hill did so on the condition of anonymity, saying they feared retribution if their names became public. One official still works for the IRS while the other has since left the agency.

“I had not been to anything like that, certainly not put on by the federal government,” said one of the sources. “It was first rate, all the way.”

The other source said, “It was very lavish … the training courses themselves were helpful and informative, but the culture of excess permeated this [conference], including the opening video, the opening-night cocktail and hors d’ouevres reception.”

The source added that the 1,550 attorneys, paralegals and other attendees were given a leather portfolio as a keepsake.

As a self-employed person who has been shaken-down more than once by those bastards (including an episode which involved hand-written correspondence from them!), I’d dearly love to see the entire disgusting agency shut down.

Resser. Fresser.

Just Sven
11 years ago

Good morning!

Our heat wave is on the way; it’s already quite warm outside.

Fatwa: paying taxes is patriotic and since the IRS enforces tax collection, they are acting as agents of patriotism. A leather binder is a small price to pay for their efforts on our behalf.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

Given teh impending heatwave, I hope you’ll also be getting a nice breeze at teh Mountain Redoubt.

…agents of patriotism.

Sad “heh”.

Instead of leather binders, jackboots would be far more appropriate. (And I might have appreciated the courtesy of a reach-around, too.)

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Off to Walmart to do my small part to decimate Mom & Pop businesses and “good-paying jobs”; muwahahahahahaha!

And maybe see some amusing local fauna:

(Since I’m wearing a shirt, I’m probably overdressed…)

Paddy O'Furnijur
11 years ago

Happy Hump Day, Gerbil Nation!
Heat? Well isn’t that just wonderful!

Since I’m wearing a shirt, I’m probably overdressed…)

Have you considered wearing Abe Vigoda’s trousers?

Just Sven
11 years ago

SCOTUS rulings today. I find it odd that a state can vote and pass a change to its Constitution and then the State can refuse to recognize or defend it in court, and yet the people themselves, the citizens of that state that voted for it, have no standing in court.

Government of the government by the government and for the government.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Back from my merry rounds: small businesses crushed, lives shattered, cruel taunting of Walmart’s under-living-wage employees…and money saved; *cha-ching!*

Have you considered wearing Abe Vigoda’s trousers?

Yeah…but he woudn’t surrender them voluntarily. And while I am a loathsome and vile person, I find that being known as “the guy who murdered Abe Vigoda for his trousers” simply isn’t on my bucket list.

Besides…it’s hot here, too, so I wore shorts. 😉

Sven --

The current reason.com meme to explain asinine situations like the one you described is “Fuck You, That’s Why”. (William of Ockham gives that two thumbs up.)

And it ain’t gonna change until us proles assert our natural / constitutional rights in a manner which cannot be misinterpreted.

What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? -- Thomas Jefferson

Just Sven
11 years ago

Hey guys-

I’ve pried myself off the govt teat and accepted an offer as a Senior Technical Writer for a fairly large privately-held company. In a few days, I will once again be a productive member of society.

On the other hand, my bliss is crying. Sniff.


Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

Congrats, Sven!!1!

(Bummer about your bliss, ‘tho.)

Paddy O'Furnijur
11 years ago

Congratulations, Sven!!!1filthylucre11!!!
I know far too many people in our generation who have been out of work for one or more years -- glad you are bucking the trend!

11 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Congratulations, Sven!

Well, the good news is, I woke up without a headache this morning! The bad news is, every muscle that’s been compensating or supporting the ones that have been tweaked are in a cascade release themselves, so, OW anyway!

Streches, and muscle relaxers, and Ben-Gay, oh my! Plus the heating pad after I get off work.

And in the middle of all this tsouris yesterday, we get a message that my MiL may have had a small stroke. We’ll find out for sure today, provided they can adequately sedate her for an MRI/MRA.

I wish there was something other than our vocal support that we could offer my SiL who’s caring for her. But from 1400 miles, that’s all we got. Poor thing’s so fried she can barely put a sentence together.

I find it odd that a state can vote and pass a change to its Constitution and then the State can refuse to recognize or defend it in court, and yet the people themselves, the citizens of that state that voted for it, have no standing in court.

Conversely, the Republican Lt. Gov in CO has to defend his state’s new gun laws in court challenges.

I’m kinda tired of “interesting times”. I like a slice of “bo-ring” please…

11 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Woot!!! Good for you!

Just Sven
11 years ago

Thanks, guys; kinda excited about it.

In the Zimmerman case, the prosecution’s star witness, DeeDee, is taking the stand. She’s the ‘girlfriend’ that Martin was on the phone with when he was killed.

The cross examination ought to be popcorn worthy.

Just Sven
11 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

My mistake-not popcorn worthy at all. I can’t help but feel bad for this girl-at the same time, I feel nothing but scorn for the Crumps, Sharptons, Martins, and the State of Florida that are pursuing these charges with this slow girl as their star witness. She’s either stoned or really low IQ.

On the other hand, she is at least as smart as several people serving in the federal govt.

Just Sven
11 years ago

Thanks again guys, for the good wishes. Appreciate them.

Sorry, X, about what you are going through. Hopefully this is the beginning of the end and you’ll be headache-free the rest of the year.

Watched some of the media circus as the pro-Trayvon experts attempt to put the best spin possible on DeeDee’s testimony. I thought it was a complete train wreck and it’s sure to be worse tomorrow when her testimony resumes. One thing that surprised me was that the judge never once admonished her as she interrupted defense counsel, was rude to defense counsel, and plain non-responsive to questions. She let her get away murder up on the stand-seems completely biased to me in this regard.

During her testimony, Tracy Martin seemed clearly to be doubled up with laughter which he tried to cover as tears. I guess you could go either way with exactly what it was, but I’m sure no one will ask about it as opposed to all the questions as to whether Zimmerman was sleeping during his first day in court.

This trial is a farce. I thought at least that maybe the state brought these charges in good faith, but based on the evidence so far, that is clearly not the case. Yeah, their witnesses contradict Zimmerman’s account in some fashion, but they also contradict each other. They have no forensic evidence to present as far as I know. There’s just no case here.

Just Sven
11 years ago

And kudos to you Texans and Rick Perry for calling back your legislature for a special session after yesterday’s BS.