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Just Sven
11 years ago


It’s hot out here again-never did cool down overnight-and it’s suppose to get worse the next couple of days. Don’t like much.


Just Sven
11 years ago

Interesting-surprised that it hasnt gotten wider coverage:

The pro-gun guy, Danny Musso, was an a**hole and this type of rude interaction with the gun control crowd doesnt help Second Amendment supporters. On the other hand, the police, as usual, overreacted.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

Saw that video the other day and, yeah, the police overreacted.

But hey, “officer safety” and “heroes in blue”.

Not to mention “fark you, that’s why”.

Paddy O'Furnijur
11 years ago

Remember, it’s illegal for you to touch a police officer, but they can do whatever they feel is necessary to you to control the situation.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Creepy-ass cracker Friday salutations from humid, Happy Larryville, GN!
G’morning Sven…and congratulations. 😉

It appears there’s been much knee-jerk defense of Zimmerman trial “star witness” Rachel Jeante in teh liberal media:

What White People Don’t Understand About Rachel Jeantel:

Less intelligent and more confused.

Less intelligent because of the “language barrier” and more confused because of the lawyers’ failure to understand who Rachel is, where she comes from, what kind of life she lives.

It seems the middle-aged white men on both sides of this case are totally unaware of what Rachel’s life is like -- a 19-year-old high school student of Haitian descent who knows nothing more than the few block radius she has grown up in. The cultural differences here are exponential.

Oooooh…I’m a middle-aged white man; booga, booga, booga!!!1!

“Language barrier” my hairy Hebraic keister; to quote Barbara Billingsley in Airplane, “I speak jive”…as well as standard American English. I guess I’ve missed an opportunity to hire myself out as a well-compensated interpreter.

A companion article: Why Black People Understand Rachel Jeantel:

She’s hard. She’s black. And your assumptions about her background and lack of education make you feel like you are better, somehow. That her testimony, no matter how powerful and impactful it may be to this trial, is implausible. Weak, maybe? Let’s impeach her.

But maybe the reason white people don’t understand Rachel Jeantel has something more to do with white privilege then, what they would call, Rachel’s capricious nature.

Let’s for one second try to understand why Rachel is “angry” (read emotional), “hood” (read blunt), and “unintelligent” (read multilingual).

Multilingual??!?? Ahahahahahahahaha…

White privilege??!?? Booga, booga, booga, redux!

And from Salon, The smearing of Rachel Jeantel:

Jeantel does not fit the comfortable image of the grieving girl. As Rachel Samara wrote Wednesday in Global Grind, “A predominantly white jury is not going to like Rachel Jeantel,” [references the first linky above] a girl “who has no media training and who is fully entrenched in a hostile environment.” There is confusion over whether or not she was Martin’s girlfriend, which eradicates her chances of being depicted as a devastated young quasi-widow. On the stand, she has been blunt, hostile and at times seemingly confused. Online, she has a documented history that includes partying. She is not thin or blond or demure. So there goes her credibility.

Yeah…her lack of credibility has naught to do with perjury.

Dr. King and Malcolm X must be rotating at a furious rate.

Just Sven
11 years ago

Good morning, Fatwa.

Yeah, I read that, and I’m tired of this argument. I don’t need to understand DeeDee’s’s culture; I don’t need to lower my standards and bend over backwards to give her the benefit of the doubt regarding her testimony. The woman was inarticulate, illiterate, and belligerent on the stand. If these are cultural attributes, then it’s a culture that sucks and one that shouldn’t be excused.

If the woman was white and blonde, I’d say the same thing.

The problem with her testimony is not that she was black and poor; the problem with testimony is that it was tainted. She does one media phone interview under the guidance of Martin attorney Crump that was full of lies. She does a second official interview, under oath, and continues her lies. This interview is done at the house of Sybrina Fulton-the mother of Trayvon Martin-a woman that DeeDee later admitted lying to supposedly in order spare her feelings. Fulton is sitting next to her during this interview-but we are suppose to believe that DeeDee didnt embellish or lie to gain favor with Fulton?

What is even more startling, is that the police and prosecutors allowed this interview to be conducted as it was: with the parents of the victim present. How could this not influence the witness’s testimony? Compounding that bit of bullshit, they don’t investigate her fully and discover her lies about her age and being in the hospital. In a normal investigation, wouldnt that have been relevant?

This case is more Tawana Brawley-like than I even imagined.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

If the woman was white and blonde, I’d say the same thing.

Race traitor! 😉

This case is more Tawana Brawley-like than I even imagined.

Unsurprising, as the media “narrative” was almost immediately foreordained as it was in the Brawley case. (Alas, Sharpton’s not gonna get whacked with a $300K civil judgment against him in this one.)

Just Sven
11 years ago
Reply to  Mac

Yeah, there’s been very few witnesses that have toed the prosecution’s line or havent been torn down a bit on cross. It has to be noticeable unless the jury is made up of 6 DeeDee’s.

Paddy O'Furnijur
11 years ago

Happy Friday, Gerbil Nation!
As Sven said, it’s hot -- at day camp it’s within a degree or two of what Sven is experiencing. The misting system we have on the range helps to keep the campers cool as they stand under the canopies, but it doesn’t do much for the kids and adults running the range. Today we let the parents shoot -- always good for a laugh.

Just Sven
11 years ago

Who’s going to jail over this?


Poor management and shoddy oversight have led the U.S. Park Police to lose track of hundreds of rifles, handguns and machine guns, a watchdog agency said.

“We found that staff at all levels — from firearms program managers to their employees — had no clear idea of how many weapons they maintained due to incomplete and poorly managed inventory controls,” investigators with the U.S. Interior Department’s inspector general’s office said, in United Press International. “As a result, we discovered hundreds of handguns, rifles and shotguns not accounted for on official USPP inventory records.”

An easy answer: no one. If this were an FFL, heads would roll. The govt? Not so much.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Will the prosecution team be billing Zimmerman for their court time attacking the prosecution witnesses?

Har! Given that Angela Corey and her minions seem to be pretty dim -- and venal -- bulbs, it’s probably best not to give them ideas.

It’s amazing how the party of Orval Fabus, George Wallace, Sheriff Jim Clark, the Klan and so many other downright evil bigots managed to rebrand itself -- in contravention of all the available facts -- in a stunningly short period of time.

An easy answer: no one. If this were an FFL, heads would roll. The govt? Not so much.

Read about that particular debacle earlier this morning; more inept, unionized gummint goons with badges.

And how dare you question your betters masters, sir?

Just Sven
11 years ago

For you folks in the South, is ‘cracker’ a really nasty term?

If it’s just a cultural thing without any malice, I bet that chef woman is kicking herself in the butt right about now for her tears and apology tour over using the word n*gger a 100 years ago. She should have just said it’s part of her cultural heritage and let it go at that.

I mean, who can be against culture?

11 years ago

Hey, everybody!

Sven, in answer to your question: Cracker (pronounced cracka’) is intended to be as insulting to white people as the ‘n-word’ is to black people — but that never actually works out because, in literally all of my experience, white people just don’t care. It is a fact that the names intended to insult white people (specifically for their whiteness) are pretty much both stupid and ineffectual.

The intent is there, but the delivery is kind of weirdly funny. Which I imagine both baffles and infuriates the insulter.

11 years ago

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

…in literally all of my experience, white people just don’t care.

That’s why we put our hands in teh air and wave them.

As re Paula Deen: If she was such a horrible, pernicious bigot, why the hell are we just hearing about it now? (I wonder if Big Margarine and/or Big Vegetable Oil finally decided she had to be neutralized.)

11 years ago

Fight-fight-fight for the peanut oil! Lard is king! (No, really. They can have my lard when they can slip it out of my greasy, dead hands.)

Just Sven
11 years ago

I heard on teh news that the celebrity chef is being advised by former president Jimmy Carter: what could possibly go wrong with that?

11 years ago

There is some discussion elsewhere as to the proper delivery of the ass insult. Specifically, would that be crazy-ass cracker, or crazy ass-cracker?

Either way, you’ll remember this post the next time you have crackers with your soup. So my work here is probably done. For now.

Just Sven
11 years ago
Reply to  BrendaK

The real insult appears to be that Zimmerman wasnt even white, or at best, only a white-hispanic-joooooo. Assuming he heard the insult, he probably thought St. Trayvon was addressing someone else. Or can you also call white-hispanic-joooos crazy-ass-crackers?

11 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

You could, but they’d probably just laugh at you. Hey, Fatwa is a white hispanic (way back in the family tree) jooo.

Let’s see what he does! Oh, Fatwaaaaaa --

11 years ago
Reply to  BrendaK

As it turns out, he wasn’t particularly insulted but he did wonder if there was any money in reparations, since his long-distant ancestor was kicked out of two countries before landing like so much flotsam on American shores.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  BrendaK

That would be one Jacob Lopez D’Olivera who landed in Savannah in 1732. Through which lineage I’m actually eligible for membership in a couple of venerable Southern institutions.

But I’d rather just have teh reparations…including 281 years of compound interest.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist


Rare bird last seen in Britain 22 years ago reappears -- only to be killed by wind turbine in front of a horrified crowd of birdwatchers

There had been only eight recorded sightings of the white-throated needletail in the UK since 1846. So when one popped up again on British shores this week, twitchers were understandably excited.

A group of 40 enthusiasts dashed to the Hebrides to catch a glimpse of the brown, black and blue bird, which breeds in Asia and winters in Australasia.

But instead of being treated to a wildlife spectacle they were left with a horror show when it flew into a wind turbine and was killed.

11 years ago

Very sad for the bird, but the imagining reaction of the crowd…it’s all in cartoon in my head. With appropriate cartoon noises and feathers slowly floating to the ground. In technicolor.

I am just a bad person, and clearly going straight to hell.

Just Sven
11 years ago

If you have a chance, since there aint no creepy ass crac*er caption contest which Jerry would have won anyhow, check out Piers Morgan tonite. He’s got an EXCLUSIVE interview with one of DeeDee’s classmates. Turns out, this girl is only marginally smarter than DeeDee, doesnt really know DeeDee, but assures Piers that she herself isn’t a racist cuz she’s from England!

Even though I support culture and stuff, if these girls are typical American teenagers, God help us.

11 years ago

Seems like I remember a Shirley Temple movie song, “Crazy ass Crackers in my Soup”, dancing with some Steppin Fetchett, but I could be wrong. Anyway, now I’ve got that song in my head, thanks BK.

11 years ago

Olive teh bird story. I can’t wait to tell BW. We passed some windmills in Denton the other day. I called them birdkillers. Yeah, 3 stupid wind mills by the college. We probably paid for with our tax dollars so they could look cool.
(No, I’m not going to call them “turbines”.)

Just Sven
11 years ago


Just Sven
11 years ago

Flipping through the channels watching bits and pieces of the Zimmerman trial analysis. One thing that strikes me odd is that every channel has a bevy of young good looking female ex-prosecutors or defense attorneys opining on the subject. These are suppose to be the experts, but judging from their age, they couldnt have been practicing law for more than 10 years-and that makes them experts how?

The other thing they are making a big deal about is whether Zimmerman’s injuries were serious enough to constitute grave bodily injury and severe enough that George feared for his life. Zimmerman didnt shoot Martin because he was getting his crac*er ass handed to him; he shot Martin because in addition to getting his crac*er ass handed to him, Martin was reaching for Zimmerman’s gun.