It feels like it’s been a month since I’ve checked in, and maybe it has.
Like Mac said, Sven, you’re fighting the good fight. Good luck with that -- I’m all too familiar with the 5-6 year cycle of “always improving”.
Now we’ve got a widget where you can give someone an “attaboy” and the whole company can see it! Eleventy!
Or those that have the certain sales software.
Which I don’t.
My biggest challenge is overcoming the “failure is not an option” mindset that I have that’s probably responsible (ultimately) for the headaches and other stress-related quirks I’ve developed.
Easier said than done, but I gotta let it go and accept that my best is quite good enough.
If Mr. X would just let me get a speed bag… 😉
Oh, and look what we picked up from the shelter down the ways a bit:
There was no shortage of dogs down in Bastrop, and we actually took one for a walk, but as he could jump higher than my head, and was 6″ taller than Lati (and he is an alpha dog) the challenge was going to be too much.
We’ll donate to compensate for their time, and Good L0rd the work that they do.
After lunch at Carl’s, we opted to go back to Giddings and get one of the pups. He’s a Pyrenees/Shepherd mix, and his name is Brody.
The gal at the shelter actually named him. She had to put a name down on the adoption form, and since we end all our dog’s names with an “e” sound, I started the bidding at “Henry”. She said, “What about Brody?” Mr. X and I looked at each other, “Done!”
He’s going to be a handful, and Lati’s 50/50: we got him the best present EVAR and “Come on, man -- it’s nap time!”
Dottie? Well, she’s going to wait ’til he’s older and taller before she’ll deign to deal with him. Same as she did with Lati.
Glad all went well at the college, Paddy -- and that you got a nice, albeit brief trip to the Keys.
Nice looking, dog, X. Congrats! All dogs should have good homes.
Echoing Fatwa; safe and fun travels, Kate. And good morning to you, Fatwa.
Not much else going on-bit of a heatwave but this summer has been surprisingly mild.
Not watching teh news much-imagine it’s the same old stuff going on. Football season right around the corner, but my Raiders aint looking all that good-not a big surprise.
Good morning, Gerbil Nation!
Save travels, K8. Enjoy the trip and the time together.
TeX -- what a cute puppy!
You may want to think about adopting the Mythbusters slogan, “Failure is always an option”. Of course that also means that at the end of every project you get to blow something up. Just something to think about.
I’ve been looking for an excuse to buy that stuff!
AND we’ve got a friend with experience in explosives, so it might be a good idea to pick some up. Considering I think there will be some shooting involved while they’re here.
Thanks for the cute puppehs!!! comments. He is cute -- he looks like a leetle baby polar bear.
But, if he gets to be Lati’s size or bigger, or hell, even gains 20 lbs., Lati’s going to discover payback’s a bitch. And it may be Dottie protecting him from Brody, not the other way around.
It is great to see LA TeX after so long an absence. Puppies, is there anything cuter?
I’m taking care of Deuce for the next two weeks while my neighbor Mark is out west visiting his two boys. This is his first trip without Fran. Deuce is a Jack Russell Terrier and quite reviled in teh neighborhood. For whatever reason he has always taken a shine to me, even when I was wearing a hat (his code for mailman/UPS man/FedEx man).
A few years ago he bit the mail lady ’cause, shut up. At my home he is a real sweetheart and gets along mostly well with Sarah.
Yup…you should definitely think about getting some Tannerite for your guests. (That product name always reminds me of Cavorite from H.G. Wells’ The First Men In The Moon.)
‘Splodey shooting sounds like lots of fun!
Jerry --
Jack Russells are even more terrifying than Bostons; aiiieeeeeeeee! You’re a brave Gerbil.
A drummer friend in Los Angeles had a Jack Russell foundling he named “Taz” (after the Merry Melodies Tasmanian Devil) whom he often referred to as his “personal trainer”, as they used to chase one another around in his yard.
For whatever reason he has always taken a shine to me…
I have a theory that dogs can smell the hypothesized “sucker for puppies” gene. 😉
Tex, so glad to see you. The new puppy looks precious! We had a family friend with a couple of Great Pyrenees dogs. They were wonderful dogs, huge, but great (and I say this as someone who had a couple of Russian Wolfhounds at the time). Brody should be a fine looking dog and with the loving home he will be growing up in I would bet he will have a great personality as well.
It feels like it’s been a month since I’ve checked in, and maybe it has.
Like Mac said, Sven, you’re fighting the good fight. Good luck with that -- I’m all too familiar with the 5-6 year cycle of “always improving”.
Now we’ve got a widget where you can give someone an “attaboy” and the whole company can see it! Eleventy!
Or those that have the certain sales software.
Which I don’t.
My biggest challenge is overcoming the “failure is not an option” mindset that I have that’s probably responsible (ultimately) for the headaches and other stress-related quirks I’ve developed.
Easier said than done, but I gotta let it go and accept that my best is quite good enough.
If Mr. X would just let me get a speed bag… 😉
Oh, and look what we picked up from the shelter down the ways a bit:

There was no shortage of dogs down in Bastrop, and we actually took one for a walk, but as he could jump higher than my head, and was 6″ taller than Lati (and he is an alpha dog) the challenge was going to be too much.
We’ll donate to compensate for their time, and Good L0rd the work that they do.
After lunch at Carl’s, we opted to go back to Giddings and get one of the pups. He’s a Pyrenees/Shepherd mix, and his name is Brody.
The gal at the shelter actually named him. She had to put a name down on the adoption form, and since we end all our dog’s names with an “e” sound, I started the bidding at “Henry”. She said, “What about Brody?” Mr. X and I looked at each other, “Done!”
He’s going to be a handful, and Lati’s 50/50: we got him the best present EVAR and “Come on, man -- it’s nap time!”
Dottie? Well, she’s going to wait ’til he’s older and taller before she’ll deign to deal with him. Same as she did with Lati.
Glad all went well at the college, Paddy -- and that you got a nice, albeit brief trip to the Keys.
Traveling mercies, Kaaaaaate-y!
Sure Happy It’s Tues…oh, wait!
It’s still overcast, drizzly and relatively cool here in Happy Larryville, which beats the hell out of 98 degrees and sunny. Danged Evil Orb!
K8-E --
Hope you and PMK have an uneventful drive to PA and a fun, relaxing visit / VA sojurn.
Did you leave your car halfway up your driveway to facilitate drainage? 😉
TeX --
Very glad to “see” you and a picture of teh new puppy. Awwww…puppy!!1cuteness! (Are you going to need a farrier for him?)
Nice looking, dog, X. Congrats! All dogs should have good homes.
Echoing Fatwa; safe and fun travels, Kate. And good morning to you, Fatwa.
Not much else going on-bit of a heatwave but this summer has been surprisingly mild.
Not watching teh news much-imagine it’s the same old stuff going on. Football season right around the corner, but my Raiders aint looking all that good-not a big surprise.
Good morning, Gerbil Nation!
Save travels, K8. Enjoy the trip and the time together.
TeX -- what a cute puppy!
You may want to think about adopting the Mythbusters slogan, “Failure is always an option”. Of course that also means that at the end of every project you get to blow something up. Just something to think about.
I’ve been looking for an excuse to buy that stuff!
AND we’ve got a friend with experience in explosives, so it might be a good idea to pick some up. Considering I think there will be some shooting involved while they’re here.
Thanks for the cute puppehs!!! comments. He is cute -- he looks like a leetle baby polar bear.
But, if he gets to be Lati’s size or bigger, or hell, even gains 20 lbs., Lati’s going to discover payback’s a bitch. And it may be Dottie protecting him from Brody, not the other way around.
Greetings from deeeeelightful Bountiful.
I sure do hope y’all are having a super day, ’cause you just know I am.
It is great to see LA TeX after so long an absence. Puppies, is there anything cuter?
I’m taking care of Deuce for the next two weeks while my neighbor Mark is out west visiting his two boys. This is his first trip without Fran. Deuce is a Jack Russell Terrier and quite reviled in teh neighborhood. For whatever reason he has always taken a shine to me, even when I was wearing a hat (his code for mailman/UPS man/FedEx man).
A few years ago he bit the mail lady ’cause, shut up. At my home he is a real sweetheart and gets along mostly well with Sarah.
Hi, TeX and Jerry!!1!
TeX --
Yup…you should definitely think about getting some Tannerite for your guests. (That product name always reminds me of Cavorite from H.G. Wells’ The First Men In The Moon.)
‘Splodey shooting sounds like lots of fun!
Jerry --
Jack Russells are even more terrifying than Bostons; aiiieeeeeeeee! You’re a brave Gerbil.
A drummer friend in Los Angeles had a Jack Russell foundling he named “Taz” (after the Merry Melodies Tasmanian Devil) whom he often referred to as his “personal trainer”, as they used to chase one another around in his yard.
I have a theory that dogs can smell the hypothesized “sucker for puppies” gene. 😉
Tex, so glad to see you. The new puppy looks precious! We had a family friend with a couple of Great Pyrenees dogs. They were wonderful dogs, huge, but great (and I say this as someone who had a couple of Russian Wolfhounds at the time). Brody should be a fine looking dog and with the loving home he will be growing up in I would bet he will have a great personality as well.
This is pretty cool for lying propaganda:
Heh. Shameless, but pretty slick.
Also, shameless.
But you got to admire it. It must be quite liberating once you decide that facts don’t matter. I imagine it feels like running around in a kilt.
Wow. Just. wow.