My god, good god, god in heaven. That’s about all I can say about more cats, Mac. Although I wonder if that type of treatment is covered under Obamacare?
I feel for Paddy trying to do a good job in this environment:
“Two librarians are among a dozen Southern California school employees accused of stealing thousands of textbooks from their districts in exchange for thousands of dollars, paid allegedly by a Southland book buyer, according to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office.”
Sorry to hear you continue to dislike your job so intently; ’tis teh suck.
Paddy --
I hope the screwed-up control system at your school isn’t named Colossus. 😉
We’ll be schlepping at least 120 miles round-trip to attend our niece’s 17th birfday party today. (We were able to weasel last year, but didn’t want to do that two years in a row, as we do like her.)
Speaking of cats tho, ‘my’ bobcat just made another appearance cutting through our yard. He’s a bit bigger and his fur is a lot darker than the last time I saw him.
Time to start chores. The first major one is to drain Mrs Sven’s water feature and clean it out. Yuk.
Happy Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
As Sven said, it never really cooled down last night.
We went to a football game at Teh Older & Younger’s former high school and a nice breeze developed and it cooled down considerably. Unfortunately, the breeze didn’t make it far enough inland to help us at home.
Going to install a new toilet today -- one of my least-favorite repair activities.
Huh. Both me an Paddy are engaging in water sports today.
Pulled the brook apart--had to clean the muck out with a soup ladle as I couldnt get down close enough--not as bendy as I use to be. Anyhow, dumped some chemicals in there, I’ll let them sit for awhile, and then drain it all out.
Good luck with the toilet, Paddy-them things are awkward. But at least it isnt cold out.
Good morning Gentle Gerbils. Hope you all enjoy the mucking around today. I do not plan to be up to my elbows in muck today unless I get an unpleasant and unwelcome surprise.
Nice to see you stopping in more, Jerry. We miss you! Please excuse me for not shaking hands after hearing about your “water sports”.
Man, it’s hot out! Done with the water feature-had some trouble with one of the valves-but that’s done now. It dont stink so much anymore. Shower time and then grocery shopping.
Was it Fatwa that had the pony love boys convention post? Anyhow, saw this and thought of that:
Married to a Doll: Why One Man Advocates Synthetic Love
Q. When did you start feeling like Sidore was not just a sex toy but someone/something you were in a relationship with?
A. It actually didn’t take me too long to regard Shi-chan as a synthetic person, and not simply a thing; it occurred pretty much when I opened her crate for the first time. I was immediately stunned by her lifelike beauty, and after I mentally collected myself, extracted her from her crate, and sat her down on the couch, I just held her in my arms for a while. It felt so right and natural, if you’ll pardon the pun. It seemed perfectly normal for me to treat something that resembles an organic woman the same way I’d treat an actual organic woman.
Picked up the new toilet from Lowe’s, brought it in the house, then noticed the AC didn’t seem to be running right. The fan on the condenser unit (the big part that sits outside) wasn’t running. Great. After some troubleshooting, I found that the capacitor for the motor is bad. No problem. Easy fix. IF you have the replacement part. So no AC until Monday evening, at the earliest, or later in the week if I have to purchase online.
We’ve got the windows open and the fan on the HVAC unit on to keep the air moving. It’s only 90°F inside, but bearable as long as the breeze continues and the humidity remains reasonable. I think we’ll be going out for dinner.
Returned safely from the N. GA hinterlands; it’s pretty up there. Niece liked the top and purse Auntie BrendaK picked out; had a pleasant time. And cake.
The Crown Vic’s running great -- including the AC -- thanks to PMK and his Merry Minions’ efforts last week.
Hope teh various mucky GM projects went smoothly. Changing-out turlets isn’t so bad, assuming no supply line issues and having the proper wax ring on-hand. But they are awkward when working in a small space. (In which case I’ve found it easier to attach the tank after seating the bowl; either way, I assume I’m going to scrape my knuckles.)
Time to figure-out something dinner-like; it’s about time for another TJ’s run. (One of the few things I miss about living in the SFV is their ubiquity compared with ’round here.)
I think I have enough coffee to survive until Monday…
Got the new toilet installed and all the tools cleaned and put away. Removing the old tank is always a problem. The bolts are corroded and a screwdriver doesn’t give you enough grip on the top. I’m with Fatwa -- I always seat the bowl, then install the tank. I needed a 9/16 deep-well socket to remove the old tank. Wouldn’t you know it, the new one takes a 1/2 inch. 9/16 is the smallest I have. I tried my metric set, but the largest I have is 12 mm, not the 13 mm that might have worked.
Last time when I couldnt remove the bolts connecting the tank to the bowl, I used a sawzall with a long blade. Cut right through them without any damage.
I’ve got a couple of different-sized wrenches with infinitely adjustable “business ends” that are very similar to this one:
The outer ring adjusts it to the size of the nut. IIRC, the ones I have were manufactured by ChannelLock. They’re configured like socket wrenches, so they’re usually pretty easy to get into tight spaces; one has a fairly deep well. Just did a cursory check of their website and couldn’t find a link; perhaps they’re discontinued. (Which I find hard to imagine, since the ones I’ve got are very useful.)
LockTite makes some good products for freeing rusted or frozen bolts and nuts; I’ve also had some luck with WD-40.
My god, good god, god in heaven. That’s about all I can say about more cats, Mac. Although I wonder if that type of treatment is covered under Obamacare?
I feel for Paddy trying to do a good job in this environment:
“Two librarians are among a dozen Southern California school employees accused of stealing thousands of textbooks from their districts in exchange for thousands of dollars, paid allegedly by a Southland book buyer, according to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office.”
Apparently it never cooled down last night: 6:00 in the morning and it’s 80 degrees out.
Caturday compliments from Happy Larryville, GN!
Woo hoo…a box of kittehs for Sven!
Sven --
Sorry to hear you continue to dislike your job so intently; ’tis teh suck.
Paddy --
I hope the screwed-up control system at your school isn’t named Colossus. 😉
We’ll be schlepping at least 120 miles round-trip to attend our niece’s 17th birfday party today. (We were able to weasel last year, but didn’t want to do that two years in a row, as we do like her.)
I remember enjoying that movie at the time, although it was a bit depressing.
Woo hoo…a box of kittehs for Sven!
Yes, I am truly blessed.
Speaking of cats tho, ‘my’ bobcat just made another appearance cutting through our yard. He’s a bit bigger and his fur is a lot darker than the last time I saw him.
Time to start chores. The first major one is to drain Mrs Sven’s water feature and clean it out. Yuk.
Good luck with your water-feature cleaning, Sven!

Happy Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
As Sven said, it never really cooled down last night.
We went to a football game at Teh Older & Younger’s former high school and a nice breeze developed and it cooled down considerably. Unfortunately, the breeze didn’t make it far enough inland to help us at home.
Going to install a new toilet today -- one of my least-favorite repair activities.
Huh. Both me an Paddy are engaging in water sports today.
Pulled the brook apart--had to clean the muck out with a soup ladle as I couldnt get down close enough--not as bendy as I use to be. Anyhow, dumped some chemicals in there, I’ll let them sit for awhile, and then drain it all out.
Good luck with the toilet, Paddy-them things are awkward. But at least it isnt cold out.
Greetings from sublime Bountiful.
I sure hope y’all enjoy cleaning out your water features, ’cause you just know I did.
Good morning Gentle Gerbils. Hope you all enjoy the mucking around today. I do not plan to be up to my elbows in muck today unless I get an unpleasant and unwelcome surprise.
Nice to see you stopping in more, Jerry. We miss you! Please excuse me for not shaking hands after hearing about your “water sports”.
Man, it’s hot out! Done with the water feature-had some trouble with one of the valves-but that’s done now. It dont stink so much anymore. Shower time and then grocery shopping.
Was it Fatwa that had the pony love boys convention post? Anyhow, saw this and thought of that:
Married to a Doll: Why One Man Advocates Synthetic Love
Q. When did you start feeling like Sidore was not just a sex toy but someone/something you were in a relationship with?
A. It actually didn’t take me too long to regard Shi-chan as a synthetic person, and not simply a thing; it occurred pretty much when I opened her crate for the first time. I was immediately stunned by her lifelike beauty, and after I mentally collected myself, extracted her from her crate, and sat her down on the couch, I just held her in my arms for a while. It felt so right and natural, if you’ll pardon the pun. It seemed perfectly normal for me to treat something that resembles an organic woman the same way I’d treat an actual organic woman.
21st century relationships. And I won’t judge, uh uh, not me, no sir……
“…it occurred pretty much when I opened her crate for the first time.” Is that like the best line ever? Heh.
Picked up the new toilet from Lowe’s, brought it in the house, then noticed the AC didn’t seem to be running right. The fan on the condenser unit (the big part that sits outside) wasn’t running. Great. After some troubleshooting, I found that the capacitor for the motor is bad. No problem. Easy fix. IF you have the replacement part. So no AC until Monday evening, at the earliest, or later in the week if I have to purchase online.
We’ve got the windows open and the fan on the HVAC unit on to keep the air moving. It’s only 90°F inside, but bearable as long as the breeze continues and the humidity remains reasonable. I think we’ll be going out for dinner.
Tarnation…that sucks about your condenser fan; hope you can acquire the cap locally, Paddy.
Returned safely from the N. GA hinterlands; it’s pretty up there. Niece liked the top and purse Auntie BrendaK picked out; had a pleasant time. And cake.
The Crown Vic’s running great -- including the AC -- thanks to PMK and his Merry Minions’ efforts last week.
Hope teh various mucky GM projects went smoothly. Changing-out turlets isn’t so bad, assuming no supply line issues and having the proper wax ring on-hand. But they are awkward when working in a small space. (In which case I’ve found it easier to attach the tank after seating the bowl; either way, I assume I’m going to scrape my knuckles.)
Time to figure-out something dinner-like; it’s about time for another TJ’s run. (One of the few things I miss about living in the SFV is their ubiquity compared with ’round here.)
I think I have enough coffee to survive until Monday…
Got the new toilet installed and all the tools cleaned and put away. Removing the old tank is always a problem. The bolts are corroded and a screwdriver doesn’t give you enough grip on the top. I’m with Fatwa -- I always seat the bowl, then install the tank. I needed a 9/16 deep-well socket to remove the old tank. Wouldn’t you know it, the new one takes a 1/2 inch. 9/16 is the smallest I have. I tried my metric set, but the largest I have is 12 mm, not the 13 mm that might have worked.
Last time when I couldnt remove the bolts connecting the tank to the bowl, I used a sawzall with a long blade. Cut right through them without any damage.
Paddy --
I’ve got a couple of different-sized wrenches with infinitely adjustable “business ends” that are very similar to this one:
The outer ring adjusts it to the size of the nut. IIRC, the ones I have were manufactured by ChannelLock. They’re configured like socket wrenches, so they’re usually pretty easy to get into tight spaces; one has a fairly deep well. Just did a cursory check of their website and couldn’t find a link; perhaps they’re discontinued. (Which I find hard to imagine, since the ones I’ve got are very useful.)
LockTite makes some good products for freeing rusted or frozen bolts and nuts; I’ve also had some luck with WD-40.