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10 years ago

Killer Tomato O grabbin’!

10 years ago

Killer Tomato Murder -Suicide?

10 years ago

The tomato on the right may not be dead. But it is just a vegetable.

10 years ago

Any way you slice it, this future of the left side tomato has been purree’d (sp?)

10 years ago

Possible defense:
I was stewed & don’t remember what happened.”

10 years ago

“I was hitting the sauce pretty hard & blacked out. Man, I was pasted.”

10 years ago

“This is a miscarriage of justice! I have been drawn ,quartered and hung out to sun-dry.”

10 years ago

Ok, I’ll stop.

10 years ago

That means I’ll hold the tomato.

I cracked myself up!

Just Sven
10 years ago

Rabbit on a roll!

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Mid-week salutations from sorely vexed yet also Happy Larryville, GN!

Wow…a RabBeetnado; yay!

That means I’ll hold the tomato.

Who’s holding teh pickle?

Rabbit on a roll!

Aka “Bun on a Bun”; here’s your order, Sven:

10 years ago

Thanks, guys.
I was the only one playing in the tomato captioning contest, yet Jerrie still won!

Just Sven
10 years ago

House rule: Jerry always wins! It’s good to be Jerry…

Smell of rain in the air. Think summer is finally done altho the Santa Anas could kick up again in a few weeks. Hard to tell anymore with global warming and all that.

Thanks, Fatwa; I was wondering what to make for breakfast..

Paddy O'Furnijur
10 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

That garnish under the rabbit? Those aren’t raisins. Just sayin’.

Paddy O'Furnijur
10 years ago

Good morning, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, RabBiT-the-Tomato-Killer, Sven, and Fatwa!

Rabbit on a roll!

Hmm, I may have gotten that backwards. Oh well, it works in Australia.

Just Sven
10 years ago

If you go HealthCare.gov and start the process, the first thing you are told to do is to select your state from a drop-down list. Included in the values are places like Puerto Rico, District of Columbia, and American Samoa. Being picky here, but last time I looked, those weren’t states. Would be more accurate to have said Select Your Location.

And before you ask, no, you can’t select “pissed off” as your state.

Just Sven
10 years ago

Bummer. Tried to sign up and there’s a problem but ti doesnt tell me what it is. Just try again later.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

I was just reading about the disgusting political theater on the National Mall yesterday; Rangel, Pelosi, Ellison, Lewis were cuffed and “arrested” while the crowd left the site filthy.

My Rep, Rob Woodall, has demonstrated to my satisfaction that he’s just another Congressional POS despite all his pretty words; it’s clear I have zero representation. As such, I look forward to his next townhall meeting.

To say that I’m angry would be like characterizing Joseph Stalin as “a slightly disagreeable chap”.

Ars Technica had a fairly damning article about the clusterfark that is the ObamaCare website:

The result of the headlong rush to October 1 was a system that had never been tested at anything like the load it experienced on its first day of operation (if it was tested with loads at all). Those looking for a reason for the site’s horrible performance on its first day had plenty of things to choose from.

First of all, there’s the front-end site itself. The first page of the registration process (once you get to it) has 2,099 lines of HTML code, but it also calls 56 JavaScript files and 11 CSS files. That’s not exactly optimal for heavy-load pages.

Navigating the site once you get past registration is something of a cheese chase through the rat-maze. “It’s like a bad, boring video game where you try to grunt and hack your way through to the next step,” one site user told Ars.

Once you get through all that, it’s not clear that it’s going to do you any good. Underlying problems in the back-end code—including the data hub built by QSSI—have been causing errors in determining whether individuals are eligible for subsidized plans under the program. In DC, that means health care plan prices won’t be available to people registering through DC’s portal until November. It may also mean that others who have registered already at the federal and state exchanges may get sticker shock later.

Just Sven
10 years ago

Trying again to create my account with user name BarackObama

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

…yet Jerrie still won!

Yeah…I’m starting to get a leetle suspicious; BrendaK’s vote-rigging was a lot more honest. 😉

Those aren’t raisins. Just sayin’.

Raisins don’t go with rabbit; they’re probably capers.

Hmm, I may have gotten that backwards.


And before you ask, no, you can’t select “pissed off” as your state.

I gonna take a wild guess that “You ought to all be clubbed like baby Harp seals” also ain’t an option.

Just Sven
10 years ago

And 8 minutes late I get this message:

Important: Your account couldnt be created at this time. The system is unavailable.

Try again.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

For any of you who missed this ObamaCare news yesterday: all user passwords are being reset to help address the site’s login woes.

Just Sven
10 years ago

Bummer. But I do think it might be a viable tactic when you are just sitting around doing nothing, to flood the site with requests.

Off to work--you guys all be good today.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

Based on what I’ve read, the code’s so carpy the site basically floods itself with requests. 56 JavaScript and 11 CSS files on the first page…WTF???!??!?

10 years ago

Moar Heh! http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/Articles/2013/10/08/2-Billion-NSA-Spy-Center-Going-Flames
I’m having a lovely week skewering at work for Lilburn Daze and watching the skewering of teh Shutdown theatrics. I think we should have regularly scheduled gov’t shutdowns for the educational and entertainment value.

Lilburn Daze = local festival. KFH&BBQ will be selling Meatball and Italian Sausage Skewers, Teriyaki Chicken Skewers, Marinated Mozzarella, Tomato and Sweet Basil Skewers, Fruit Skewers and Water.

10 years ago
Reply to  Kate

That was probably their code exploding — if it was written by the same folks that wrote the Healthcare.gov fiasco-ware.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Kate


Teh schadenfreude is almost worth the extra hundreds of thousands it’s costing us.

The spooks should’ve just hired Amazon or Google.

OTOH, this article could just be a PsyOp. 😉