WTH…Monday again already? *Gaaaaaaaahroan*
Hey, RabBeet!
X!!! continued: I know where you can hide out while Mr. X recovers from his rotator cuff injury . . .
Ooooooh…I like that idea! (Except for teh “leaving Mr. X alone while he’s recovering” part.) I’ll also toss-in Mongolian beef ala Fatwa, which truly tastes better than it sounds.
I am now determined to make Hidden Vegetable Muffins. Can’t wait for Friday Experiments!
Try teh kale!!1!eleven!!
Tourettes Chef asked the 9 yo challenge winner if she was afraid of anything. she said, ” Yes, chef. Clowns”.
Contra teh old joke, clowns do not taste funny. Don’t ask me how I know…I just do, m’kay?
I’ m waiting for the guy that emphatically said this: “Everybody here just does their job, right? You know, if you’re working here and in the middle of the day you just stopped and said, you know what? …I’m going to shut down the whole plant until I get something. You’d get fired! Right?” to offer up the same comments on the BART shutdown in San Fran:
“As both workers and BART management deal with the deaths of two workers, there are few indications of any quick resolution to the strike. ”
Good morning, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, RabBiT, Fatwa, and Sven!
It’s another Monday! Yay! That means there’s another weekend coming up!
Yeah, I’m not buyin’ it, neither.
Pass the coffee.
I’ll skip the muffins. Thanks anyway.
I see that POSOTUS will be trotting-out people who (allegedly) have had a “positive customer experience” with Il DoucheyCarein the Rose Garden this morning. And that he’s “drafted” Top Men to fix teh website. Top. Men.
“Greetings. Your President Emperor has invited you to assist in fixing enhancing the 404Care website. While your cooperation is strictly voluntary, it will be deeply appreciated. Because IRS and NSA. Thank you.
I thought BART struck just a few months ago; now they’re holding the Bay Area hostage again. I’ll bet those nasty GOP rascals are behind it.
(You’d think that S.F. Bay residents might question the efficacy of public employees’ unions at this time. But they won’t. San Francisco is a terrible waste of a beautiful city.)
X!!! continued: I know where you can hide out while Mr. X recovers from his rotator cuff injury . . .
Ooooooh. I like that idea!
(Except for teh “leaving Mr. X alone while he’s recovering” part.)
Well, there IS a nurse around the corner. And I do mean a “regular” round the corner, not the Texas round the corner; she’s less than a mile away.
Was there a very subtle Mogen David design on the crust per ZOG Standing Order 647.3? 😉
Not too subtle, actually. The Star of David necklace I’ve got on was front and center all night. But as the fundraiser’s barely controlled chaos once it gets going, I think everyone had other things to think about (or were too hammered) -- we’ll see come the next business meeting.
Perhaps next year, in addition to a pie, you could also auction-off some gribenes. (‘Cause homemade gefilte fish is really too much work…)Perhaps next year, in addition to a pie, you could also auction-off some gribenes. (‘Cause homemade gefilte fish is really too much work…)
Given the almost-entirely German heritages out here, I bet that’d go over. I just don’t have the palette to know what would taste “right”.
Ugh, Monday came too quickly. And it’s going to be a crazy week with our friends coming in for “The CA Exodus Part I”.
And I actually have to go there for Thanksgiving (CA I mean).
The selfish and self-centered part of me really, really, REALLY wants to think of a way out, but that would be worse than leaving Mr. X alone after surgery.
He had a difficult time coming to terms with his mom’s Alzheimer’s after he moved her from Colorado Springs to CA earlier this year…drove straight through despite all my pleadings, just because he wanted HOME and NORMAL.
Now it’s down to just how many days we’re there (and he actually wants to go Black Friday shopping!). There’s no farking WAY I’m doing that number out THERE. Nuh uh. If we’re meant to have it, it’ll still be in the store when we get home.
11 years ago
Black Friday should be spent making Chex Mix for Chex Mix Season. That is all.
Ok, some football watching. and Chex Mix testing. and beer. But that’s all!
And I actually have to go there for Thanksgiving (CA I mean)
And Mr. X wants to go Black Friday shopping in SoCal??!??!! Oy. (I don’t think you two can legally carry there; just sayin’.) 😉
Black Friday’s for sleeping-in a bit, leisurely coffee with leftover pumpkin pie & carp-tonnes of real whipped cream, reading teh internets while in jammies and mocking all of the unfortunate incidents involving moh-rons who got up at three ayem because doorbusters!!1!
Just sent the following to my Rep, Rob Woodall (Asshat -- GA):
Rob (since you unilaterally decided we’re on a first-name basis) --
Due to the failure of you -- or any of your staffers -- to respond meaningfully (or at all, in two out of three instances) to my concerns regarding serious matters such as the NSA, IRS and BATFE, you no longer have my confidence or my consent.
Exhibiting contempt for constituents is no way to get reelected, son.
With all due scorn,
[My real name here]
Because “FY, TW” isn’t just for politicians and bureaucrats.
O grabbin’!
WTH…Monday again already? *Gaaaaaaaahroan*
Hey, RabBeet!
Ooooooh…I like that idea! (Except for teh “leaving Mr. X alone while he’s recovering” part.) I’ll also toss-in Mongolian beef ala Fatwa, which truly tastes better than it sounds.
Try teh kale!!1!eleven!!
Contra teh old joke, clowns do not taste funny. Don’t ask me how I know…I just do, m’kay?
I like the idea of hidden vegetable muffins with brussel sprouts. Or garlic.
I’ m waiting for the guy that emphatically said this: “Everybody here just does their job, right? You know, if you’re working here and in the middle of the day you just stopped and said, you know what? …I’m going to shut down the whole plant until I get something. You’d get fired! Right?” to offer up the same comments on the BART shutdown in San Fran:
“As both workers and BART management deal with the deaths of two workers, there are few indications of any quick resolution to the strike. ”
And good morning! But yeah, Monday’s suck.
Good morning, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, RabBiT, Fatwa, and Sven!
It’s another Monday! Yay! That means there’s another weekend coming up!
Yeah, I’m not buyin’ it, neither.
Pass the coffee.
I’ll skip the muffins. Thanks anyway.
Hai, Sven and Paddy!
I see that POSOTUS will be trotting-out people who (allegedly) have had a “positive customer experience” with Il DoucheyCarein the Rose Garden this morning. And that he’s “drafted” Top Men to fix teh website. Top. Men.
“Greetings. Your
PresidentEmperor has invited you to assist infixingenhancing the 404Care website. While your cooperation is strictly voluntary, it will be deeply appreciated. Because IRS and NSA. Thank you.I thought BART struck just a few months ago; now they’re holding the Bay Area hostage again. I’ll bet those nasty GOP rascals are behind it.
(You’d think that S.F. Bay residents might question the efficacy of public employees’ unions at this time. But they won’t. San Francisco is a terrible waste of a beautiful city.)
SCOAMF is too generous a descriptor for this guy.
What we need is every conservative in the country to work on bringing that web site down. Keep creating bogus accounts, tie up the phone lines.
And as far as San Fran goes, well they get what they voted for. Idiots.
Garlic muffins might be pretty good…so long as they’re not made with cornmeal. Or a confectioner’s sugar glaze.
[Insert retching noises here]
Sometimes, I even gross myself out.
OTOH, I wonder how garlic popovers would be? Crunchy, garlicky and slathered with butter…
with tomato and feta filling?
Ooooooh. I like that idea!
Well, there IS a nurse around the corner. And I do mean a “regular” round the corner, not the Texas round the corner; she’s less than a mile away.
Not too subtle, actually. The Star of David necklace I’ve got on was front and center all night. But as the fundraiser’s barely controlled chaos once it gets going, I think everyone had other things to think about (or were too hammered) -- we’ll see come the next business meeting.
Given the almost-entirely German heritages out here, I bet that’d go over. I just don’t have the palette to know what would taste “right”.
Ugh, Monday came too quickly. And it’s going to be a crazy week with our friends coming in for “The CA Exodus Part I”.
Coffee anyone?

Hi, TeX and Jerry!
Well…that explains certain things. 😉
Do your neighbors also click their heels?
Greetings from good god could the sky be more blue Bountiful.
I surely do hope y’all are having a super day, ’cause you just know I am.
TeX --
It’s probably just as well you guys left San Diego, as many of your fellow voters are, well, have a look-see:
And I actually have to go there for Thanksgiving (CA I mean).
The selfish and self-centered part of me really, really, REALLY wants to think of a way out, but that would be worse than leaving Mr. X alone after surgery.
He had a difficult time coming to terms with his mom’s Alzheimer’s after he moved her from Colorado Springs to CA earlier this year…drove straight through despite all my pleadings, just because he wanted HOME and NORMAL.
Now it’s down to just how many days we’re there (and he actually wants to go Black Friday shopping!). There’s no farking WAY I’m doing that number out THERE. Nuh uh. If we’re meant to have it, it’ll still be in the store when we get home.
Black Friday should be spent making Chex Mix for Chex Mix Season. That is all.
Ok, some football watching. and Chex Mix testing. and beer. But that’s all!
Hai, K8-E!
And Mr. X wants to go Black Friday shopping in SoCal??!??!! Oy. (I don’t think you two can legally carry there; just sayin’.) 😉
Black Friday’s for sleeping-in a bit, leisurely coffee with leftover pumpkin pie & carp-tonnes of real whipped cream, reading teh internets while in jammies and mocking all of the unfortunate incidents involving moh-rons who got up at three ayem because doorbusters!!1!
Okay…I’ll accept that. 😉
Just sent the following to my Rep, Rob Woodall (Asshat -- GA):
Because “FY, TW” isn’t just for politicians and bureaucrats.