Rebecca Black Friday greetings from Happy Larryville -- located in the increasingly lawless and capricious US of A -- GN!
Hai, RabBeet!
That didn’t sound right.
Which means it’s wrong. Excellent.
Jerry --
I just noticed the latest site header and actually *snogglesnorted* kawfee onto my keyboard…teh yay for keyboard skins. (And a reputation for being pernicious.)
Mac --
I never knew there were bunny obstacle courses; looks like the one in the thread GIF is a smartass. Sure glad we don’t have any smartass Rabbits around here.
Report Card Night is over, until next year. The parents of 26 of my students stopped by to see how their son/daughter/melange is doing. That’s 26 out of 171, or 15%. Many teachers had far fewer parents stop by. Yes, we have translators available.
Good morning, Paddy & Rabbit (kisses again, FatwaPookiePoo)
Paddy -- I’m sorry. That’s a poor showing, even when it’s best of show. I don’t know what to say to that -- my parent(s) always attended, much to my trembling fear. I can’t say it changed my behavior regarding homework, but it did help reinforce the balance of them v. me power, which can only be a good thing when it comes to education and social behavior.
Rebecca Black O grabbin’!
That didn’t sound right.
Rebecca Black Friday greetings from Happy Larryville -- located in the increasingly lawless and capricious US of A -- GN!
Hai, RabBeet!
Which means it’s wrong. Excellent.
Jerry --
I just noticed the latest site header and actually *snogglesnorted* kawfee onto my keyboard…teh yay for keyboard skins. (And a reputation for being pernicious.)
Mac --
I never knew there were bunny obstacle courses; looks like the one in the thread GIF is a smartass. Sure glad we don’t have any smartass Rabbits around here.
Addendum(b) --
While composing my previous, I typed the word “snogglesnotted”, which was not entirely inaccurate.
Happy Rebecca Black-less Friday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, RabBiT and Fatwa!
That’s OK, RabBiT -- we don’t judge here in Teh Cage.
Report Card Night is over, until next year. The parents of 26 of my students stopped by to see how their son/daughter/melange is doing. That’s 26 out of 171, or 15%. Many teachers had far fewer parents stop by. Yes, we have translators available.
Good morning, Paddy & Rabbit (kisses again, FatwaPookiePoo)
Paddy -- I’m sorry. That’s a poor showing, even when it’s best of show. I don’t know what to say to that -- my parent(s) always attended, much to my trembling fear. I can’t say it changed my behavior regarding homework, but it did help reinforce the balance of them v. me power, which can only be a good thing when it comes to education and social behavior.
Fatwa’s Thread Knives (har -- see what I did there?!)
Talking about threads or just spinning a yarn?
I thought of Fatwa when I saw this.
Hi Jerry! Thanks again for the new digs. I would so miss this gang!
Hai, Paddy, Jerry and Mac!
That weirdly made me think of the old SNL gag with Garrett Morris:
Thanks, Mac…I, ah, “ka-rinkled” in my corduroys; even by ’60s spokes-clown standards, that guy was ca-reepy.
This made me think of Hawk.
Sure hope that Hawk and those dearest to him are well.
Guess I’m proving that Jerry’s confidence in me wasn’t misplaced.