Truth is, I forgot it was teh annivers. & so did BW.
Don’t feel too bad, Rabbit. Mr. X and I forgot two years in a row. And we only *just* had our eleventh!
Good Morning EveryGerbillyBody!
Other than that Zombie Pug image freaking me out, I ain’t got much. It’s the final week of production, and of course my two co-workers are off to the L.A. Auto Show for three days.
S’not like I don’t do most of the editorial sh¡t on my own anyway. I’ll just get more phone calls.
BUT…I bought a new keyboard last night at Wally World -- it’s a gaming keyboard, but it’s got programmable macros! I can program in the *sentences* that I type over and over again in some emails and now just push a button!
I’d said to the kid I was talking to, “I had an editorial program that would let you program your own macros, but that was years ago and DOS-based.”
At “DOS” the head began to tilt.
“Sorry, before you were born…nevermind”
Yeah, so that’s my excitement.
We busted some butt over the weekend and got the gate supports up the driveway, which wasn’t too bad. The digging the holes (with the auger on the tractor), then setting the supports and *then* leveling the suckers.
This is the one the gate’s actually going to hinge to:
No one can say Mr. X doesn’t do nice work.
What you can’t see is those suckers are 45″ in the ground. We had some fun getting them out of the shop. He built them with the door closed. With the door *open* the opening is 8″ shorter.
Thank G-d for dollies and floor jacks.
Flag poles with lights on top will extend up from each front post -- and we’ve got some retro barn lights for the lights. It’ll look really nice when it’s done -- the fencing will be secure, and truly this place will be what the plaque that’s going to mount on the gate says it is: “Mutt Haven”.
Wow. That was entirely more than I intended on writing…otherwise I seem to be holding up -- better physically than mentally at the moment -- but that’s just the craziness that comes with every production cycle (that seems to get worse every time around -- freakin Mangler™).
Good morning, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, TeX! Thanks for the coffee -- you do brew a mighty nice cup!
Nice looking gate! Is it to keep the donkeys, camels, and zebras out, or in?
Happy Tuesday morning from Larryville, GN!
Hai, TeX and Paddy!
Mac --
When Jackson’s lying on his back, the underside of his muzzle is shaped remarkably like the thread GIF lizard’s.
RabBeet --
Hope you get to go gambling without TM; I can only shake my head re WG.
Other than that Zombie Pug image freaking me out…
Well…my work here is through.
The yay for your new programmable macro keyboard; hope it saves you much typing. (I tried for years to create “cut & paste” wordage for roof reports; alas, there are enough differences from roof to roof that using ’em always looked like precisely what it was…not acceptable.)
Lurve the way the gate’ll look; hope you’ll share photos when it’s done, including flagpoles and lights. Will you have an automatic opener or strictly manual operation?
Nice looking gate! Is it to keep the donkeys, camels, and zebras out, or in?
Paddy, it’s the last step in keeping the dogs in.
With a hound mix like Dottie -- she would like to go on “jaunts” -- that have lasted six hours.
Sometimes she takes Lati with her -- they seem to split up at some point because he usually comes back earlier.
But not before Mama has lost her sh¡t.
Mama further lost her sh¡t when Dottie smiled one day and we’d realized she’d lost a few front teeth obviously going after armadillos on these “jaunts”.
That’s why the electric fence is now on and has added ground wires so they can’t avoid the live ones, and there are more wires on the parts that aren’t electrified.
If we’re going to do what we do and rescue unwanted dogs and give them good lives, it’s my job to do my best to get ’em to old age. I’m not doing them any service letting ’em off-property where I can’t see them and/or protect them. Yeah, the three-acre inner perimeter is probably sheer hell, but Lati’s managed to tree quite a few skwirrelz in that perimeter and Mama’s brought them down for him.
So while Mr. X wants to shrug his shoulders with, “Dogs will be dogs,” they’re going to be SAFE dogs on MY property.
I’m sorry, I get a leetle *passionate* about this stuff.
And I swear, if that kid up the street ever goes to jail (like he should) I’m stealing that Ridgeback mix of his.
That dog is pure love. If I stop on the street because he outside the fence, he’ll come up to my car door, jump up, and as gentle as you please rest his paws on the door.
And then rest his head on his paws.
His only downside is he has *0* clue about his resting strength. He can knock you over just leaning on you.
Oh, good God. Watching the media trash Gus, Creigh Deeds son. If this had been a conservative the media would be all over themselves as to why he deserved to be stabbed multiple times by his innocent son.
Don’t feel too bad, Rabbit. Mr. X and I forgot two years in a row. And we only *just* had our eleventh!
Good Morning EveryGerbillyBody!
Other than that Zombie Pug image freaking me out, I ain’t got much. It’s the final week of production, and of course my two co-workers are off to the L.A. Auto Show for three days.
S’not like I don’t do most of the editorial sh¡t on my own anyway. I’ll just get more phone calls.
BUT…I bought a new keyboard last night at Wally World -- it’s a gaming keyboard, but it’s got programmable macros! I can program in the *sentences* that I type over and over again in some emails and now just push a button!
I’d said to the kid I was talking to, “I had an editorial program that would let you program your own macros, but that was years ago and DOS-based.”
At “DOS” the head began to tilt.
“Sorry, before you were born…nevermind”
Yeah, so that’s my excitement.

We busted some butt over the weekend and got the gate supports up the driveway, which wasn’t too bad. The digging the holes (with the auger on the tractor), then setting the supports and *then* leveling the suckers.
This is the one the gate’s actually going to hinge to:
No one can say Mr. X doesn’t do nice work.
What you can’t see is those suckers are 45″ in the ground. We had some fun getting them out of the shop. He built them with the door closed. With the door *open* the opening is 8″ shorter.
Thank G-d for dollies and floor jacks.
Flag poles with lights on top will extend up from each front post -- and we’ve got some retro barn lights for the lights. It’ll look really nice when it’s done -- the fencing will be secure, and truly this place will be what the plaque that’s going to mount on the gate says it is: “Mutt Haven”.
Wow. That was entirely more than I intended on writing…otherwise I seem to be holding up -- better physically than mentally at the moment -- but that’s just the craziness that comes with every production cycle (that seems to get worse every time around -- freakin Mangler™).
Love y’all.
Oh crap! Coffee!

Good morning, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, TeX! Thanks for the coffee -- you do brew a mighty nice cup!
Nice looking gate! Is it to keep the donkeys, camels, and zebras out, or in?
Happy Tuesday morning from Larryville, GN!
Hai, TeX and Paddy!
Mac --
When Jackson’s lying on his back, the underside of his muzzle is shaped remarkably like the thread GIF lizard’s.
RabBeet --
Hope you get to go gambling without TM; I can only shake my head re WG.
Well…my work here is through.
The yay for your new programmable macro keyboard; hope it saves you much typing. (I tried for years to create “cut & paste” wordage for roof reports; alas, there are enough differences from roof to roof that using ’em always looked like precisely what it was…not acceptable.)
Lurve the way the gate’ll look; hope you’ll share photos when it’s done, including flagpoles and lights. Will you have an automatic opener or strictly manual operation?
Perfect! Awwww…
Cheers for teh coffee; jeers for teh Mangler™.
Paddy, it’s the last step in keeping the dogs in.
With a hound mix like Dottie -- she would like to go on “jaunts” -- that have lasted six hours.
Sometimes she takes Lati with her -- they seem to split up at some point because he usually comes back earlier.
But not before Mama has lost her sh¡t.
Mama further lost her sh¡t when Dottie smiled one day and we’d realized she’d lost a few front teeth obviously going after armadillos on these “jaunts”.
That’s why the electric fence is now on and has added ground wires so they can’t avoid the live ones, and there are more wires on the parts that aren’t electrified.
If we’re going to do what we do and rescue unwanted dogs and give them good lives, it’s my job to do my best to get ’em to old age. I’m not doing them any service letting ’em off-property where I can’t see them and/or protect them. Yeah, the three-acre inner perimeter is probably sheer hell, but Lati’s managed to tree quite a few skwirrelz in that perimeter and Mama’s brought them down for him.
So while Mr. X wants to shrug his shoulders with, “Dogs will be dogs,” they’re going to be SAFE dogs on MY property.
Hard to disagree with that sentiment.
Just got back from Walmart.
aisle-blocking seasonal merchandise displays
+ waddlebutts
+ corpulence scooters
+ smart phones
+ lack of situational awareness
Fatwa asking Santa for an Uzi
Good afternoon, everyone!
I looooooooove that thread gif. Fatwa is right — that lizard does look remarkably like Jackson on his back, asking for the tummy rubs.
Happy Anniversary, Rabbit & BW!
TeX, you are the best doggie mom evar.
I’m sorry, I get a leetle *passionate* about this stuff.
And I swear, if that kid up the street ever goes to jail (like he should) I’m stealing that Ridgeback mix of his.
That dog is pure love. If I stop on the street because he outside the fence, he’ll come up to my car door, jump up, and as gentle as you please rest his paws on the door.
And then rest his head on his paws.
His only downside is he has *0* clue about his resting strength. He can knock you over just leaning on you.
And this is a problem because…?
That’s a lot of lurve. Some friends in L.A. have a foundling puppy who grew-up to be about 150 lbs. of lean-on-you affection.
Oh, good God. Watching the media trash Gus, Creigh Deeds son. If this had been a conservative the media would be all over themselves as to why he deserved to be stabbed multiple times by his innocent son.
My Gettysburg address:
Shut the fuck up you liberal racists.
Hee, redux!
Happy Anniversary to Rabbit y BW. Hope y’all have many smores.
Just for fun:
That was pretty well-executed; the über creepy animation was nice, too.
(I remember when the original version was so popular it was unavoidable.)