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Just Sven
10 years ago

Good morning and happy Friday!

Thanks, Paddy.

Troll cat is a bit mopey and confused. Or so I think. Cats are hard to figure.

Still warm out here--hoping it cools down a bit as the weather people have promised.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

TGIF, GN and g’morning Sven!

Sven --

I neglected to read Wednesday’s M.O.; GoodWifeK and I send our belated condolences re Freckles.


Paddy O'Furnijur
10 years ago

Happy Friday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Sven and Fatwa!
Sven -- when our dog passed, our cat was the same way -- and yes, it’s hard to tell with cats. I’m sure Mac would agree.
‘Coons, on the other hand…

Just Sven
10 years ago

Coons on the other hand indeed, Paddy.

Thanks Fatwa.

Off to the salt mines--hopefully a couple of degrees cooler today.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Mac --

Please let us know how you’re doing.


Just got back from a Walmart run; meat prices, along with other stuff, have jumped 10-20% just in the last two weeks.

There are 537 people inside the Beltway who need to be introduced to 2″x4″s in the, shall we say, strongest possible manner.

John the Baptist
10 years ago

Howdy Ho, Good GN Neighbors!

Sorry for the long dry spell in dropping by, am busier than Obama’s excuse wrangler these days.

Good thoughts and prayers for Mac, hope he continues to heal and rest well. The “Sickbay” thingy is new since my last visit, something going on with Mr. TeX?

All is well with us, though quite busy. Between work, ministry, business travel, immediate family illness, more work, more ministry and remaining family going completely insane in various and sundry ways…I think my next day off is May 14.

In 2016.

Thank you, I’ll be here all week. Try the veal and tip your waitress.

10 years ago

Happy Friday GN! It seems like a year since I got back from the beach last Friday. Continuous work, mostly under rules of SILENCE because the Cyber Academy was administering state tests all week at the Hall. Starting, I may add, at 6:30 in the morning. The tests don’t start until 9, but the site coordinator is a might bit OCD. The only morning I was there before her was Thursday when I came in at 4:15 AM!!!! to make breakfast for a delivery.
Hey JtB! Glad to see you! Must have been your ears burning -- I was pitching your books Thursday morning -- see above whining -to some RV folks at Stone MT. ( I’ve been delivering meals to them all week. One more tomorrow night.)
Sven: so sorry about Freckles ( your cat, not my only semblance of a tan). Poor Troll cat. Perhaps a LOLcat will help? I hope your salt mines get some cool air soon.
Fatwa: Congratulations on the new roof gig! How’s the new band going?
Mac: what Fatwa said.
Paddy: Good luck with the hyperventilating AP students. I am enjoying my first May in 11 years without any in the house.